Decisions and Healing (Edited)

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Sophie's P.O.V.

The pain was terrible. My back ached horribly and my arm was throbbing. To make it all worse, Austin was arguing with me. Although he's my older brother, by about four minutes, it does not give him the right to make all my decisions for me.

And then another thought just kept coming up in my mind: Why am I the only being attacked? I groaned out loud and Anthony looked at me with a questioning expression.

"Austin, you can't decide what I can do and where I can go." I said.

"Yes I can. I'm older than y-." I cut him off.

"Only by, like, four minutes!" I yelled.

"I'm still older, and as your older brother I'm in charge of you." Austin replied.

"No, you're not. Keep thinking you can make all my decisions for me and I will stop listening and depending on you at all." I said with finality. 

"Fine. But if you keep being attacked, I don't care what happens, you're going back home." Austin said grudgingly.

"Anthony, can you help me up?" I inquired.

Anthony nodded and took my uninjured hand. He pulled me up with ease, but once he let go I felt dizzy. I put my hand to my head and closed my eyes. 

"What's wrong?" Anthony asked.

"I feel a little bit dizzy." I admitted.

"You should just lay down in here then." Anthony suggested.

I moaned and carefully laid back down on the couch. Austin looked at me with his brow knitted together and then walked out of the room.

"Your brother is very...protective." Anthony commented.

"I know. It's quite annoying sometimes." I replied.

Anthony shrugged and sat down in a leather reclining chair. 

"Do you have siblings?" I turned my head slightly so I could look at him fully.

"One younger sister. One older brother." He replied, gazing just over the couch I was lying currently on.

"Do they bug you?" I wondered.

He shrugged his shoulders. He was being awfully mum on the subject. I knew he must be holding back something but he just wasn't telling my so I decided not to press. I turned onto my back and closed my eyes. I could faintly sense that Anthony was looking at me. My hands were folded on my stomach and soon I was asleep.

My dreams were anything but jolly. I kept replaying what had happened with the man in my head. He said our names and then I fired an arrow at his chest. Then, I turned on my heels and sped towards Austin, only to get shocked by electricity and fall to the ground unconscious. Then, when I woke up I gasped and found myself on the couch. 

Each time I replayed what had happened, each event was worse. Sometimes I would just die or Anthony would trip while holding me. Other times Anthony would block the shock and fall down himself. Then he would get kidnapped by the man. Either way my dream played out, it was unpleasant.

When I woke up, I noticed that the blinds were closed and there was a silky soft blanket on top of me. I turned onto my left side and looked around the room. Anthony was still sitting in the same chair and Ellie and Annabelle were playing a game of Sorry. Josh and Cameron were sitting on the other couch reading a book. I assumed that the rest of the gang were in their own seperate rooms. Unless they were plotting to kill us.

Anthony noticed my eyes were open and smiled at me, but the smile didn't touch his eyes. I wondered what was wrong with him. I tried to sit up and succeeded this time. My back slightly hurt and my arm still throbbed a bit, but other than that I was 100% well. I put the blanket over my lap and crossed my ankles. Riley entered the room and sat next to me.

"Hey Sophie." He greeted me.

"Hi Riley." I responded.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Truthfully? I feel almost one hundred percent healed." I replied.

"That's good." He commented.

 "Yep, it is." I agreed.

"Can you get me a glass of water?" I asked, as my throat suddenly went dry.

"Sure." Riley said as he got up to get me a drink.

Riley came back a minuter later with an ice cold glass of water. I took several tentative sips before setting it down on the coffee table. My mouth still felt dry and I didn't know why. I pulled my legs up onto the couch and tucked them underneath me.

"So now comes, the long and frustrating journey of actually being one hundred percent healed.." Riley said.

Riley was correct. In the following weeks to come, I got better. I was able to walk around on my own and whatnot. My arm was healed and I started doing archery again, which made my day everyday. But there were also two things that kept popping into my mind, Why am I the only being attacked and do Riley, Josiah, and Anthony like me.

Oh boy, did I have a headache everytime time I thought seriously about something or other.

This was going to be a complicated recovery and battle.

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