Information (Edited)

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Josiah’s P.O.V.

Who would want to hang out with the kid who likes graves? No one. That’s why everyone is else is talking to one another and I am just sitting in my room, thinking about my future. I heard a few doors open and close and some of the girls talking in the room next door to me. Then, I left my room, feeling lonely. I was going to go and ask Phil when would we be having dinner, but I heard him talking to someone else. I peeked over in the living room and saw Sophie and Austin there. Just by the look on their faces, I knew that something was wrong. I hid myself and waited for Austin and Sophie to leave so I could ask him what had happened. It didn’t take long for them to leave. I took a chance and entered the living room.

“What happened?” I asked, straight to the point.

“What are you talking about?” Phil pretended to be clueless.

“You know what I’m talking about. What happened with Sophie and Austin?” I demanded.

“Nothing.” Phil said.

“Phil, I need to know. What happened?” I repeated.

“I have a harpy in my museum room and it attacked Sophie. She has a long and deep gash in her right arm so she will not be able to use it for at least a week. Sophie wants to go home now, but I can’t let her.” Phil explained.

“A harpy? Like a bird lady? Attacked Sophie?” I was trying to comprehend everything.

“Yes. Now will you go? I need to work something out.” Phil waved me away and took out his laptop.

I walked away reluctantly. Maybe if I went and talked to Austin and Sophie, I would be able to find out what they knew. As I was walking towards Sophie’s room, I heard Austin slam the door shut and sigh. I decided that I should probably talk to Sophie before I went to Austin. I knocked lightly on her door. A moment later, she faintly replied with a, "Come on."

“I asked Phil what happened with you and Austin.” I stated.

“Did he tell you that a harpy attacked me? That’s not even the worst part. I won’t be able to do Archery for a while.” Sophie sighed and glanced down at her bow and arrows, which were lying at the foot of her bed.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I took a seat on the computer chair.

“I need to go home. I can’t even do anything with my arm all bandaged.” Sophie said.

“What will you tell your parents?” I wondered.

“Crap! I never thought about that. If I come home with a bandaged arm, without Austin, they’ll be mad and worried and will want Austin to come back home. I can’t do that to Austin. He really wants to get answers. I guess I’ll have to stay here.” Sophie looked troubled.

“That’s considerate of you. I don’t think I could do that.” I admitted.

“Yeah, well, he’s my twin and he always does stuff for me and it’s time to pay him back.” Sophie gave a melancholy smile.

“The reason I came in here was to see what else you found out. I would’ve asked Austin but he looked pretty upset. So what did you find in the room with the harpy?” I asked.

“We found a vicious harpy, duh, and a Minotaur horn. I didn’t get to see what else was in there because the harpy attacked us. But I suggest that you go and ask Ellie what did she discover. I know she was snooping around.” Sophie told me.

“Okay, thanks.” I waved good-bye and was about to leave, but I hesitated at the door.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Um, since you really can’t do anything without your right arm, I’ll help you out if you need anything.” I said in a rush.

“Thanks.” She waved an awkward good-bye and I silently closed her door.


Ellie's door was slightly afar when I came to it. Instead of knocking, I just puched it open. She was sitting at the computer and didn't notice me until I said, "Hello."

"Oh, gosh, you could've knocked." She scowled.

"The door was open." I explained.

"You still could've knocked." She repeated.

I sighed, knowing the argument wasn't going to get me anywhere.

"Sophie told me that you were snooping around."

"I-I wasn't." She stammered.

"I'm not going to rat you out or anythiing."

"Phil already knows. So, what do you want?"

"I was wondering...what did you find? Sophie got injured by a harpy when she went into a room that was off-limits."

"She did? Oh my gosh, I should go ask her how she's doing."

Ellie got up and made a move for the door. I intercepted her.

"Oh no, you don't. First, you will sit your butt down and tell me what you found." I pointed to her desk chair, where she obdiently sat.

"I didn'y see much much before Phil found me. All that I saw were a bunch of wepons, so I'm guessing Sophie didn't go into the same room as I did. There was not one single animal--or creature--in sight." She harrumphed as if she were dissapointed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to take care of." 

Ellie shoved me out the door along with her. Then, she marched purposely down the hall to Sophie's room. Of course, that girl had a plan.


I think I might like her. She might like me, as a friend of course. She did take me up on the offer, though. Later in the week she asked me if I could help her with sending an e-mail to her parents. Then we did a few other things together. I began to think that she might like me, that is until Riley decided to hang out with her.


A day or two after Sophie got injured, she and I were sitting in the main room playing checkers. Neither of is was very good at the game, or at the very least showed any skills. But, soon enough, Sophie was winning. She has played me like a violin, making it seem as if she were inept at playing checkers. I smiled disdainfully as she cried out a triumphant, "King me!"

"You're such a hustler." I accussed

"Hey, you never specified the rules of the game." She smirked.

"It was implied."

She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking about my statement. "Was it?"

Before I could answer, Riley kicked me out of my chair and started playing with Sophie. Figures. He's just a jealous loser.

The Twelve Heroes: Finding Our Identity (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now