Chapter 29

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   "Why exactly are you doing this again?" I demanded as Zoe curled my hair and Amber shuffled through the shopping bags they had returned with. "I told you it was a surprise." Zoe grinned that grin of hers made me very suspicious. "And I cant believe I'm helping with this." Amber mumbled, tugging something out of the bag.

  "Here'' she threw the fabric at me. "Put it on." "At lease give me an explanation!" I crossed my arms over my chest as Zoe finished the last lock of my hair. "You'll find out in about ten minutes," Zoe shoved the fabric at me. It was a dark corset dress, "Oh no, I've  learned my lesson on wearing dressed from you," I shot Zoe a glare. "Put the damn thing on." Zoe rolled her eyes , annoyed.  I reluctantly put it on, making sure not to mess up my hair. 

  "See?, Its not that bad," Zoe continues, tying up the dress for me in the back. "Now can you tell me why I am all dolled up?" Amber and Zoe both shook their heads, and Zoe gave me a pair of black heel making it go just right with the dress. 

 "Lets go, lets go," Zoe tugged on my hand, seeming very excited now. With me protesting , they both led me out of the room and down stairs. Night had already fallen and people bustled around, the sidewalk and streets full of pedestrians. 

  "There he is!" Zoe waved her hand and I tried to see who she was trying to get the attention of. "You guys took your time." Justin spoke dryly, as he leaned against a car.

 My jaw dropped open. Was this what I think it was? Nononono, my imagination was probably just running wild because surely Justin Bieber wasnt- "Be happy we even did it for you," Amber replied back sparkly. "And I'm warning you, Bieber. If you-" "Alright alright, we are their time." Zoe said pulling Amber away. "Make sure to use protection! We don't want a little baby Justin running around so soon now do we!"

  I turned around to face Justin to find him grinning in amusement at Zoe; which was the total opposite of my reaction. "So wait lets get this cleared," I spoke , trying to make my face cool down. "You're behind all of this?" My voice was filled with disbelief. He shrugged nonchalantly, straightening himself up and opening the passenger door to the car he had been leaning against, waving for me to get in, I slide in, eyeing the leather exterior of the car. "You still didn't answer my question."

  He glanced at me as he stared the car and pulled it onto the bust road. " What? Cant I do something nice for you and not be interrogated?" "No because you never do something nice for me," I pointedly said, raising my eyebrow. "Whats the catch?" "Ouch.I just thought you could use a break, Brooklyn," He sounded hurt. "Do you know what date it is today?" He asked "Er." I blinked . to be honest, ever since I'd left home. I'd completely lost track of time; I wasn't even sure what month it was currently, Justin sighed. "Its the fourth of July." "Oh." Whoops. 

  "And we," He continued, suddenly slowing down the car. He drove through some kind of parking lot that was already crowded with people. I could see American flags and those glow sticks that light up. "Are you going to watch the fireworks and act like everything is normal for just tonight and we're actually not hiding from a crazy killer." He spoke conversationally. 

  "Normal huh? I am pretty sure I remember you telling me that you were anything but normal," I said as he turned of the car. "Well I don't know if you know this," He got out of the car and shot me a smirk over the roof of it as I followed after him. "I'm also a very skilled actor." "Oh trust me, I know," I rolled my eyes, my voice filled with sarcasm.

  "You should probably watch that pretty little mouth of yours, Grey." He popped open the trunk and got out a checkered blanket and a picnic basket "Hmm, I'm impressed," I spoke"You went all the way didn't you?" He raised an eyebrow at me as children and their fa miles interacted around us. "Of course. What did you expect?" "None of this actually," I answered truthfully, following after him onto the grass where people were already setting up blankets; I think I even saw a tent or two.

    He didn't say anything to that but simply laid down the blanket on top of it. I slipped off my heels and sat down on the blanket, trying to get in a comfortable position which is practically impossible in a dress. I tugged the dress lower as it hitched up. "I hate dressed sometimes," I grumbles as he took a seat beside me. "You could always take it off." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

  "Shut up" I said, I heard him chuckle. We sat in silence for a minute and I watched as everyone else started to settle in a hush seemed to slowly fall across the field seemed like the fireworks were about to start soon. 

  "Grilled cheese sandwiches" I mused , as I took them out the basket. Justin snorted. "I let Sean handle the food." "Should I be cautions,then?" I gave him one of the sandwiches and then eyes the one in my hand. "No I don't think so." I took a bite of the sand which and chewed slowly; it wasn't that bad actually.

  Just then a loud noise crack;e through the air and a firework lit up the sky, and then another, I stared up in saw at the colors that spread across the night sky. Sure I'd attend some events back home, but those were nothing compared to this. I glanced at Justin who was looking up at the sky with curious detachment, the colors from above in his eyes. 

  "Why did you do all of this?" I suddenly blurted out , still looking at him. I felt like the reason he had given me was only part of the truth. there was a much bigger motive behind this. He turned to look at me, his face betraying nothing. He stayed silent for such a long time, I started to think that he wasn't going to give me an answer. 

 "I told you I was going to prove it to you," He finally spoke and he sounded uncertain. Confused , I gave him a questioning look. "I know you didn't believe it when I told you that... I cared about you," It looked like he was having a hard time saying those words. He broke contact and stared back at the fireworks that were still going on. "SO that's whats this is all about?" I finally spoke, and when he didn't say anything, I continued "You know you didn't have to go through all of this." 

  He laughed softly. "I know you Brooklyn Grey. " He spoke "You re the type of girl who wants flowers on valentines day and good night messages and someone to whisper sweet nothings in your ear." I tilted my head up to stare at the fireworks. "I thought that was what I wanted," I whispered. "But now I'm not even sure myself." 

  He didn't speak for a minute or two, but the he let out a huff of breath. "Lets worry about some other time shall we ? Tonight were normal, remember?" "Right." I agreed, taking another bite out of my almost forgotten sand which. "SO tell me," I spoke again, "Is taking girls out in dated and making a picnic for them something normal for you?''

  He let out a huff of breath. "No, actually. This is unfamiliar territory for me. I believe you are my first." As his words made my heart did a flip-flop. "Normally the only thing I do is just-" "Fuck'em and leave'em." I finished for him. He snorted , "You surprise me sometimes, Grey. Those are not kind of vulgar things I expect to come out your mouth." 

  "I think its the sandwich." I took another bite of it, feeling adventours. he snorted again What is up with him and snorting? We enjoyed the rest of the fireworks in silence. 



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