Chapter 7 (part 2 out of 3)

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My hand went over my mouth and I saw the girl pull back and look over his shoulder and directly at me. It was Lindsey. A nasty , gloating smile came across her face, and I took a step back, feeling as though some has physically slapped me. My eyes went warm and I turned around and escaped before I could let her have the satisfaction of seeing me crying. I had to get out of here ,now.

I searched for the front door, blinded by my tears, I don't know how I really got here, but I found myself standing in a long hallway with doors lining either side. Here and there couples making out , making my heart twist. Where the hell was I ?. "Hey , Hey are you alright?" I look up to see a guy with bleach blond hair and a crooked smile. He looked familiar , but I couldn't exactly pinpoint where I have seen him before.

"I'm fine" I lied, wiping away my cheek. My hand come back with black and I realized my make up was running. "You don't look alright," He raised an eyebrow . "Want to talk about it?" I stared at him , we didn't even know each other, and he is asking me to tell him about my love life. why not.

"My boyfriend cheated on me." I blurted out , and my eyes watered again, saying out loud made it much more worse. "I didn't-even- I don-"I blabbered choking on my words.

"There, There" He put a hand on my shoulder. He had sat me down on the bed in what was suppose a guest room. He let me cry, letting it all out until there was no more tears left. "He must be crazy to leave you" The blonde boy said with a dubious expression. He shook his head like he couldn't believe how stupid Tony was.

"You are so beautiful." "Seems not if he kissed Lindsey " I hip cupped "I'm not" "You just need to open your eyes" I felt his arm go around my waist . the heat of his body going through the thin fabric of my dress. Next thing I know , His lips crashed on mine.

His kiss was soft, and sort of sweet but it felt weird, wrong. When I kissed him back, it seemed to encourage him because he tilted his head and deepen the kiss. An uneasiness settled in me as he pulled me back to lay on the bed with him hovering me. I felt his hand creep up my inner thigh and I stiffened. Oh god this was getting out of hand , I tried to pull back but he didn't seem to notice , I struggled a little.Moving my lips away from him , grasping as I was trying to get away from him off of me.

"Please , No, Stop" His weight was to heavy for me to push off, I felt like a load of bricks has been dropped on me......

To be continued.



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