Fighting (Edited)

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Cameron's P.O.V.

I've successfully gotten into about ten fights in the past two weeks. Ever since I go to this mansion I've had the urge to just fight someone. Then, at night, I would hear someone whispering inside of my head. It was a deep voice. A scary voice. An intimidating voice. A voice that scared the crap out of me.

After every fight, I thought that it was a pointless fight. Most of the fights were about stupid little things, like who's stronger or what girl is the prettiest. And after every single fight I was forced to go to my room. Now, I'm forced to stay in my room. I couldn't leave even if I tried. Phil put some kind of spell or enchantment or something on the door so whenever I touch it I get shocked. Cruel? No, they're just trying to protect everyone else. From me

Ares, the god of war, was influencing me. I'm almost positive that that is why I'm acting this way. Brooke knew that too. That's why she still hung out with me, unlike to others who coward in fear. I hated it, though. Only having Brooke as a friend. I made sure to avoid Sophie because she was still healing and I didn't want to hurt her.

Later, after I was allowed to leave my room, I went to the living room and played Sorry with Brooke. We were away from everyone else, set off to the side of the living room.

"I know why you're fighting with everyone." Brooke said in a low voice.

"Why?" I demanded, even though I already knew the answer.

"Because of Ares." She replied simply.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"It's obvious." She responded.

It was my turn to make a move in checkers but I didn't. Brooke looked at me questioningly. 

"How is it so obvious? I was never angry all the time before I got here! Now it's worse than before. Every time I get into a fight, it's horrible! You make it seem like you can look at my soul and identify the problem. So tell me, why is this happening?" I whisper-yelled.

"It's Ares's fault. He feels agitated by all of the other gods and goddesses that are here." Brooke replied hesitantly.

"How can you be so sure?" I wondered.

"Because," She put her hand on her ab area, "Athena told me that."

"How does she know? For all you know she took over your mind and is poisoning all of your thoughts." I said.

"Can we just get back to the game?" Brooke looked at the game board and frowned.

I moved my checker and then Brooke jumped me. The game was awkward between us and I had the distinct feeling that Brooke would glance at me from time to time. Once we finished our game I put it away and went to sit on a couch to watch a football game that was on, which I later learned was a bad idea.

Halfway through the game some guy got a penalty and it was unfair so I shouted, "Oh, come on!"

"He totally deserved that penalty." Vincent replied.

"What? No he didn't! The other guy should've got it!" I argued.

"No, are you crazy!? You did just see what he did, right?" Vincent retorted.

"The real question is did YOU see what that guy did?" I replied.

It went on and on like this for a minute or two before I got so enraged that I punched Vincent.

"Dude, what's your problem!" Vincent shouted as he clutched his now bleeding nose.

"Cameron!" Brooke shouted.

Then, I mistakenly hit her and she screamed in pain. So much for a having a friend.

"Wait, Brooke!" She ran out of the room, towards the kitchen crying.

"I'm such a screw-up." I muttered to no one in particular. 

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