Greetings (Edited)

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It’s time… That’s the thought that was running through everyone’s mind. They all took a deep breath and walked to the park. They all met by the park sign. None of them knew each other because they’ve never had any classes together or have seen each other, even though they all went to the same school. But their school was HUGE. Like it could hold a billion people.

Sophie’s P.O.V.

I had my quiver of bows strapped across my back and my arrow in my hand. If this was a prank, I would be going to archery right after.

“This is it.” I sighed and turned to my brother Austin.

“This is it.” He agreed.

Austin and I stood together, waiting for anybody to come. Good thing I was patient.

Kaylie’s P.O.V.

I walked towards the park sign to find that two people were already there.

“Are you the person who sent us the note?” The girl asked.

“No. I was just about to ask you the same thing.” I replied.

“Well, while we wait we might as well introduce ourselves. I’m Austin, this is my twin sister Sophie.” They guy stated.

“Nice to meet you two, I’m Kaylie.” I replied.

“Nice to meet you.” Austin and Sophie replied in unison.

“And now we wait.” I said and they both nodded their heads.

We waited for about five minutes when someone name Cameron came. We introduced ourselves and then waited for the next person to arrive. Every time, the girl, Sophie introduced each of us. Soon enough, everyone was getting tired of waiting. Most were talking amongst the other, unlike me. I was just standing patiently, ears pricked for any sign of danger.

After ten minuted of waiting and no one else arriving, I threw my head back. This had been a prank. It had to have been. But who would have gathered a bunch of no name losers? Sure, Cameron may have been a bully, causing someone to prank him. And me, someone could've ebeen mad that I rejected them. But the others? They all looked so innocent.

"Guys, maybe we should just leave. This was probably just some poorly planned prank." I finally gave into my impatient side.

"I at least want to stay here to found out who planned this."  Brook replied.

"But what if no one comes? I'm sure we've been waiting for an hour or more. Don't you just want to go back to your house and lay down? Not be humiliated by someone stupid kid who thinks he can prank us?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

Just as I was walking off, a crippled man approached me. I was about to move away, but he reached out and grabbed my arm. I tried pulling away, but the old geezer was strong. When I stopped struggling, he finally spoke.

"Hello." He greeted.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Why, I am Pan. The god of the wilderness. I'm sure you've red about me before." Pan replied confidently.

"I've read a few stories about you, but that was when I was in sixth grade. I'm in ninth now." I responded.

"But surely you remember about me?" Pan questioned.

"I'm kind of iffy on that. I mean, how can we believe that a crippled old man is a  Greek god? After all, you are holging me here against my will." I asked, incredulously.

"By what I'm about to tell you." Pan replied ominously.

"And what could that be? Any person could come up with a amount of things to tell unsuspecting children. Then, when we just start to trust you, you'll lure us to your lair. And Bam! Everyone will forget about the kids who were stupid enough to trust a note." 

"Just shut up and listen, sweet child. I cannot tell you anything if you keep on running your mouth. Everyone else here has not spoken a single word!"

"So, what can you tell us to make us trust and believe you?" Ellie asked.

The Twelve Heroes: Finding Our Identity (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now