Pan Gives Us Answers (Edited)

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Sophie Turner’s P.O.V.

“You’re Pan? The god of the wild?” I stared unbelieving at the crippled man.

“Yes, I am. And you are?” Pan asked.

“I’m Sophie Turner. That’s my twin brother Austin. And that’s Kaylie, Cameron, Brooke, Josiah, Ellie, Josh, Annabelle, and Riley.” I took the liberty to introduce everyone.

“Nice to meet all of you.” Pan said with a genuine smile.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell us why you told us to be here. You told us that you’d give us answers. Now where are they?” Cameron demanded.

“I see…I know what you’re problem is. I’ll explain to everyone why they are gifted. First, I’ll start with Sophie. Is that okay?” Pan checked with everyone to see if they were okay with it.

“I’m not! I’ve been waiting here for a while and I deserve some answers! Now tell me old man!” Cameron barked.

“Cameron, you will be patient and wait until I get to you.” Pan replied calmly.

“Old man, this better not be a trick!” Cameron yelled.

“Dude, calm down. He’ll get to you when he gets to you.” Austin said.

“Shut up! I don’t even know you so don’t tell me what to do!” Cameron was very angry.

“I’m just saying, you need to stop yelling at him if you want your answers.” Cameron came over to Austin and was about to punch him when a burst of water shot out from somewhere and drenched him.

“Who did that?” Cameron demanded.

“I think that will help you ‘chill’.” Josh snickered. He was behind it.

“How did you do that?” I asked.

“There’s a fountain. Watch.” Josh walked over to the fountain and formed a tiny ball of water.

“See?” Josh said.

“That’s pretty cool.” I replied.

“Okay, now that we’re settled I’ll get to explaining.” Pan said.

Cameron stalked away from us.

“Sophie, you say you’re gifted with archery, right? You have a special knack for that because of Artemis, the god of the hunt. She has hidden inside of you because there has been a war going on in Olympus. Most of the gods have found someone to be safe inside of.” Pan explained.

“There’s a god…inside of me?” I asked incredulously as my eyes bulged.

“Inside each and everyone of you.” Pan replied.

“Can you tell all of us who’s inside of us?” Austin asked.

“Of course! Inside of you, Austin, is Apollo, god of music. Kaylie, Aphrodite, god of love and beauty. Cameron, Ares, god of war. That explains everything to you doesn’t it? Brooke, Athena, god of wisdom. Josiah, Hades, god of the Underworld. God of the dead. You feel attracted to Carrie’s grave because she was a daughter of Hades. Ellie, inside of you is Hestia but you also posses some of Hera’s qualities. Why? Because they both fought to get inside of you. Josh, Poseidon, god of the sea. Annabelle, Demeter, god of agriculture. And Riley, Zeus, god of the skies. That explains why lightning doesn’t kill you.” Pan explained, looking each of us dead in the eye.

“How do we get them out?” I asked.

“You would have to go on many quests. I cannot tell you exactly how. You will have to meet with the leader. He should be able to meet you guys tomorrow. But he lives in London. Off of the Thames River. I’ll get you guys first class tickets for the next flight. I’ll work something out with your parents and then you should be good to go!” Pan was getting ready to leave.

“Wait, you seriously don’t expect us to go with you. Do you?” I asked.

“I do. You have no choice. So go home and pack your bags.” Pan hobbled away and left us to consult with each other.

“Austin? Should we go?” I asked.

“I think we should.” Austin reluctantly said.

“What about Mom and Dad?” I furrowed my brow.

“You heard Pan. He said he’ll work something out with our parents then we will be able to go. I bet he’ll say that we were picked to go on an exclusive one to two month trip to London. I’m sure they’ll say yes or maybe Pan has the power of convincing people to say yes?” Austin replied.

“We have to go now. I need Mom to drive me to Archery practice and you have a drum lesson or something.” I pulled Austin along and hurriedly said good-bye to the others.

Our choice was made and I hoped the others would go with us. I didn’t want Austin and I to be the only people who ended up going. But when I looked at the others, they all had a serious face on and I heard them say that they probably had no choice if they want to get rid of the god inside of them.

When you next hear of what we’re doing, we’ll either be on a plane or meeting this mysterious guy who said was the “leader” and could tell us more.

The Twelve Heroes: Finding Our Identity (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now