Chapter 18

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I Jumped .

As I went down , I tried to scream but no words came out and the wind whipped at me fiercely. One minute i was flying and then the next I felt myself stop and crash very hard, the breath being knocked out of me. "I've got you." Justin whispered in his arms wrapped tightly around me.

I'd seen plenty of movies where the girl falls and the guy catches her perfectly and after he'd catch her romantic music would play in the background and then they would kiss passionately or what not. Well let me clear something out for you guys . There is nothing romantic about falling and feeling like you'd just been hit by a sack of bricks. And there would definitely no be any passionate kissing involved. No matter how much I wanted there to be.

"C'mon , before they see us." He put me down on my legs and I tried to regain my balance as my knees shook violently. I could hear noises and the bangoing coming from the house and I followed him toward his car. We both quickly got in and he started the car and drived out of the driveway with a loud screech.

"what's happening?" I asked him in a shaky voice as I gripped the seat's armrest . Justin was driving like a lunatic "They're Brax's men," He spoke curtly , repeatedly glancing at the review mirror every so second or so. "I suppose he's still pissed about the whole thing in the mansion."

I swallowed . "What about the others? Are they going to be-" "They'll be fine." He suddenly jerked the steering wheel and the car jerked around a sharp corner, flinging me against the car door.

"You should probably put your seat belt on." He advised , without looking at me. "where are we going?" I slid on the seat belt, glancing at the flashing scenery. "Could you be quiet for a minute?" He growled , his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel tightly. Ouch.

I ignored the pang of hurt that stabbed at my heart and lowered my eyes to stare at my lap. Fine, I wouldn't talk. I stayed quiet as he drove to god knows where. A few minutes later, Justin's phone seemed to ring he picked it up, glancing at the screen to ring to see who it was. Oh dear, I thought as he removed his eyes from the road. The car stopped so suddenly that I flung forward, my seat belt stretching and pushing me back against the seat.

I glared at him in irritation as his bad driving but he was too busy with his phone. "Stay inside." He demanded as he picked up the phone and got out of the car . "Hello?" I heard him say as he shut the car door behind him. We seemed to be on the highway somewhere. I watched Justin run a hand through his hair and spat something in the phone before shoving it in his jean pocket. He walked back over and got in the car, muttering a stream of curse words. I opened my mouth to say something but thought better and closed it back shut.

"Ther's a small hotel just couple of miles from here," He said flatly. "we'll be spending the night there?" My curiosity was getting greater and greater and I didn't think I would be able to stay quiet any longer. What the heck was going on??.

We arrived at the hotel in ten minutes and Justin parked the car before getting out and I followed suit. The hotel was really nice. "Welcome to the Fairmont Hotel, how may I be of your service?" The guy at the front desk gave us a polite smile as we headed over.

"Do you have two available rooms" Justin asked in a bossy tone. I shot him a look again. At least he could be nice , He started searching through his computer before saying, "We actually only have one unbooked room, the rest are either booked or someone is already staying in them."

He narrowed his eyes in annoyance before saying "Fine, We'll take that room." After paying , the guy handed us the key and Justin shot him a glare. "Sorry about him,'' I whispered to the guy, smiling apologetically before hurrying after Justin.

"What exactly is your problem?" He turned around to look at me with an expressionless face. Leaning against the white wall, he matched my stance. "You." His lips barley moved as he spoke. "You are my problem." Double ouch. "Well , why don't you just kill me then? that'll get rid of problem." My voice quaved slightly.

"Too messy." He straightened up and took out his phone again, having no interest in me whatsoever. I was about to retort back when suddenly the door opened and Zoe and the other three guys crowded in. They looked pretty banged up. Their clothes were ripped and bruises and blood where everywhere. "I don't want to ever do that again." Zoe announced, flopping down on the bed. "Did everything go fine.?" Justin put his phone down on the bed, walking over. "If fine you mean we kicking their asses," Sean didn't even bother going on the bed, he simply collapse on the floor where he was standing.

"Then yes, it went great." "We got some clothes and stuff." Seth held out a couple of duffle bags before setting them down. "If anybody going to tell me what the hell is going on?" I said loudly , trying to contain my anger. All their heads snapped up to look at me. "Those goons were Brax's guys." "I know that." I said.

She signed , rolling her eyes. "Okay so those ugys attacked us beacuse Brax the Butt wants revenge for buring his manison and is very pissed. And so I guess he wants to kill all of us and-" "Zoe," Justin warned, but kept going.

My heart fell and I felt like I was going to collapse like Sean had done and just laying there until everything turned back to normal. "So he wants us all killed?" Justin was shooting daggers at Zoe but she ignored him. "Well, one person in particular." ''And that would be?" I asked , even though I knew the obvious response would be Justin.




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