Chapter 26 (Part 2)

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Two hours later , after some scuffling, yelling, and me almost bursting into tears, we were ready. Zoe had forced me into a teeny dress and knee length boots. It took a lot of force to get me into it and I felt oh so very uncomfortable. Thankfully I'd won on the part of not wearing any makeup but I hardly felt victorious every time I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was really inappropriate. It wasn't fair. How come Zoe had on a more decent dress then me?

"We're going out clubbing," Zoe announced and I watched as Sean's eyes almost pooped out their sockets when he noticed me. Even Seth blushed. Thankfully though, Jake and Justin were no where no where in sight. "Justin is going to kill you." Sean announced , his eyes still widened. "He's going to kill the both of you and then kill me too."

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Oh stop being such an over dramatic bitch. C'mon Brooklyn." I wobbled after her in my high heeled boots, feelings as though Sean were right. Justin most likely would kill us.


Justin's P.O.V.

"God dammit Chase pick up," I mumbled , Pacing in the hotel's lobby as the voice mail started , I'd called him about a dozen times already. Giving up, I let out a sigh I felt a tiredness overtake me and I squished down a yawn. I hadn't slept for more than 24 hours and now I just wanted to go to bed and sleep.

Without anyone fucking bothering me. Nimbly heading for the elevator, I pressed the button for the 5th floor and walked to the room, It was pretty empty with a bunch of shopping bags laying on the bed. My eyes narrowed, sleep suddenly being pushed away from my ,mind. I headed back out and toward Zoe's and Sean's room to find it empty. The room next door, which Jake and Seth were to share was also empty except for Jake who was on his bed, a book in his hand which made me roll my eyes. He was a true nerd at the heart.

"Where's Brooklyn?" I asked him, making him look up from his book. "Probably with Zoe." I grabbed my phone from my pocket and speed dialed Sean. "Sup man," He answered after several rings, his voice sounding unusually nervous.

"Have you seen Brooklyn?" I spoke , gripping the phone tightly. I heard him clear his throat. "Er." Not liking the sound of that. "Go on." I said curtly "her and Zoe went clubbing." He spoke fast but I still heard him.

Oh for god's sake, "And you let them go?" My annoyance was clear in my voice. Before he could answer that I continue. "Did they tell you which club?" He told me the name and I tried not to groan. Didn't Zoe know better to take Brooklyn there? Brooklyn who was completely clueless and innocent

"i'll be right back." Before he could speak I rushed out of the room and down the elevator to the main floor, It was slightly chilly out as I hurried toward the car and quickly got ion, starting it up. Well, there goes my sleep.


I parked in front of the club and gritted my teeth when I saw the long line. Going around the back. It was completely dark with loud music pounding against the walls. Sweaty bodies and the smell of sex was everywhere.

My eyes slipped passed the passed the crowd that was hovering toward the bar and continued looking. But then I froze as through a electric shock had just hit me and stared back toward the bar. It wasn't a lot of times in my life when I'd truly shocked out of my wits and this was definitely one of those rare times.

I pushed through the hooting crowd as I watched as the one and only Brooklyn Grey stood on the tables, laughing as her hair bounced around her , swaying her hips. This wasn't the Brooklyn i knew. The innocent girl who was practically scared of her own shadow. For a minute I stood there, completely dumbfounded as she danced around, the crowed around her cheering, Her eyes seemed to suddenly lock with mine and a grin spread on her lips.

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