Chapter 13

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    I had no track of time. It could have been days or even weeks since I'd been....kidnapped who knew? It'd been a few days since mine and Justin's talk and I hadn't seen him since then.

    Jake, Seth and Zoe kept me company usually, and sometimes even Sean would come and talk to me. They'd given me a small amount of liberty which meant that I could now get out of the room and actually walk around the house.

   Since Justin had dropped the bomb on me and told me my Dad was still alive, I had become restless. I mean , I had always been convicted that he had died, my Mom had even told me that he had gotten killed with a gun shot and to think all of it was a lie...

    I was currently sitting in the living room, curled in a ball as I stared at nothing in particular, thoughts bouncing in my head. I could hear Seth rummaging in the kitchen just across from the living room; boy could eat a lot.

    Sighing, I sat up a little and reached for the remote, bored out of my mind. I turned the T.V on and slowly browsed through the channels, searching for something good to watch. 

  "Where here in California-"

     My thumbs paused on the bottom as I heard those words. It was the news channel and a women with blonde hair stood in front of a very familiar looking cemetery and I realized where I'd seen it before; It was the same cemetery i used to walk by everyday on my way to school. I stood straight up, my interest perking up as the women continued talking.

    "The same city in which the currently mising teen Brooklyn Grey used to live in with her Mother," My heart seemed to stop breathing, my breath stopping as my eyes glued to the T.V screen

     "After weeks of searching its been reported that Brooklyn Grey has passed away. Today was the day she was supposed ti graduate from Eastwood High School and in respect, the whole town and school have come to pay their respects."

      The camera moved to the show the crowd, half of them dressed in the deep red graduation gowns and caps. It zoomed in closer to the crowds and I recognized all the people I used to go to class with, Their expressions forlorn. For a minute , the camera paused on Tony and I could see his eyes were red as he stood next to Lindsey which was surprising . The camera then went closer and I saw a gravestone being set, and right next to it stood my mother.

     My haands went to cover my mouth to stop the gasp from escaping, my eyes filing up. The expression on her facce was ripping me to shreds and I felt like knives were being punctured in my stomach. She wore a black dress. Her face was set straight, her lips pressed together as she stared down at the gravestone. I noticed Amber and Stacy standing by her.

    "Brooklyn was beautiful." Her voice cracked and warm tears spilled out of my eyes as I looked at my mother breaking down in front of me. "She was going to do so much with her life , and she even got accept into Cambridge, which I'm sure if she was here, she would have been ecstatic about it. It was her dream college you see-" She paused and with horror I realized she was staring to cry.

    This was wrong. Mom never cried.

   Suddenly the screen went black, stopping at what the New's reporter was saying. I looked up and found Justin standing next to the sofa, the T.V remote in his hands. He was wearing the red graduation grown which was shocking. "You shouldn't be watching that." He threw the remote down and took off the gown, tossing it next to the remote.

    I slowly got up ,loookin at him with my tear streaked cheeks. "This is all your fault."I whispered, pointing at the now blank screeen. "they think I am dead." he shrugged. "Trust me, its better that way"

     "Trust you?" I clenched my fists. "I'd rather really be dead than to ever trust you. You did this to me, you put me in this mess, you Justin Bieber , are mean-'' I started to say but tears come down my face.

      He signed, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. "Brooklyn." He made a move to come closer to me but I automatically stepped back. "Don't ." I whispered. " Dint touch me." He paused , staring at me. "Look, you don't understand-"


      "Oh a lover's quarrel.'' Both of our heads snapped to look at the person who had just walked in. I recognized him immediately; He was the same guy from the party, th one who wanted to talk to Justin. Wasn't his name Chase or something?

      He was smiling in amusement as he wasled over and sat himself on the sofa, propping his legs on the table. "Oh please, do continue.'' He waved a hand politely.

     Justin narrowed his eyes at him. "What is it this time?"

    Chase ignored him, grinning at me. "Pleasure to meet you again , love. How has life been treating you?" "Life is being a bitch." I muttered to him sarcastically.


   Chase rolled his eyes and looked  at Justin . "I was having a conversation here,mate." Justin ignored his comment. "What do you want" Chase ran a hand through his blond hair making it even more messy and raised out a fancy looking envelope. "I've got it."

   He threw it at Justin who caught it with perfect grace. "What is it, exactly?" He asked as he opened up the envelope. "There invitation for the party. In three days." Chase answered. I stood there with my arms over my chest having no clues of what they were talking about.

  "All of you are going." Chase continued."I'm 200% sure Scarfac is going to be there with his gang. They want to have a talk with you about you know what." Justin nodded, closing back the envelope.

   "You know," Chase tilted his hands. "I could keep a watch on this lovely lady," He nodded at me, "While you're gone." " No," Justin immediately butted. "She's coming with us."

  '' I am not going anywhere with you," I finally spoke , glaring at him. "Well , you're coming weather you like it or not." Justin didn't look at me. "No I am not." I argued back; he had no authority over me.

   Chase was looking back and forth between us as though he were watching a tennis match. "Yes, you are" He turned to give me a look, his toned raised, and sounding final and commanding.

   Feeling like I would start screaming If I opened my mouth to speak, I whipped around and marched upstairs to my prison-room. I made sure to slam the door as hard as I could behind me. Burying my face in the pillow , I let my anger out through my tears.

    I just wanted my normally life back, was too much to ask for?



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