Chapter 11

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    The next day I was woken up. To go to the mall with a girl named Zoe that also lived here, she seemed pretty cool  i didn't question her I just got up as we walked walked downstairs to go to the car I saw Justin on the couch watching hockey , "Aye keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't run off or something" he said "yeah, yeah got it boss" Zoe said . I didnt do anything but ignored him.   we left and went to hit up the mall.                                  


   After an hour or two I drowning the bag and my arms muscles were protesting as I struggled to hold the forty or so in my hands while as Zoe simply walked ahead , She herself barely anything in her hands.

    As I struggled to match my pace with her, my stomach let out  aloud grumble , making the people nearby by give us looks. Zoe burst out laughing. "Have you eaten any food?" I shook my head , blushing furiously. "Come on they have really good pizza here" I nodded we went to the indoor restaurant and led me inside. We both took our seats and Zoe got up and gave them out orders.

    When our pizza finally came I couldnt help myself the aroma was filling my noes. I didnt have to think twice I grabbed a piece and gobbled it up in record time, taking another . "Woah , woah," She stared at me in alarm and amusement. "Dont choke or anything."  I slowed down my chewing , going red again. Washing it down with the coke I looked at her as she browsed though her phone.

   "Can I ask you something?" I said , wiping my mouth with a napkin. She looked up , raising an eyebrow. "Sure."

   "Why did you guys kidnap me?" I asked, studying her face for a reaction. Zoe tool another sip, not sating anything for a second. "Well its a long story." She finally said. "Lets just say you're our last chance. You know something that we need."

   I blinked ."But I dont kow anything." Wanna bet?" She challenged. "Look, I have never known any of you since now. I never was involved in any of this stuff or anything." I told her . "You cant say the same thing about your dad now, can you?" She put away her pone, leaning back against her seat, staring at me.

  I felt like I had been punched in the gut. "My dad?' My voice cracked. she sighed. "Look , you'll have to talk to Justin about this because I cant say anything else. I've already said too much." She stood up "Are you ready to go?" I nodded slightly , loosing my appetite as questions filled my mind. Silently , I got up and tried to gather up all the bags .This time Zoe helped me, carrying half of them. we wordlessly walked back car.


  "Did you guys rob the whole mall or something?" Sean raised an eyebrow as he watched us struggle with the bags. "Shut you face ," Zoe snapped t him as she dropped the bags on the floor. "Seth!" She screamed out. Immediately , Seth came walking out the kitchen , ice cream in his hand. "Help me with these wont you?" She told them. Then at me, "Hand those to Seth Brooklyn. You can go sit in the living room or something while I sort out your outfits." Seth took the bags from me and I watched them head upstairs. Justin come down the stairs just then and raised an eyebrow in amusement as he saw them.

    He looked up and his gaze seemed to lock with mine and then the smile immediately disappeared. He hurried downstairs , passing me silently and heading for the door. Without another though, I made my decision and quickly followed after him out the door. "Justin!" I called out.

    He stopped and turned around to look back at me. "Go back inside." he said in monotone , turning back around to his car. " I want answers." I stomped after him , not caring if I got wet. Too late .He was already to his car and starting it up. No way, I want letting him get away. I scrambled to the back of the car ans stood there with my arms crossed. Now he'd had to run me over to get pass me.

   He let out a large honk but I didn't move , standing my ground. More honks came again. I saw Sean coming out to see what the commotion was, and a wide grin spreaded across his face as he saw what was happening. "This should be interesting." I heard him holler over the honks. The honks suddenly stopped and Justin got out, slamming the door loudly as he walked toward me, his hands balled in fists.

    "What is your problem!" He yelled , his eyes blazing.

   "I want to know what the hell is going on!" I said matching his tone of voice. "I dont think your in the position to be asking the questions, Grey ." His voice was lowered but still had the burning anger in it. "I deserve to know," I hissed at him.

   He sneered , and even doing that he still looks good. "And If I don't tell you anything? what are you going to do ,huh Put whipped cream on my car again?" He took a step closer to me and I took one back, trying to not let him close the distance between us.

  "Or worse,' He laughed humorlessly. " Add sprinkles to it too? that's all that can be expected from you isn't , Grey? You know what you are- " Before he could say anything my hand went up to slap him but his hand caught me from doing so, He held tight onto my wrist . anger was in his eyes and then I soon regretted it , I didn't know I was just so caught up in the moment. and then it hit me.

aww crap, I was about to  slapped Justin Bieber.



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