Hiding And Healing

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Sophie's P.O.V.

Of course, I was the only one who would need to be healed. Most of my cuts weren't deep. There was one very deep cut above my right eyebrow. It was a small cut but a deep cut. I ended up getting stitches for it. Vincent told me that Phillip would be able to heal it and get rid of the scar that would form, but I rejected his offer. I was sentenced to a week of bed rest after all of my wounds were taken care of. I protested. Or tries to protest, but of course I lost.

The new hideout was much simpler than the last one. It was more like a club house than a home. There was nothing fancy about it. The walls were a plain beige color. The furniture was comfortable but ancient. The walls were adorned with a few old photos. I'm almost positive that the photos were of Phillip and his friends. There were only six bedrooms, so everyone was forced to share with someone, but nobody minded. Annabelle ended up sharing a room with Ellie and Brooke. I shared my room with Austin. Kaylie shared her room with Valerie. Vincent, Jason, and Anthony shared a room. Cameron and Josh shared a room. And Riley and Josiah shared a room. There were two big rooms so the people who had three roommates would be getting those. All the other rooms were a decent size. The hideout was just big enough for the fourteen of us. The old hideout would have had more than enough space. Nobody seemed to mind, though. Everyone took turns leaving the house to go and do whatever activity they wanted to do. Vincent, Anthony, and Jason were the chauffeurs because they were the only people who were allowed to drive legally. 

Jason and Anthony tended to me while I was forced to be on bed rest. I could tell there was tension between them still. Neither of them was happy with my decision to date neither of them. Whenever they were both in the room at the same time, there was a lot of tension in the air. They both competed for my attention, it wasn't working, though. I was annoyed by their competitiveness. They acted like I was the last cookie in the cookie jar. I don't think either of them took in account how I felt. Selfish and arrogant. That's what I currently thought of them. After three days of bed rest I told them I wanted neither of them to help me. That I'd prefer Valerie. For the rest of the week, I felt like I was drowning in memories from my past. The thing that made it worst was that I knew Vaughn could capture me at any moment and I'd get tortured again. When my week of bed rest was over, it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I was relieved I would finally be able to do stuff again.

Everything seemed normal and calm. Like their was no threat that any of us could be captured, which was weird. I called a "family" meeting because of this.

"That was to easy. How Vaughn let us escape and didn't pursue us anymore. You'd think he would have more forces and would have his hideout on maximum security." I explained.

"I was thinking that, too. It seems like Vaughn really wanted you for information. It's fishy that he didn't come after us or send his goons after us." Riley confirmed my suspicions.

"And what happened to Phillip? I thought he was supposed to be helping us." Rage was building up in the pit of my stomach.

Brooke ended up telling us a long, descriptive story about how Phillip was telling them not to come and help us. From their point of view, Phillip was the bad guy. I didn't know what to believe. I wasn't there. But, from the looks of it, Phillip had his own agenda to tend to.

"So, basically, we made a mistake in trusting Phillip?" I asked.

"No!" Riley quickly said. "We don't know, actually. He may be trying to help us or protect us. Maybe he's dealing with Vaughn right now. All we can do is wait and see what happens next. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to get this fricken' god out of me. The longer we have them in us, the more dangerous it gets." Riley walked out of the room and left us hanging.

I walked over to Jason and plopped down on the couch next to him.

"We," I gestured to everyone, "Need to come up with a plan. Not a rudimentary plan, but a well devised plan. One that makes Vaughn think twice about chasing after us. One that doesn't jeopardize anyone or anything. One that will make us legendary. One that will make Vaughn scared to fight us. We just need one plan...that will save us from everyone out to get us." I stated.

"I agree, but," I knew there would be a "but". "We're not just going to attack Vaughn and bring him begging on his knees for mercy. If anything, you will contact Artemis and ask her where we need to go to get the gods out of us. We will contact Phillip and see what he has to say about the last few events. He might even tell us how to get the gods out of us. Meeting adjourned." Vincent made my plan sound poorly constructed. I was the first to leave.

My head was pounding and my heart was racing. That one simple conversation made my head hurt. Made my knees wobble. Made me think about the past. Made me want to crawl in a corner and hide there. But, I knew I couldn't do that. I knew I would have to be strong and push the past into the past. And in order to do that, I would need support.

I think Jason sensed that I would break down. A few moments after I walked into my room, Jason came in.

"You know you don't have to solve every problem. You have friends who would help if you just asked them to." He assured me.

"You have absolutely no idea why I do everything on my own. Jason, after you left, I was forced to do everything on my own! I mean my parents started taking notice in me then, but I didn't care! I don't need anyone's help!" I shouted.

"Sophie, I'm sorry about that, really I am, but you need to get over that. That's all in the past. You can't let the past get in the way of the present and future. You should know that better than anyone." Jason was annoyed.

"You just don't get it! You abandoned me last year and then just showed up last week! Now you act like you've been here the whole time and know everything about me!" My rage was slowing fading away, only to be replaced by sadness. 

"This isn't about anyone or anything except me. I'm right, aren't I?" He was right.

"You left me last year. Then, just earlier this week, you and Anthony were arguing over me and trying to make me choose one of you!"  I sat down on my bed and cupped my face in my hands, not wanting Jason to see my tears. 

"You know I'm sorry about that." Jason sat next to, gently pulling my hands away from my face.

"I don't care if I 'know'! I want you to tell me and show me." I whispered.

"I'm sorry. And don't be mad for what I'm about to do." He leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away.

"Jason, you know I-" He cut me off.

"Don't get mad." He reminded me.

"But, Jason! I am not going to date anyone! Not even you!" I protested.

He kissed me again. A soft and gentle kiss. A kiss that said everything, yet nothing. The kiss that I remembered so well. The kiss that ruined my life last year. It was just a kiss, but it meant a lot of things.

"How about we get out of here? I could drive you to a archery range, if you'd like. I have my driver's license." He pulled out his wallet and flashed his license in my face. I grinned. "I'll take that as a yes. And remember, take it easy!" He pulled me off of the bed and we were off. To one of the places that I loved so much, no matter where it was located.

The week of bed rest did really help me to heal. I was practically 100% better now. I think Jason and I might get back together. But, what would happen between Anthony and me? Hopefully nothing.

I have a feeling this calm week won't last long. It will probably turn bad when we get to the archery range. Someone will go missing. Someone will die soon. Vaughn will attack. We will run. Artemis will help us. The gods will remove themselves from us.

That is my predication. Though, I never actually made it. I'm almost positive it was made a while ago. I'm positive it came from Zandra The Foreseer's knowledge. And if I know this will happen, Phillip must know, too. Which leads me to think that Phillip is the bad guy. Guess I'll just have to wait and see!

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