Chapter 23

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    I don't know when I'd drifted off but Justin woke me up and when I looked out the window, the sun had risen up and we were in front of a small house. "Where are we?" I murmured sleepily. "Just a couple hours from the crossing into Nevada." He replied ,coming over to stand next to me.

     My eyes roamed around the surroundings "And what are we doing here?" I quickly started following after him as he started walking. "Just making a quick stop. I told the others to meet us here." "Whose house is this." I stepped inside after him and studied everything around me. "No idea." He replied.

   Oh great so know we were breaking into houses? Before I could say anything. I heard the sound of footsteps and Zoe appeared , with a gun raised. "Oh good its you," She sighed. lowering the gun. More sounds of footsteps and Jake,Seth,and Sean appeared behind her.

   "So? Did everything go good.?" Justin asked, stepping forward and taking a seat on one of the white fabric covered sofas. "One of Brax's goons followed after us, but we lost him soon enough," Sean answered. "Was Braxton with him?" Justin narrowed his eyes. Seth shook his head. "I don't think he's following after us personally. He's just sends other people to do the job for him." Foe a second, everyone ponded at what he'd said. "Seth's right," Jake spoken up and Seth grinned at him. "Why get his hands dirty when he can make other people do it?" 

    "Has Chase called again." Justin ran a hand through his hair, I could tell he only does that when something is bothering him. "He's trying to keep track of them, but I think Brax can tell so he's is trying to dodge Chase." Zoe twirled the gun in her hand. "We need to be more careful"

   "So are we going to just run around and wait for him to catch us or something?" I finally spoke, trying to grasp and understanding on this. "Whats the point exactly?" "No, we're running until we know how to attack him." Jake answered me. "We have to make this flawless and foolproof  as possible whenever we do go after him. And for that, we need more information" 

   "And how long is that going to be?'' "Who knows." Sean raised his eyebrows. "Could be days, weeks, months, even years" Well that is just great. Running for years from a mass psychopath had always been on my wish list.


     After taking it all in Zoe suggested that we cleaned up before heading back out on the road. Amazingly, the shower and the washing machine and dryer was working and Sean took all our dirty clothes to go wash them, I was walking down the hallway to get to the door when Jake joined me.

      "Well hey there," He grinned and I saw the glint of his tongue ring as he talked. His hair was wet from his own shower. "Hi," I smiled, awkwardly remembering what had happen just a few days ago between us. And that was the end of the conversation. We headed back out while Zoe locked the door behind us. "Ready to go?" Sean thumped Jake on the back before heading toward the mini van.

     "I'll see you ina few more days again," Zoe gave me a grin. "Don't break, kiddo" "Thanks" I said dryly. I heard a honk and looked back to see Justin giving me a look that said to hurry up. Sighing , I looked back at Jake. "We'll , I'll see you later." He nodded , and I noticed he had an odd look on his face, as though he were deciding on something. I turned to leave. 

     "Brooklyn." "Yeah?" His hand suddenly found my cheek and ran a finger against it. I widened my eyes at his actions and I blushed under his touch. He leaned forward, his electic blue eyes, holding my own, looking serious. He was so close I could literally feel his breath on me. "Good luck" he whispered and his lips brushed against mine as he said that. It wasn't exactly a kiss, but I felt the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

     He pulled back and gave me a small smile of his before walking toward the minivan. Through the window , I could see Zoe's and Sean's jaws dropped; even Seth looked amazed. 

     swollen a lump in my throat , I tried to make the butterflies disappear as I forced my legs to walk over toward the car and slide in. I could feel the tension vibrating off Justin as he started the car and scooted out the driveway. 

       Why had Jake done that? And in front of everyone too! "That was interesting," Jusitn's voice came. He looked at me with a smile that could slice metal,  I didn't answer, feeling as though my vocal cords had been cut off.

      Things had just gotten even more complicated for me.



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