Argument (Edited)

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Sophie’s P.O.V.

I crossed my legs and listened to everyone else. They were all talking about training. We had just eaten lunch, which was a healthy salad and a tall, refreshing glass of lemonade, so that meant the training would be starting soon. Phillip entered the room and everyone quieted down. 

“I’ve been able to contact my other students, who are fifteen, and they will be here any second.” Phillip notified us.

He then left the room and walked into the foyer, I assumed he was waiting for his students to arrive. Of course, he was. That would be the only logical thing for him to do at this moment.

“I might as well go into my room and sit there until everyone is finished training for the day.” I sighed and attempted to get up.

“You should at least see who will be training us.” Austin suggested.

“I’m sure I’ll be able to see them at dinner. I’ll meet them after training.” I assured Austin.

“Fine.” Austin reluctantly let me go back to my room.

I don’t know why it was so important for me to meet Phillip’s other students, it’s not like we would be getting to know each other or going on missions together. Or at least this is what I thought before I saw them and got to know them. After all, how much could I be missing out on, besides not being able to train?

Since there was nothing better to do, I went to sleep. My dreams were…unpleasant.

I was being chase by cucubuths…They were on my tail…A second later, the world went dark. The dream was over as quickly as it had started.

That’s not right, I thought. Cucubuths were from the book The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. Why were they chasing me? I came to the conclusion that I was just having a bad dream because I read the book. Then I woke and discovered that night had fallen. And here comes the pain…

“Ouch.” I winced.

Every time I fell asleep I would lay on my injured arm and then wake up in pain. I carefully shook my arm and flexed my fingers. My breath came in one quick short gasp as the pain intensified and then subsided. I sighed with relief as the pain faded away. Then Austin came in. Just on time.

“Do you want to eat, Sophie?” He questioned.

“Did I miss dinner?” I asked, dreading the reply.

“Yeah, I came in here before, but you were sleeping.” Austin replied.

“Did Phillip’s other students leave?” I inquired.

“No, they’re in the living room. I think they’re playing games with Riley and Josiah.” Austin said.

“Oh. What did you eat for dinner?” I wondered.

“Pasta.” Austin informed me.

“Sounds…tasty. I think I’ll just go and introduce myself.” I hopped off my bed, still feeling my arm throb a bit.

I lightly rubbed my arm and Austin just happened to glance back at me when I was.

“Is it hurting?” He asked.

“No.” I lied.

“It’s hurting. Do you need medicine?” Austin knew I was lying.

“No, the pain will go away.” I hoped it would at least.

“Alright, come on then.” Austin led me out of the room and into the living, where the most gorgeous guy sat.

My heart literally skipped a beat.

“Hey, Austin, right?. Who is that?” One of the guys asked.

“This is my twin sister Sophie.” Austin replied and I waved a feeble hello.

“I’m Vincent.” One of the guys introduced himself.

“And I’m Anthony.” The gorgeous boy introduced himself.

Then, a horrible pain started in my arm, forcing me to bite my lip, which in turn made me wince.

“Austin, get Phillip.” I whispered and took a seat on the couch while he walked off to get Phillip for me.

I placed my hand on my arm and forced myself to keep a neutral face on. Anthony started at me curiously and I forced myself to smile. A minute or two later Austin came back with Phillip.

“What is it Sophie?” Phillip asked.

“My arm.” I said and Phillip came over to inspect it.

He took off the bandage and then quickly got up to get something. He came back with a bottle of some kind of spray and more bandages and gauze.

“Phillip, what’s wrong?” Austin questioned.

“Her wound is infected. I forgot that my harpy’s claws were poisonous. Her saliva is deadly. Sophie will live but her arm will require a longer recovery than I originally expected.” Phillip explained.

“I told you, Austin, we shouldn’t have come.” I pointed out.

“Soph, it was kind of your fault that this happened. If you didn’t shoot the harpy in the wings, maybe it wouldn’t have attacked you.” Austin replied just as Phillip finished bandaging my arm and spraying on the anti-bacterial spray, which stung.

“I was protecting myself! Austin you told me that I would have to protect the both of us. Now, thanks to that I harpy I won’t be able to do what I love the most! Actually, I wouldn’t even be in this mess if you hadn’t said that we should come here!” I yelled angrily.

How could Austin say that it was my fault that I got attacked by a harpy? After all, he was the one who encouraged me to fight back. If we had just backed away slowly like I had wanted to, I wouldn't be in this mess.

“Calm down.” Phillip said with tension in his voice.

“Austin, I’m leaving. And don't you dare try to stop me.” I took one last look at him and went to my room to grab my bow and arrows and slip on my jacket. I grabbed my combat boots, pulling them on on the way outside.

I sighed and left the marvelous mansion, venturing outside. I zipped up my jacket and walked down the stairs. At the back of my mind, I knew this was a terrible idea. I walked across the muddy landscape and noticed a white hummer just sitting there. It looked brand new and extremely clean, which was odd since it was extremely muddy.

“Sophie!” I heard a voice call my name and spun around. It was the gorgeous boy, Anthony.

“What?” I asked.

“You need to come back.” He said.

“Why?” I asked just as I heard a car door slam shut and spun around the opposite way.

“Sophie Turner and Anthony Lewis. What an unexpected surprise!” A deep voice boomed. "Actually, it's not quite that unexpected."

I drew my arrow, ignoring the pain shooting up my arm, and fired it, aiming directly for his heart. After I fired it I ran towards Anthony, only to get hit hard in the back and have darkness settle over me.

Before darkness settled over me, I felt myself twitching. Then, everything was dark. I couldn't even make out any voices, if there were any. Or maybe I just died.

The Twelve Heroes: Finding Our Identity (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now