Lightning (Edited)

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Riley Ortega’s P.O.V.

I knew I was different ever since I got struck by lightning last year. I was just walking home by myself from school on a rainy day when, all of a sudden, lightning struck me. I expected to die but I was perfectly fine. If anything, I felt more energized. I raced home and ran up to my room. That’s all I remember. I must’ve zonked out.

I haven’t told anyone about the incident because I would be marked as a freak or supernatural person for sure. The government might’ve come and taken me away to do tests on me. Ever since that day, I could control lights too.

Right now, I was mad. I was sitting in the library because someone started bullying me. They knew I was different. They already marked me as a freak. The lights started flickering. One was flickering so much from my anger that it actually burst. The fire alarm went off and everyone ran outside, but me. I knew it was my fault. If anyone got hurt I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

I walked towards the broken fixture and waited. I felt like something was calling me. Then, a note got sparked out of the broken light. I grabbed it and quickly read it. It said, “Want to know why your emotions effect lights? Or why you didn’t die when you got shocked by lightning last year? You better meet me at the local park tomorrow at 3:00.”.

I gripped the note in my hand and ran as fast as i could out of the library. Then I raced home and read over the note again and again, hoping that it would tell me something else. I didn’t know how anyone knew it was me. Maybe they were spying on me or something? But what about me being shocked by lightning last year? How could anyone possibly know that? I sighed and knew that the only way I was going to get my answers were if I went. I deposited the note into my sock drawer and kept thinking. I mean who knows? This could be a prank or a trap.

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