Chapter 15

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   "Delivery for Ms.Grey," Zoe announced in a mock formal voice, stepping inside my room, she was holding a large , sliver box in her hands. "Justin told me to give it this to you. He wants you to be ready in 30 minutes"

  "For what?" I asked , eyeing the box . "For the party , remeber? Its today."

    I nodded and waited for her to leave before getting up and walking toward the box.  I gently pried the top open; A Small note lay-ed on top I picked it up, reading it.

    I taught this might suit you. :) 

     Putting the note aside , I slowly grabbed the silk fabric and gently took it out. "Holy crap." I murmured to myself. Staring at the most beautiful mermaid dress I'd ever seen . I didn't  want to think how much it had cost. A pair of high stilettos also lay ed in the box, the heels decorated with jewels.

   After a nice shower I dried myself with the towel and carefully slipped on the dress, heading back to my room. I dried my hair and straightned it, throwing it over my shoulder . I put some make-up on also.

    I was finishing up when there was a knock on the door. "Brooklyn are you d-whoa!" I straightened up and turned around to look at Jake who was gasping at me. His eyes traveled up and down my body.

  "I meant-er," He blinked , his cheeks tinting red sligtly . "Justin said it you werent ready in another minute, he was coming up hiself." I slipped into my heels. I gavea small smile at Jake who was wearing a dress shirt and black slacks. "Lets get going then."

   He smiled and held out an arm for me and I slipped my own arm over it. We walked down the stairs and I almost missed a step when I saw Justin leaning against the wall at the end of the staircase. His head raised as we walked down and immediately locked eyes with me.

   We reached the end of the staircase and Justin's gaze sliently wandered toward mine and Jake's entwind arms. For a moment I thought his eyes were going to become lazers beams or something.

    Jake cleared his throat , letting go of my hand quickly , as though it were on fire. "I'll um go wait in the car ." He mumbled , walking away. Justin stood up straight and I realized with a jolt, he was wearing something formal. Wow he looked good in a button up shirt. I  couldn't help but notice a light purple bruise forming on the side of his jaw.

  "What happened?" I frowned without thinking I raised my hand on the burise and I barely touch it and he jerks back slightly. "I had another arena fight" He said in a low, flat voice.

   "lets get going or well be late." He walked past me


     We arrived at out designated are in an hour or so , with me riding with Zoe and the other boys with Justin.

     "So your  telling me another gang lives here?" I gasped at a very large house mansion as she parked the car. We both go out and a chauffeur hurried over to get out key. Zoe snorted and waved him off in a not so polite manner mumbling something under her breath about quick escape.

   "Theyre rich brats." She answered me in a louder voice. "you know those girls in highschool who are rich bitches, think they can own the school. these guys are exactly like that except well....they're guys"

 'Youre words amazes me," Sean said as him and the others walked over to us. Zoe flipped him off. "Guys." Justin butted in "Stop behaving like idiots. We need to keep our guard up."

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