Chapter 26 (Part 1)

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The next morning I woke up to find myself alone in the room, Wondering where Justin was, I quickly brushed my hair and took a shower. I was slipping my converse when the door suddenly opened and my head snapped up.

"There's something like knocking you know." I grumbled partly to myself as Justin walked in. What if I had been undressing or something? He didn't say anything and I eyed him silently as he headed to the bathroom, my nose wrinkling. He smelled strongly of girl perfume, the kind that made you want to gag. And his shirt was wrinkled beyond imagination.

"Go wait in the car." He spoke as he threw off his shirt and headed toward the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower.'' My face went warm as I stared at his muscular back as he walked back and the tattoos on his left arm were making him a lot more hotter. "Right." I mumbled I was about to walk out when his shirt caught my eye. I could see a splash of bright red , contrasting against the black shirt. I ran my fingers over the red. It could be just paint I thought.

I dropped the lipstick stained shirt back on the ground, feeling as though I would be sick. I walked out the room and out into the parking lot. I balled my hands into fists and crossing my arms over my chest as the cold, bitter wind stabbed me. I sat down in the car, grabbing a bag of Cheetos from. Five minutes later he wordlessly got in the car , the sent of him fresher and pine woods made my stomach turned.

God dammit , why did he have to smell so good? I thought to myself . Why couldn't he just stink like garbage or something. At least it'd make it easier to stop myself from jumping on him and licking his neck or something.

The silence was going to drive me crazy. We were driving for about 5 hours and the Cheetos weren't really helping with me stomach when I starting seeing civilization. A particular familiar sign that stood about 25ft tall caught my eye. It was colorful with bright lights and it read 'Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada.'

"Las Vegas?" The words slipped out my mouth in disbelief. "Yes ,Las Vegas." He said curtly. "Get use to it because we're going to be staying here for a couple days. He drove through the road and the crowed wasn't that much but I knew it would probably come alive a night .

He drove a few more minutes longer before stopping in front of a rather large hotel which I had to crane my neck to see the top of it. "We're staying here?'' I said , for a minute my anger at him forgotten. "Shouldn't we stay in a less conspicuous place?" He laughed dryly, getting out the car.

"There's nothing conspicuous here, sweetheart." I narrowed my eyes at his retreating back and hurried after him. "Don't call me that." I muttered. "What do you mean, sweetheart?" He was doing that on purpose.

My jaw dropped as we entered the hotel it was very extravagant. Justin was to busy on his phone to really pay attention to anything and I leaned against the small railing. The door suddenly opened and a familiar voice sounded. "There you are!" I turned around and watched as Zoe came in, with Sean and Seth and -my heart flipped- Jake.

"What are you guys doing here?'' I asked in surprise. It seemed like forever since I'd seen any of them. "Justin invited us and now we're going to have a sleepover!" Sean spoke in a high pitched voice. "Ohmygosh so exciting ! Lets paint our nails and have a pillow fight and-" He was cut short by the pillow Justin had thrown at him.

"You guys didn't get followed , right?' He asked , putting his phone away. Jake shook his head. "Not even once. Isn't it getting suspicious a little? Its like he forgot about us ." "Has Chase spoken to you? He hasn't kept in touch with us at all,'' Zoe's brows furrowed together in concern ."Its so unlike him." A tense silence followed after I rocked on the balls of my feet, feeling uneasy.

Justin finally sighed and rubbed his temples. "Lets just be careful for now. Until Chase contacts again, we have to be on alert." "Agreed." Sean nodded.

"Well." Zoe got up , stretching like a cat. "As long as were here,'' She gave me a Cheshire grin. "We get some shopping done." Oh no.


"B- What size dress are you?'' She asked and I gave her a suspicious look. "Why?'' She rolled her eyes. "I'm just curious.'' I gave her my size and such a wide smile spread across her face it was like she'd just received the news that Christmas had come early.

"I'll be right back!" She said excitedly before dropping her own shopping bags. After a minute later she came back holding a black cloth. "Okay, were done." She announced as she held the cloth in her hand. I raised an eyebrow. "Zoe what is that?" She waved an hand airly. Nothing. C'mon lets get going." Yep , definitely need to be scared.

We arrived back at the hotel which was glowing like beacon just like the rest of the buildings. Zoe headed over to her own booked room and told me she'd join me after she put the clothes away. I headed toward my own room as I wondered how the hell was i going to put all the clothes in one small duffel. The elevator let out a ding and the doors slid open. I was stepping out of it when suddenly crashed into something very hard and the bag slipped out of my hands.

"Oomph," I let out, hitting the hard ground as the clothes rained all around me. "Oh god, I am sorry," Blinking , I looked up to see Jake with a shocked expression on his face. "Its fine," I assured him as he bent down to help me pick up the clothes. "Um." Jake cleared his throat , his ears turning scarlet. He held out silk underwear package Zoe had forced me to buy and I felt like my face would explode, It was so hot. "Do you want me to help you with those ?'' Jake tilted his head to side as he watched me struggle to get the bags up.

"That will be nice." I blew out a piece of stranded hair from my face. He easily took more than half of the bags in his hands nodded at me to go first. The room was empty when we walked in and set the bags on the bed and he followed suite. "thanks for the help," I sighed, sitting down on the bed. "Anytime."

An awkward silence followed after and I twisted and untwisted my fingers as I looked down at my lap. the memory of what had happen last night kept on replaying over in my head. "Listen, Brooklyn, I-" I looked up at him to meet his blue eyes but before he could continue what he was saying the door opened again and Zoe appeared . "Gueees what?" She sang but stopped when she noticed us. Her eyebrows raised as she stared back and forth

. "Well this is awkward. " Jake cleared his throat, mumbling something about talking to me later before heading for the door. Dang it, couldn't Zoe have waited a couple of minutes more? 'Anywaaaays," Zoe spoke again after a second of pause. "guess where w're going?" "To sleep?" I said hopefully, feeling tired he snorted. "No you idiot. were going to one of the best club ever." "id rather not," I said, making a face and propping back on the soft pillows. I closed my eyes but before I knew it,I heard her voice come again. no way, you have to go. Las Vegas is known for having awesome clubs." "strip clubs, yes."


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