Chapter 14

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After a while Zoe came in and talked to me while she was in a middle of a sentence the sound of the door creaking open made both of us look up. Justin stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised.

I wonder how much of that he'd heard. He stepped inside the room and glanced at Zoe. "Could you give us a minute." Oh no. No,no,no I looked at Zoe with pleading eyes, silentlyy begging a her to not leave. She caught my glance and smiled apologetically before getting up.

"You hurt my girl and I'm gonna come after you with pitchforks," She patted his shoulder as she walked past, closing the door behind her.

Silence followed after her. I stared down at my hands, still mad at him. The bed moved as he came over and sat down on the edge , close that I was comfortable with. I could smell his cologne, snarling my senses. He cleared his throat awkwardly and I raised my eyes. ''You and Zoe seemed to be getting closer." He stated

"Whats it to you." I muttered , He sighed turning around to face me. "You know, I try to be nice but sometimes you make it so difficult for me. I turned my head to look at him and found him closer than expected. My mouth suddenly became dry and I stared into his light brown eyes, his forehead suddenly pressed against mine gently and he closed his eyes, his hands lightly sat on top of mine. My heart was going in overdrive. I swallowed , feeling the heat of his skin. "And sometimes, the things you do, they make me want to grab you and shake you." My voice has lowered to whisper. "Sometimes I hate you, I hate you so much" The words slipped out of my mouth for a minutes I wonder whether I'd don't the right thing to say.

"You know that's not true." His voice came, came and firm. "Hate is such a strong word."

"I know." Even though I wanted to disagree so bad, I knew he was right. No matter how much I wanted to hate him, I couldn't . It wasn't humanly possible for me. I opened my eyes to look at him and found his eyes already open , studying me intently. It was like they were staring right into my soul. My heart was beating so fast it hurt. "Brook" He whispered , his hands coming up to rest against my cheeks lightly. "Yes?" My lips barely moved, my throat feeling clogged.

"Whats happening to me?" His hold tightened on my cheeks, his eyes had a lost looking them. "Why do I want to kiss you so badly?" I stopped breathing altogether at his words, my hands forming into a fist and clutching the comforter . My head was spinning and I felt like I was drunk or something. I don't think I could speak anymore.

He pulled his forehead away from mine and I felt his lips brushing my collarbone and I jumped. Heart filled my cheeks and my lips parted as his lips roamed my neck , I automatically arched my neck , giving him better access. My hands came up and wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer.

"This would probably be the time you tell me to stop," He whispered in my ear, kissing it. My only response was pulling him closer I realized in embarrassment how loud my breath sounded in slight room, coming out in rattling gasps. His lips were now on the corner of mine, teasing me as they paused there.


A loud voice broke though my clouded mind like a splash of clod water. My eyes whipped open and we stiffened, I quickly tried to untangle myself from him I almost fell off the bed as I got myself free.

"JUSTINNN GET YOURS ASS DOWN HERE!" the voice came again. Chase

"You better go," I finally spoke . If he stayed any longer , I'd probably jump on him or something. He slowly he got up slowly, nodding. "Soon" was all he said before he headed out the door and down stairs.



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