Chapter 20

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Thanks so much for that 1k guys!! ..... well here chapter 20. Enjoy :)


I don't know when it was when I finally fell asleep but it felt like minutes before being shaken awake. "Brooklyn." I groaned, shutting me eyes tightly "Go away." I grumbled "Brooklyn we need to get going!" using all my willpower, I pried my eyelids open and glared at Jake "C'mon sleeping beauty, we gotta keep moving." With some difficulty I groggily got to my feet and rubbed my eyelids.Looking around the room I realized it was empty.

"Can I at least get a minute to clean up?" He nodded after brushing my teeth and stuff i went back out into the room "So where exactly are we going now?" I asked curiously as I followed him out the door. Jake buried his hand into his jeans pocket, his shoulders hunched against the cold bitter morning air. "Well for now, we need to get out of California as fast as possible." "And is Brax following us right now?" I said, trying to keep up with his stride.

"Not at this minute no, but it wont be long before he catches up," I watched as his eyes roamed through the parking lot. "Well you guys took your time" Zoe said leaning against a red convertible. "Well, sorry Oh Queen impatient, " Jake rolled his eyes, his voice sarcastic. She just gave him a playful glare.

I heard a door slam near us and Justin suddenly appeared, looking very refresh which wasn't very fair at all. He had on a snap-back and some leather pant and a white crisp shirt. I couldn't help it he looked so good in his out fit. Stop stupid hormones.

He didn't even spare a glance as he walked over. "Alright listen up.'' His voice was completely flat. "The first thing we need to do is sell our cars." It was like a universal gasp filled the air. "there is no way" "Are you fucking crazy" "Oh no."

"Listen out cars will catch attention and that is the last thing we want. Think about it, three top notch cars driving in the middle of nowhere. And don't forget the fact the Brax probably wont have a hard time tracking down the license plates for them. As much as I don't want to do this, its the smart thing to do." It was very logical , I thought.

"I am not selling my baby." Zoe put a protective hand on the top of her convertible. "No what, no how" Justin closed his eyes , pinching the bridge of his nose. "Zoe for god's sake, don't make this more difficult than it has to be." "And where exactly are we going to find someone to sell the cars to?" Jake asked . Justin open his eyes to lock with Jake's. I don't know if it was just me , but for a second I felt tension pass between them but it disappeared as quick as it had come.

"There's a car dealership in the next town, just 15 minutes away from here." He answered Sean huffed , "Well , lets get moving then. we've stayed here long enough." he said getting into Zoe's car. "Un-fucking-believable" Zoe growled before getting into her car and slamming the door.

Justin rolled his eyes at her before glancing at both Jake and me before walking toward his own car without another word. I looked at Jake he gave me shrug,a small smile playing on his lips. He opened the back door and gestured grandly at it. "Madame," He said in a formal voice, adding a British accent to it. I couldn't help but laugh as I got in. he was just so darn cute. He shut the door for me before himself sat down in front. As I put my seat belt . my humor disappeared in a blink of an eye as I realized whose car I was in and what exactly had happened the last time I was in here.

I leaned my head against the cold glass of the window, I watched the blindly at the suburb flashing by. The car suddenly stopped and I looked out to find more car surrounding us. Zoe's red convertible stopped behind us as we got out. I studied the place in doubt. It didn't seem like there had been a lot of business going on. signs covered with dust and grime sat here and there, the cars seemed to be dusty, some with flat tires, and others with broken windows.

"This is so disgusting." Zoe said as she walked over to us. "You want to trade there cars," She waved a hand over to her car. ''With these pieces of shits?" "Seems about right." Justin shrugged. "Sir we need a exchange for our cars." Jake stepped forward the the salesman that was walking over to us. The man stopped and his eyes widened as he noticed the cars before narrowing. "Is this some kind of joke?" "No sir." Jake continued. The man gave each of us a suspicious stare down and when his eyes went to mine, I flitted my eyes away quickly. "Well, choose whichever one you want. No refunds." He grumbled.

It didn't take long to choose the cars. We picked two Chevy's and the other was a van. "Well here you go then." The old man handed the car keys , one to Zoe ans the other to Justin. This is such a rip off. Zoe walked over to the van she would be driving with a scrunched nose. Seth and Sean were standing against Zoe's new/old car having there own conversation.

"Jake! come here and look at this!'' Zoe hollered out from across the parking lot. Jake groaned. I watch him walk away and he was more then half way there when I realized he had left me with Justin. Not cool.

"Nice doing business with y'all," The man nodded, a creepy smile on his face as he walked way whistling merrily. "I cant say the same," Justin grumbled and I tried not to smile.

And then it was like everything exploded at once. A loud bang come and what happened next was something I wasn't going to forget for the rest of my life. The loud scream slipped out of my mouth as I watched the man drop to the floor, blood pooling around him. His head had somehow completely been blown off and now laying a couple of feet away. It lay there with eyes opened wide staring up at the sky. I didn't know what was happening but I felt hands grasping me and dragging me toward the car. I had lost all thought process in my mind was realizing that I was being swept into the car that smelled like tobacco and it sharply turned and me being flung against the side.

''OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod." I bit my knuckles to keep another scream from coming out, tears filling my eyes. "Brooklyn calm down." I heard Justin say in a strained voice. "Stop the car!" I yelled out pressing my palm against my mouth. "Brookl-' "OPEN THE DAMN CAR, JUSTIN!" The car screeched to a halt but I was out before it even stopped. I walked from the car as fast as I could before the vomit came. It wasn't pretty.

I fell down on my butt on the hard gravel and rested my hands on my knee, the tears still in my eyes. I suddenly felt a pair of arms around me and I turned around to bury my head in his chest. Right now, I didn't give a damn it was Justin, I just needed some comforting something solid. And right now he was my rock.



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