Just Fun (Edited)

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Sophie's P.O.V.

Anthony and I have started to spend every moment together. But there was something bad about that. Riley and Josiah seemed so jealous and angry about it. And ever since my heart-to-heart with Anthony it was like the air was clear and we could just be together. Anthony decided to test Artemis's threat and kiss me. And, dare I say it, it was amazing! I'm a fourteen-year old girl who has her first boyfriend. But it is at the worst time possible.

Later today Valerie decided to flirt with Anthony, so of course, I butt in. 

"Hey, Valerie! What are you two talking about?" I asked cheerily as I scooted closer to Anthony.

"Oh, nothing." She replied nonchalantly.

"Will you be staying here for a while?" I asked.

"Probably. I got nothing better to do. Besides, these guys need more training. Don't you agree? They can't even beat a measly girl!" She smiled flirtatiously at Anthony.

"Heh." I laughed a fake laughed.

"Oh, and how's your back? I've been meaning to ask about that." She looked genuinely concerned but I couldn't be sure.

"It's healing. I wish it had healed before, though." I smiled ruefully.

"What do you mean you 'wish it had healed before'? Didn't I injure it?" She asked, confused.

"Um," I looked at Anthony for help.

"She got attacked. Before she got attacked a harpy cut a long and deep gash into her arm. She was miserable for at least a month." Anthony explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Valerie replied.

I just shrugged, which slightly hurt. I couldn't believe that I had to wait for my back to heal, again. Anthony suddenly put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder. I gave him a small smile. Valerie looked mad for just a second, then she returned to her calm and collected self.

"Oh, look at the time! I have to go and train Austin then Josiah. See you later?" She hurriedly got up and went to get Austin. I assumed she was trying to make me jealous. Epic Fail.

I glanced down at my right arm. There was a scar there. Thankfully, it had started to fade away. I couldn't imagine having a horrendous scar on my arm forever. Anthony saw me looking at it.

"It will go away." Anthony reassured me.

I quickly looked away and sighed. It may go away, but I'll never forget that memory. Anthony kissed my cheek as he pulled me closer to him.


Dinner that night was hilarious. There was so much laughing and so many accidents that by the time everyone dispersed form the kitchen, it was a sticky mess. One incident was when Riley sprayed Kaylie with his Crush.

"You ruined my outfit and hair!" She yelled in disgust.

"I'm sorry! Not!" Riley guffawed and Kaylie punched his arm, flirtatiously I might add.

"Hmph!" She got up and stomped out of the room to change and wash her hair.

Then, Austin decided to dump his spaghetti in Ellie's hair.

"Austin!" She shrieked.

"Oops!" He chuckled.

Ellie flung her spaghetti at Austin and laughed mischievously.

"Sorry, I totally DID mean to do that!" She laughed in his face, then excused herself from the table.

Cameron and Brooke ended up getting into an argument, which they did often, and left the room. Josh decided to dump a cup of water on Annabelle's head then she left, complaining, out of the room, followed by Josh who was laughing. Valerie, Vincent, and Josiah left the room to go and change. I assumed that they all liked Valerie. After everyone had left I barely noticed that Phillip hadn't eaten with us. I know, I'm slow, right?

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