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[Note that this happened before Sophie entered the room.]

Austin's P.O.V.

The bullets fired and soared through the air towards me. I didn't have time to duck. I wouldn't have been able to duck even if I had wanted to. My arms were bound together and were tied to a pole above my head, making it impossible to duck or dodge anything.

"If you had simply told me what I wanted to know, I would have spared your life." Vaughn said, faking pity.

"Liar! You would have killed me either way!" I yelled just before the bullet hit my bicep. The cry of pain that escaped my mouth was horrendous. 

"You're right. But, you could've saved yourself by having better hiding places. Or by talking to Sophie. She has all of Zandra The Foreseer's knowledge. She knew what would happen. She just didn't know who it would have happened to." Vaughn cackled.

"You haven't won, yet." I chocked out.

"Oh, but yes I have." Vaughn fired another bullet, this one was directed at my thigh. I barely had enough strength to move my leg before it hit.

"I see you've managed to dodge that hit." He said, oddly calm.

The next bullet that fired wouldn't be able to get dodged. Vaughn fired at my heart. It hit me in a matter of seconds. I barely had time to scream. The last scene I saw was Sophie screaming and racing towards me, pulling her bow out to shoot at Vaughn.

Death has overcome me. The one thought that occurred to me before I died was that I wouldn't be able to say good-bye.

Sophie's P.O.V.

Jason and I ran into the room just as the shots fired. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Austin's screams combined with my own. Vaughn laughing with a jubilant smile on his face. Jason trying to hold me back as I pulled my bow from my back and fired at Vaughn's heart. He easily dodged. I ran to Austin, feeling for his pulse. There wasn't a pulse. He was gone. Forever.

"You murderer!" I yelled at Vaughn.

Fury and sadness built up in me and gave me adrenaline. I faced Vaughn and a terrifying smile covered my face. I would be happy to get revenge. With my bow aimed, and my arrow ready to fly, I shot it directly at Vaughn's chest, so he would die slowly. He was too busy congratulating himself to notice his life was at risk.  Of course, the arrow didn't miss him. It was a perfect shot.

"Sophie!" Jason yelled in horror as we watched Vaughn, with a surprised look on his face, fall to the ground.

Slowly, I walked over to Vaughn, knelt down to feel his pulse, which was beating feebly, and felt guilty. I didn't fire another arrow. He would lay down here and die. I wanted him to feel the pain Austin felt. I wanted so badly to get revenge, and now I got it. His eyes quickly flitted to my face, as he rasped out something.

"You're...nothing better...than a murderer yourself." He whispered with the last bit of strength he had.

"You're not dead, yet." I reminded him. 

I got up and kicked his leg out of my way. Then, I walked over to Austin, who was tied to a pole by his hands. I slid a knife out of its sheath on my belt and sliced the rope. Austin fell to the ground, where a pool of blood had formed. I sat down and pulled his head into my lap, wanting so badly to bring him back.

"Sophie, he's gone. I'm sorry." Jason had tears in his eyes. 

"He can't be! He just can't be! I won't be Sophie Turner without him! I won't be anybody! He can't be gone! He's the only one I would trust with my life. He...he can't be gone..." My voice trailed away as wretched sobs escaped my body. 

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