Chapter 5

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     Prom is around the corner and as part of the student council Lindsey assigned each committee job. Me, Daniel and Amber were part of the decorating and clean up committee. The decorating part wans't all that bad , but for clean up we would have to stay to stay until the dance has ended which is midnight. "Okay we have to have the worst jobs" Amber said as we walked out int to the parking lot , there weren't that many car out and it was raining heavily. "Do you guys want to go shopping for the decorations tomorrow?" Daniel came up to us , Amber and I agreed and we quickly made plans before Amber left. "Do you want a ride?" Amber asked "Its fine" I assured her " my house isn't far away" with her still looking insured , we parted ways and I watched her drive away.

     I quickly walked to my house which was 15 minutes away. It was getting dark , I walked threw the wet , my shoes and socks were drenched, and then the heavy clouds weren't helping either. five minute, I was shriving from head to toe once i finally reached home. Once i was inside i took a nice warm shower . I stepped out the shower and put some fuzzy pants on and a crop top , as i was towel my hair, I heard a door opening downstairs i furrowed my eyebrows. That's weird the only person who has a key to this house is me and my....

   "MOM!!" I widened my eyes. spiriting down the hall way, i found her hanging her coat.She turned to me and smile just before i tackled her in to a big bear hug. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back" I asked her. "Nice to see you too hun. " she muffled out. I pulled back grinning happily. "So how was New Zeland?" Mom traveled there alot for her job. She helped auction things off "Did you do any touring? What about-" "Whoa whoa , slow down tiger. I promise i will answer all you questions after i freshen up" she said . I nodded "You go do that and i Will have dinner ready in 15 minutes" she grinned "Chicken Pot Pies?"  I nodded. It was something that me and my mother did but not so often cause of work.

    I was just pulling out 2 pie out the oven when my mom came downstairs wearing sweats and a t-shirt. i know people always say how beautiful there mom is and everything, but mines really was. She had that ageless look to her. her hair, unlike mine, was a deep shade of red ,and the only thing we had similar was out eyes. My dad had blue eyes , i was interrupted by my thought when i heard the doorbell ring. "I'll go get it" my mom said before i could. 

     I heard murmuring of conversation before my mom closed the door and my mom came back. not alone. "What are you doing here?" the words spilled out of my mouth in shock. Justin stood behind my mom,  smiling with that infamous smile of his. "Oh honey, Justin came here to return this," she held out a file which was the 10 page essay for Anatomy. "I invited him for dinner if that is okay with you, he says you two know each other" I take the file from her and slowly take the towel off my head. "Oh he is my Anatomy partner" I mumble while glaring at him. why was he here ? it was not to just give my the file. There was so another motive to it. " thanks so much for having me over Mrs.Grey" Justin said in a sweet voice, not the one he used with me which was full of sarcasm.

    "Oh it nothing sweetie, I hope you like chicken Pot Pie " My mom waved her hand indicating for him to sit down, which he did. She also sat down. I stood there for a moment wondering, what the hell was going on. Justin Bieber was in my kitchen. Is this a sign of the Apocalypse. "Brooklyn take your seat" My mom told me as I stood there since could do nothing but play along. All though out dinner i stayed quiet, mumbling some words here and there. By then end he totally had my mom smitten. actually blushing. "Please do come back Justin" she told Justin "It was so nice meeting you" "The pleasure was mine" Justin smiled "Brooklyn show Justin the door" she told me "I've the dishes" I opened my mouth to argue but then i saw his expression on his face. "sure mom" I gritted threw my teeth. I walked out the kitchen not bothering if he was following me or not. once inn the hallway i faced him with my cheeks burning with angry. "what the hell are you playing at?" I hissed making sure my mom didn't hear , Justin arched an eyebrow " Grey, don't you know how to treat your guest ... tsk , tsk your mom would be ashamed of you." I balled my fist before my Brian could figure out what my body was doing my hand tried to shove him, i wasnt a violent person but something set me off wanting to hurt him. my hit didn't even him bulge a little. faster i have done it my mind registered what happen and alarms went off.. opps.

     Before I even knew what was happening. I was being turned around, one of his hands holding my arms against my back , as I pressed against his chest. His other hand resting around my neck. "I don't think so babe" his breathe fanned down my back sending chills down my spine. "You got yourself backed up in a corner and handed me a game on a sliver platter. And like I said' His grip tightened pressing me even closer to him , I could feel every muscle on his body. "I never lose" "well see about that' I got out trying to catch my breath. He slightly chuckled and his breath danced around skin. I felt his grip loosen as he suddenly pressed his lips  against the side or my neck, making my jump slightly." Then wish you the best of luck" He let me go entirely and gave me a razor smiling before heading out the door. Just before he closed it behind me, he turned back and slightly and added "Because you'll need it"  



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