The Leader (Edited)

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Austin's P.O.V.

During the plane ride I couldn't bear to fall asleep. I wanted to see the sights from the sky. I've never been on a plane before, so I must admit that I was scared. Surprisingly, I loved the plane ride but Sophie didn't fare as well. She was pale and closed her window. She looked at me as if she were about to throw up. I told her to just go to sleep because it would be a while before we reached our destination. She did just that. I, on the other hand, took pictures from the window with my camera; I didn't want Sophie missing the scenery.

After the exhausting plane ride, which lasted about seven hours, we hopped into a limo and were headed towards the leader's place. I fell asleep and so did everyone else except Brooke and Cameron. Once I woke up Brooke gushed about all the sights the she saw. I looked out the window and saw abandoned factories so I suspected that we were nearing our destination.

"You will not be able to see the mansion unless the leader wants you to." Pan informed us.

"Who is this 'leader' dude anyway? And how will we know he won't just ignore us?" I asked.

"I cannot reveal his name, but I'm sure that he will not ignore us, seeing as he knows what's at stake. If he does choose to ignore us then we will risk looking like fools." Pan replied nonchalantly.

"Thanks for the reassurance." I said sarcastically just as the limo stopped and Pan hopped out.

"Well, are you coming? This is it. Just on top of that building." Pan called over his shoulder.

I shook Sophie who was still sleeping and pulled her out of the limo. Everyone else tentatively got out of the limo and stood away from the buildings, in the mud. Pan walked with purpose towards a run down factory made of red bricks. There was a rickety pair of stairs next to it and Pan climbed up. I glanced over my shoulder to see the others staring at Pan, including Cameron who put on a bold front but was actually a wimp. I walked up the steps after Pan and Sophie walked behind me. The stairs look rickety but when you got on them they were sturdy.

"This is it." Sophie said from behind.

Then, all of a sudden, a massive mansion appeared. It had floor to wall windows on the first floor.

"Are you seeing this?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Sophie replied in awe.

"I told you." Pan pointed out.

"Can the others see this?" I asked.

"Not unless they come up here. He, as in the leader, only allows certain people to enter." Pan replied.

"But won't it look weird for them to see us just...vanish?" Sophie wondered.

"That's their problem." Pan said as he entered the house.

We followed Pan inside and Sophie gasped, I couldn't blame her. The place was even bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Everything looked intricate and delicate.

"Hello, Pan. Long time, no see." A bulky young man entered the foyer.

"Ah, it's good to see you, old friend." Pan and the man shook hands.

"And who might these children be?" He gestured to Sophie and me.

"That his Austin and Sophie. I trust you can tell whose who." Pan cracked a smile.

"Are these the only children who will be coming? I was expecting more, but yes, these two will be fine. I can already see their potential." The man asked.

"No, these are eight more but they were too chicken to climb up the stairs and enter the house. I assume they'll be coming up the stairs and entering the house in a few minutes." Pan guessed.

"Excuse me, but, who are you?" Sophie asked the man.

"I'll introduce myself when everyone is here." He replied simply and went to peek out the door where, I'm guessing, he saw everyone else.

Kaylie entered first, then got shoved to the side by Cameron, followed by Riley and so on. So in other words, Kaylie entered last. She was fumig about the fact that her beautiful clothes were no wrinkled. The man eyed the group of children who entered suspiciously, as if there was something different about them. I wanted to ask what he thought if us, when he snappe out of his thoughts and introduced himself.

"I'm guessing you know what's wrong?" Pan asked.

"Yes. You may leave now." The man said good-bye to Pan and Pan left.

"Now will you tell us who you are?" Sophie asked impatiently.

"I am Phillip Burton, but you may call me Phil. I will be your guide, instructor, and guardian for the next few months. Or until you all miserably fail and die." The smiled, crookedly.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I murmured.

"Duringt he period of time that you are here, you will be trained and taught all about the gods. And, please, don't intterupt me when I'm talking." 

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