Everything Comes True

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Jason's P.O.V.

The ride was long and painful. Not physically painful but mentally painful. I know Sophie was struggling to contain herself and I was struggling not to beat myself up. The only thing stopping me from just exploding was knowing that I had to be in control in order to stop Vaughn. Now, all I had to do was drive and clench my fists on the steering wheel. If only life were that simple for me...

We never reached our destination. A figure in a dark cloak approached the car while I was speeding on the highway. The highway was oddly desolated, which made me suspicious of the cloaked figure. I tried to switch to another lane to avoid hitting the person, but he/she had other plans. He/She intercepted me and stopped the car. There was a screeching sound and then he/she came over to Sophie's door and motioned for us to get out. We obediently got out and followed him/her to the side of the road. Sophie had grabbed her arrow and protectively slung it across her back.

"Who are you?" Sophie immediately asked.

The person took off their hood.

"I am Carrie Ruiz. Josiah Benton sent me here to help you. Well, actually he begged Hades to bring me back to life so I could help you. I'm not a god or demi-god or anything. I just know where to go. I was an oracle before." The girl explained.

"And, you're alive? Again?" Sophie asked.

"Yes, in a way, I am. I'm only here to help you. Then, I will go back to Asphodel." Carrie replied.

"Where are we going? How will we get there?" I questioned.

"We'll take my chariot, of course! It's actually borrowed, but it's mine for now." She smiled gleefully as she took our hands and pulled us further away from the highway, into an empty cornfield, where a silver chariot waited.

"Are those...pegasi?" Sophie asked cautiously, pointed towards the winged horses.

"Yes, they are. They should get us to our destination quicker than that old car of yours." Carrie smiled as she hopped into the enclosed chariot.

Sophie looked at me and I nodded, motioning for her to get in. She reluctantly got in, followed by me. We weren't exactly looking forward to being with a dead girl all day long.

"Carrie, are you taking us to get these gods removed?" Sophie asked.

"Yes, but we must get the others first. I'm not sure how they'll all fit. There's twelve of you, if I'm not mistaken." Carrie answered.

"Well, do you mind hurrying it up? If we're going to find the others and save them, we need to do it quickly." I said, annoyed.

"Don't worry about him; he rarely talks. And when he does talk, he's always in a bad mood." Sophie allowed herself a small smile.

"Shut up, Sophie. Now's not the time to joke around." I said irritably.

"See? I told you!" Sophie pointed out. 

"Sophie!" I snapped.

It looked like I hurt her feelings, but at this moment, I didn't care. She shouldn't have been joking around. It was time to be serious and cautious. We were currently in the car with a dead girl. A dead girl! It's not my fault if I feel cautious. Who wouldn't?

"No need to get mad at Sophie. She's just trying to lighten the mood." Carrie defended her.

"She's just being immature. This is a serious, possible deadly, situation and she starts joking! Who does that?" I yelled.

"Who do you want to get first? I don't know where Anthony is. We could go look for him, but it may take up to a day or longer. Austin is with Vaughn. I believe they're in the same place where you were first captured. The rest of your friends are trying to locate Phillip. They went back to the mansion, but he wasn't there." Carrie informed us.

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