Chapter 7 (part 1 out of 3)

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     I'm not a party girl. I'd rather right now with a book or something, Stacy and Amber dragged me with them to what was suppose to be the best party 'East Wood high' have ever seem,and so after a couple of minutes to persuade me , here i am. "Brooklyn you have a live a little" Stacy said as she sprayed herself with perfume, making me cough slightly.

    Amber in front of a massive house that was already lined with cars and mouth dropped a Little i stared, the music blared, beating with the beat of my heart. I'm mean i am not an expert over parties or anything, but i could even Tell this was over the top. Amber whistled"Damn"

   All three of us headed inside it was louder than it was outside, the music blared so loud you could barley hear the person next to you. A dance floor had been set up to the side and in the middle was an indoor swimming pool which was already filled with people. "This. Is. The. Best. Thing. Ever!" I heard Stacey scream out, grinning from ear to ear. Without another word she left for the dance floor, leaving me and amber. "Shall I get drinks?" Amber asked.

   I shook my head , refusing. someone had to be the sober one if we were going to get back home safe, besides alchol seemed to have a stronger effect on me than others so i sneered away from it. Amber shrugged "Be right back"

  I stood there awkwardly for a second, wondering what the hell was i going to do with myself. Maybe I should just escape while i can...."CANNONBALL!!" i looked just as someone jumped into the pool from the upstairs soaking from my dress.

    I started roaming through the crowd, trying to find Amber to tell her i wanted to go home. I suddenlyame across a set of steps that must have led  to some type of basement thing, i went down , curious, once i got to the my jaw dropped at what i was seeing. it was a room of every kind of game you could ever think of, a disgusting smell hit my nose that instantly made me scrunch my nose.

  on one of the sofa a group of people were passing around a joint. I shuddered and was about head back up when a flask of gold caught my eye. I turned back and a wave of shock slapped me across the face. Even though his back was turned towards me, I could recognize him anywhere. I watched as Tony kissed the girl, Wandering all across her body. What. The. Hell.

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