Chapter 4

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"Thanks for the ride" I told Stacy as we got her car. "No problem, Babe," she slid on her sunglasses as she came to meet me by her side. "By they way, why didn't you answer my text last night?" "I must have fallen asleep," I lied . Guilt swept through me. "Its fine," She said absently as her eyes gazed at something over my shoulder.I follow her gaze to a familiar black car swiftly parked in one of the parking spaces. The passenger opened as Justin ducked out , sunglasses covering half of his face. "Damn, look at that ass" I heard Stacy whisper.

His hands were empty as he walked with one buried deep in his jean pocket. I looked around realized that some of the other girls in the lot where also staring at him. He was like some kind or magnet or something. I shivered slightly as I remembered last night, the look in his eyes as he held me and then the way his lips brushed against my temple like a moth's wing.

"C'mon were going to be late for class," I mumbled , wishing I can somewhat drop Stacy's obsession about him. It wasn't healthy at all. we walked over to the doors of the building at the same time he did.I avoided his gaze and he didn't say anything as he held the door open for us. With Stacy stammering out a thank you. "Anything for you gorgeous" I heard him say in a silky voice as I walked ahead.Stacy let out a flustering giggle and I rolled my eyes, heading to my locker and violently opening it. Stacy's locker was right next to mine, sadly, and i could hear every word of there conversation as i glared at my English textbook in my locker.

"So are you up for anything tonight?" Justin asked in a flirtatious yet charming manner. Stacy let out a sigh, as though he asked the saddest girl in the whole wide world. No wonder she took drama classes. "I'm actually am not.but Hey! there is always last minute plans " She added I shoved my books the books i needed into my bag and i shut my locker and turn around but only to come face to face with Tony. "hey-" Tony started and then got interrupted by the bell. "I was so close to going out with him" Stacy told me as we were walking to our classes,i didn't know hoe much longer i could take it. " He's just a jerk " Amber tried to soothe her. "You have to stop wasting your time on him" "That's it" she said firmly. "No more Justin Bieber". why does that sound so familiar? oh yeah, cause Stacy has said it 100 times before. "No more" Amber said while patting her shoulder and giving me an eye roll." I'll talk to y'all later" I told them heading over to Anatomy.

I stepped inside inside and went over to sit at my table where he already has been seated. I sat down and ignored him and scooted my stool far from him as possible. "Alright guys, we are heading up to the library to do some more research on your projects" Mr. Davidson said in front of the class. everyone got up from there seat and headed out the door and i followed them. when we got to the library i stood there for a minute heading off the the upstairs section and took a set on the floor by two big book selves and took out my binder and started on the project. "if I didn't know any better, I'd think that you are hiding from me , Grey" I looked up just as Justin took a seat by me. leaning back on the book self , I ignored him and took out a pencil, looking threw the book seeing if there's any stuff I need to write.

He acted if so that last night didn't happen, "Oh the silent treatment. I never know why you girls do that" "Oh idk maybe why don't you ask Stacy" I shot back and regretted it instantly . there was a pause then he suddenly burst out laughing.."You- You" he tried to say as he contained his laugh. I gave him a glare before I looked back at the paper. "Your jealous?" he finally go a breath to say. I scoffed "Jealous of what , I don't have anything to be jealous about" He grinned slightly " Do you now?"

I set my pen down realizing I couldn't get any work down with him around. " I have a few questions" the smile on his face faded as he soon became to look wary "About" I met his glance determined to get a answer out of him. "About last night" The last traces of amusement vanished from his face and he narrowed his eyes. "I don't think so." I crossed my arm over my chest. "I want an explanation... or i am going to the police.." he chuckled "You'd do that now." " you owe me an explanation!" I lowered my voice realizing it was a library. "I owe you nothing" His voice was flat. I stood my ground no matter how much my instinct told my to run. "What your doing is illegal" "And?" he said as there was no big deal about it. I stared at him with disbelief "Your breaking the law.Please tell me one good reason why I shouldn't give you up to the authorities" He tilted his head to the side, studying me with his furrowed eyebrows as if telling me to continue.Taking a deep breath. "Why do you do what you were doing last night?" . His mouth dropped a little i could tell he did not like the question i just asked. "Money" he spoke "and you couldn't get a job like a normally person?" "I'm not normally" he stated that's it ? that's his excuse?.

"Do you have a crush on me" He asked out of the blue.. I should have seen this coming,"Yeah once during freshman year. I had my hands full and you opened the door for me . I know it sounds weird but after that I decided that I was madly in love with you. nut now i am over it." I finish quickly , my cheeks are deep red. I waited for him to mock me but he didn't he just stared at me, I hastily looked down not wanting to meet his eyes. "So.. umm" I cleared my throat "Are you really in a gang?" "Nah I work solo" he smiled although It didn't met his eyes. Maybe Justin Bieber wasn't All Bad like everyone thought he was, He seemed quite decent.

"So do you like Tony?" My head snapped at this question "What?" "Do you like Tony" He asked with his eyebrow raised. "He's my boyfriend , of course I do" I said feeling insulted. He rolled his eyes "He's your boyfriend big deal, You guys are like wax figures when y'all are around each other or something" "Excuse me? since when did you become matchmaker" He smiled "Oh I have seen gold fish kiss better than y'all do" I stiffened "You think you know everything there's is to know" In a flash , I found myself against the book self with him leaning dangerously close . "Oh i don't think babe" his voiced lowered "I know" I swallowed "Don't fool yourself Justin , You know nothing" "I believe that is a challenge" his infamous smirk appeared across his face "I think you need to know how much i love games" I tried not to let him get the best of me, I gave him the best sneer. "Oh yeah,then it game on!"



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