Chapter 12

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   My heart was pounding loudly as I swallowed, waiting for him to irrupt or something. His eyes were cold as they glared at me.

  "Get. Inside.The. Damn.House." He practically growled at me. "now."

  "But-" He grabbed my arm , ducking his head so he could look at me straight in the eye. "God, Brooklyn, Why are you so-, What part of my words can you not understand"

   "I just want you to let me go." I said. "What did I ever do to you? why me?" His expression darkened and he let go of arm. "You want to know? Fine." He turned around and started walking towards the house , dragging me alone with him. Sean must have disappeared somewhere because he was nowhere in sight, still holding me. He led me to a part of the house I'd never seen before, taking me into a tiny room just a little bigger than a walk in closet.

   "This." He spoke , stabbing his finger at the yellowing newspaper clipping taped to the wall."This is why you're here.'' I took a tiny step closer to the wall, trying to read the text. The headline read:

Big Accomplishment For Small Town Cop.

Just two days ago, small town cop Nathaniel Grey shot and killed a gang member - Ryan Butler while the teen was walking to a park around 10 pm . Grey said that Butler had said he was waiting for someone , when he asked butler to put his hands up he didn't , he stepped forward towards him and that's when Grey shot fire. Nathaniel Grey was awarded after they found Butler on the Wanted list.

My dad.

  My breath hitched as I finished I finished reading, dread filling me. I slowly lifted my head to look at Justin who stood like a statue, staring at me as he leaned against the wall next to the newspaper, his face hardened.

    "I-This has nothing to do with me." I finally spoke, my voice weak.

  "You dear father killed my best friend." He snarled . "Don't you know that saying? The one that goes 'an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth'' I didn't say anything "It fits perfectly for this situating, don't you think? except it going to be a life for a life." His voice was like a whiplash.

    "My dad is dead." I said, my voice cracked . "So what? Your planning on killing me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Your dad is alive. You mother probably told you he died, but he ran away to hide like the coward he is." I felt like I have been slapped in the face or something, I didn't know what to say.

   "And? what does that have to do with me?" I asked . It was like a miracle that I could even speak.

     "He must have left some kind of information with you." He stood straight , leaning closer , and pinning me against the wall , His hands resting on either side of my head."Go on, tell me" My eyes rested on his lips for a minute before rising up to meet his eyes. I laughed slightly but probably sounded like a wheeze. "You're delusional if you think I know something"

    "Really? So your saying your dad just left out of the blue?He didn't talk to you or say goodbye or anything?" He said. my mind went back to the summer night four years ago when I had been 14......

    (Flash Back) 

I was sitting on the swing , Dad had made for me in our backyard, staring up at the sky . it was like there were too many stars for the sky to have.

  "Brooklyn." I looked down as my dad walked toward me. he seemed panicked, beads of sweat clung to his forehead. "Hey dad." I grinned "Guess what happened- " "Not now baby, I need you to listen." he whispered urgently. He bent down and took my hands, staring into my eyes "Brooklyn, this is important." I frowned , getting the feeling that something was wrong. "dad , whats-"

      "I don't have much time.'' He interrupted. "Brooklyn, there are some things I need to do, alright honey? I might be gone for some time. I just want you to know I love you, no matter what happens."

    "dad your scaring me." I widened my eyes. "I need you to take care of Mommy alright? And I know you can, you're such a strong girl. You-re going to grow into being such beautiful woman."

 "Daddy-" I gripped his hand as I saw his eyes shining with unused tears. "Don't forget, I love you.Tell your mom that , too wont you? i love you so much. A loud  bag sounded distant. "listen , i have to go now."H e got up '' I am sorry." dad kissed my forehead. "Make me proud,baby"

  "Dad, what- dad!" I scrambled up as another bang came and before I knew what was going on, he was running , camouflaging with the night.



   "Brooklyn , inside, now!" My mom said just as our back window crashed

    We both ran inside just as another one of those loud noise came and I realized they were gunshots. I was starting to panic. "Mom whats going on?" I was starting to cry , my eyesight becoming blurry as she led me upstairs. and into my bed... "everything is going to turn out alright."

   (End of Flash Back)

      Reality came back rushing back to me and I found myself still staring into Justin's eyes . I realized I was clutching onto his arm and let go immediately wiped away a stay tear off my cheek.

   "I don't know anything."



I know it its a sucky chapter but the next one will be better :)

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