Chapter 24

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     The rain pelted violently down on us as I put my hood lower over my head, trying to catch up with Justin as he led the way to a small hotel. The storm was to violent and prevented us from continuing to drive without crashing. All through the ride , he didn't speak one word, his attitude wanted me to throttle him.

    I stood slightly to the side as he got us a room, shivering.Once he got the key and led the way to the room, I wordlessly ran pass him and went to the restroom to take a shower and dry off. Before opening the door and entering the room.

    I glanced at Justin who stood near the window , staring out and looking like a complete statue. Walking over to him. I stood with my arms crossed , giving him an annoyance glance. "You know , I'm really getting tired of you" I announced, leaning my shoulder against the wall and staring at him. 

    He closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. "Go to sleep, Brooklyn." I rolled my eyes, His threats may have worked with me long ago, but I was so past that. I wasn't the same old weak Brooklyn Grey who could be pushed around.

  "I'm not going to sleep until I get everything cleared." Although sleep seemed to start drooping but I forced them open. "And at least be polite enough to face me and talk" His jaw clenched and he slowly turned around , his eyes burning. 

   "What do you want?" He snapped. He looked tired . "To get over yourself." I matched his tone, poking him in the chest. "You know you know this is crazy, but I'm staring to get the idea that your jealous." Both his eyebrows raised as he scoffed. "Me? Jealous?" He said it as though it were something alien. "Exactly. You have no reason to be , but yet you so obviously are." I retorted. "What? Was it because of Jake?''

    Something flashed dangerously in his eyes but disappeared as quickly as it had come. "Jake? What about Jake?" I tried to be indifferent as I spoke , trying not to sound full of myself. "I'm assuming you didn't like the fact that he kissed me, by the way you behaved once I got in the car." Wow, I sounded snotty. And the thing with Jake wasn't even something you could imply as being a kiss.

  When he didn't say anything, I rolled my eyes and straightened. "You know what? Whatever?" I grumbled, walking away from him. "Oh, and by the way," I added nonchalantly as I headed toward the uncomfortable looking bed. "He's a better kisser than you."

  I just practically threw myself into the sharks, didn't I? You play with fire, grey, and you're most definitely going to get burned. His words echoed in my head. What happened next was totally unexpected. 

  His hand suddenly wound around my waist, yanking me to him and a gasp slipped out of my mouth. His lips were on mine before I could comprehend what was happening, his hands grabbing hold wrists as he forced me against the wall, pinning my hands near my head.

   The kiss was anything but gentle. His lips were like silk as they hungrily devoured mine and I felt a hot, burning sensation course all through out my body, every part of me was burning as I returned his kiss with just as much force, gripping his hair and pulling him as close as possible. As he pressed against me, I could feel his firm muscles through my thin shirt. It wasn't long before his tongue slipped through my lips, hot and wet as it explored my mouth.

    His hand stopped on the back of my knee and suddenly hitched it up, resting it around his waist and bringing my other leg up too without breaking the kiss. Well screw that.

    My heart was beating fast so hard against my rib cage that it hurt, my breath coming out in ragged gasp. I gripped his shirt as the kiss slowed, his lips becoming less rough against mine and his hands running through my hair lightly. A small moan slipped out my mouth. If he didn't stop, I was most definitely going to faint.

   Justin let my leg slide down to the floor again and he gave me one last kiss before pulling back slightly , his breath shaking as much as mine. We both stare at each other in complete silence, trying to regain our breath. His eyes seemed have lighten up so much, they were practically glowing.

   "What was that you said again, Grey?'' He whispered softly in my ear, his lips brushing my ear lope ion a dangerous caress. I swallowed , embarrassed at how much power he had over me. I could feel him smirk a she gently kissed the skin beneath my ear before abruptly letting me go and taking a step back.

    The smirk was still on his know kiss-swollen lips. His hair was slightly messed, his shirt was crumpled, giving him a disheveled look. I cleared my throat , my face burning as I tried to get my hair to go flat again, avoiding eye contact. "Now those words wont come out of your pretty little mouth again." I looked up as he fixed his shirt, heading toward the door. "Now go to sleep or tomorrow you'll be dead on your feet." he opened the door before giving me a wicked grin. "But don't worry, I still have plenty of more methods to keep you awake.'' 

    My face flushed again as he closed the door behind him, leaving my in the room. My heartbeat was still out of control . I could taste his lips on mine, still feeling the outline of his body on mine. Whereas Jake gave me butterflies in my stomach, Justin gave me exploding nuclear bombs, hundreds and millions of nuclear bombs. It was like I was melting every time he touched me.

    I let out a hoarse laugh, resting my head back against the cold wall as the rain continuously poured down, thumping against the window. "I am so screwed."



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