Chapter 2

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"And then he grabs me by the collar and says that we were even before walking away" Tony finishes in a mystified voice. "That ain't right. Justin Bieber doesn't let people off the hook," Stacy states matter-of-Fact, as though she were an expert on him or something.

Stacy, Tony and I were sitting at our usual lunch table.They were both discussing on why Justin hadn't beaten up Tony while I sat there, staring at the pizza on my tray. I didn't dare to speak, feeling as thought I would spill everything. The chair next to m e screeched as Amber sat herself down, sighing dramatically. "Sorry, Mr. P held us back because someone broke a expensive microscope," She said. "So whatcha all talking about?" "Justin," Stacy said in a lowered voice as though it were some kind of secret. Amber rolled her eyes. She was probably the few females in school whom Justin hadn't gotten to. "What? did he get arrested again or something?" "More like he let Tony keep his face." Even Amber looked surprised.

The bell suddenly rand out, sounding shrill and making me let out a Breath or relief. "What do you have next?" Stacy asked me and I checked my schedule which I changed just this morning because of my art class I honestly had no artistic ability in me, and the class only caused me pain. "Anatomy with Davidson," I answered. She chortled. "Good luck, he's one tough ass teacher." Her and Amber said their goodbyes before heading to their own class.

"I'll walk you," Tony smiled and I grinned back. His smile was so sweet. His hand slipped through mine and we both headed to the science department building. "so I was wondering if you wanted to go to John's after school," He asked me as we stood outside the door. I frowned slightly, shouldering my bag. 'I'm sorry Tony but i have Volleyball, i can't today." I could see him trying to keep his smile intact. "Oh that's fine. Maybe some other time." he bent over to peck me on the lips but before he could, someone interrupted. "Tony! Hey!" My eyes narrowed at the blonde standing in front of us. Its Lindsey Hill. She was a cheerleader and had a thing for Tony, something he seemed unaware of. To her, I didn't even exist.

I entered the classroom which was already piling up and went to hand my schedule to Mr.Davidson. People said that he was A very strict teacher and even made poor little Marie Pope Cry. "Ah, Ms.Grey," Mr.Davidson said unsmiling, "Welcome to you can go take a seat right over there." He nodded to table in the back corner, The classroom had a lab tables instead of desk, each holding two per table.

Nodding, I headed over to where he had pointed and sat on the stool, putting my bag on the top. There didn't seem to be anybody who sat next to me. I gazed around the room , looking for someone who I could actually talk to. So far, there was no one. i was so lost in the thought I didn't notice the person next to me until I heard them announce "Fancy seeing you here, Grey." I stiffened, recognizing the smooth as a silk voice anywhere. I slowly turned around to see Justin seated next to me, amusement distinguishable in his eyes. What was he doing in AP Anatomy? "I could say the same to you," I stated , trying to keep my cool. "Alright, Alright, settle down!" Mr.Davidson spoke up before Justin could reply back. I turned back to face the front that i kissed him less than 24 hours ago. my fingers twitched as I thought of how soft his hair has been when I ran my fingers through it.

"So, today we are going to be starting a very big project," He was saying. "It will require for you two other partners to spend time outside the classroom .And before you get ahead of yourselves, I have already chosen the partners." he added the whole class groaned. "since this class is an uneven, there will be a three people per group. when I cal your group, come get these sheets from my desk and start doing the following steps on it." he pulled out the roll sheet and started calling out names. After more than half the students had gone up, I heard my name "Brooklyn Grey, Justin Bieber and Jessica steals." He did not sat what i think he said . with reluctance, I got up and gr abed the paper form Mr. Davidson. "And if anyone tries to change partners you will automatically get a zero!" Mr.Davidson raised his voice "Please note that this project is worth 60% of your grade " everyone shut up immediately "Right now , i want you to gather up and write down something about the other. If you don't finish in class, it's due tomorrow first thing. the least it can be is a page.Get started!" I stood there for a moment , wishing someone would come and kill me. My eyes went to two people standing in front of me.

Justin gave me a lopsided grin with a killer glint in his eyes while the other chick, who I assumed was Jessica was staring at him in awe. for the love of God. "Well, let's get this over with" I signed out , taking out my notebook and turning to a fresh sheet of paper. Jessica took an extra stool to sit down and I took notice of fact how closely she scooted next to him. "why don't I go first ?" Jessica grinned, showing off her pearly whites as she threw her hair over her shoulder. I glanced warily at her but didn't object. "well, let's see." She tapped her bottom lip. "My names's Jessica, I love dancing, my favorite color id pink, I like sushi, and I'm currently single." I mentally face-palm myself. She could not be more obvious. And how the hell was i going to make a half of a paragraph out of that? "That's...nice" I got out , gripping my pen tightly in announced. I wrote down what she had said, feeling like I was wasting time. "well , why don't you go next,Justin" she turned toward him, her voice low as though she was trying to be seductive. How had this chick even gotten into AP Anatomy?? I tried to cover my snort as a cough but I could but I could tell Justin noticed, because he gave me a grin again. "Well, what do you want to know?" He asked , raising an eyebrow. I felt like his question was directed at me. I didn't bother speaking, letting Jessica do all the talking. She gave him simper smile, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Mmmm," Really. Someone Kill Me Now. Anyone.

"Blondes or Red?" She asked, confidence reeking from her. Oh come come on, not the question you need to be asking. Justin tilted his head to the side , as though he were actually thinking about her question. His tyes suddenly slid onto me and slow, sensual smaile spread across his lips. "Brunettes," He answeres her but he was still looking at me. I flushed , k nowing he was trying to irk me. I pretended to be busy writing things down but in reality my hands were shaking too much to even write. "Oh." I could hear the disappointment seeping from Jessica and I had to stop myself form grinning. I could just imagine her thinking about dying her blonde locks into brown. But then I got serious; they were just wasting time and there was no way in hell I was getting a zero because of either of them.

" Guys, we should really get this-" But before I could continue the loud bell interrupted me and my heart sank. Well this is just great. The class around me started packing and quickly headed out the door, including Jessica who looked very down. Justin also got up without another glance at me , headed for the door. I watched him leave out the door in disbelief before coming to my sense and shoving my notebook in my bag.

I got up and quickly hurried after him, catching a glimpse of his fading back. "Justin!" he heard me and stopped in his tracks to glance back. I stopped in front of him, ignoring the stares and curious looks from the people around us. "Come to confess your undying love to me, Grey?" He grinned , shoving a hand in his pocket. I rolled my eyes. "In your dreams." But then I saw the Look in his eyes and continues on hurriedly. "Don't even add anything to that. And what about out homework?" "what about it?" "I'm not going to fail this class just because my partners are dumb to do anything," I told him , glaring . "We need to get this done." "Well then," He suddenly leaned forward and grabbed my hand, startling me. Before I knew what was happening, he glided his pen across palm and let go immediately after he was done. He gave me a grin, "Call me, and we'll go out on a homework date." He whispered at me before sauntering down the hallway. "But make sure it's before six!" He called out over his shoulders, making more people stare. The eyes of thirsty girls followed after him.

I stared at the seven numbers on my palm written in black ink. This was probably something most girls would die for. I was wonder what Stacy would say if she found out. But one thing was sure though. There was no way in hell I was calling him.



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