Wandering (Edited)

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Ellie’s P.O.V.

I’m the quiet girl. While everyone else was bantering with each other I was just standing there awkwardly. After a couple of seconds of feeling invisible I just decided to go back to my room, which fmade me feel safe.

I lounged around, thinking about what Phil had told us. After debating whether or not I should go snooping around the house to find answer, I decided on yes. I got off my lazy butt and snuck out of my room. In the hallway I heard arguments going on within the others’ rooms.

I had to check every hallway before I entered it, just to make sure that Phillip was lurking there. I came upon a doorway that was different from the others. It look ancient. There was mold growing in spots and the wood was dark and mottled. It gave me the creeps, but I also knew that something important must be hiding behind the door. So I opened it. Or at least tried to. The door was locked. I nudged the bottom of the door and got it to push slightly open. I backed up and threw my shoulder into the door and it was about to break. I jiggled the door knob and it clicked open.

“Simple enough…” I mumbled to myself.

The room wasn’t anything spectacular. You know, besides the fact the it was humongous and filled with assorted weapons and armor. I tiptoed around the room because I didn’t want anything to fall. I poked a few weapons and gazed longingly at others. I do admit that I’ve always wanted to own a weapon or two. Not guns or knives but actual swords and shields. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to get into a sword fight. With actual swords.

“Did you find everything to your liking?” Phil questioned from behind me. I spun around and breathed heavily.

“You scared me!” I replied.

“You shouldn’t be snooping where you’re not belonged. I was positive that a door like that would keep everyone out – even intruders. No one would think that a weaponry would be in here. No one would think that something important would be hidden in here.” Phil said disdainfully.

“Sorry, but I needed answers. I thought that this room might hold them. Plus, a door like this” I gestured to the door, "Would draw attention in a house like this."

“You're very onservant, but that's beside the point. You could have just asked me. What did I say earlier?” Phil questioned.

“Um,” I tried to recall what he said. “Oh, that if we were caught snooping the punishments…would be severe.”

“That would be correct. But since this is your first offense, I will let it slide. If I catch you again, you will receive a punishment. Now, go back to your room and do not say a word about this.” Phil commanded and I hurried out of the room.

As I was walking down the hall, I heard a sound like air coming out of a tire. I wondered what it could be, considering there weren’t any tires. I went back to my room, suppressing the urge to go and continue snooping around. I suppose I’d just have to go to the local library if I wanted answers. But if I wanted answers concerning my condition, I'm sure Phil would be the only one who knew them.

Confronting Phil would probably be my first mission. I’m very shy and quiet.

I made myself a deal. I would go and confront Phil and if he didn’t give me the answers I needed I would snoop around again. If I got in trouble it would just sidetrack me. It wouldn’t stop me. But until then, I would have to be a good little girl. Just like I've always been.

The others would have a plan, I'm sure. None of them seemed the least bit shy. Well, except Annabelle. Which gave me an idea. If I didn;'t have the guts to confront Phil on my own, then maybe I could get someone else's help.

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