Chapter 1

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I woke up at 6am as always, I get dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black shirt that says Vans in white letters in front of it and I put on my vans high tops.. I went into the bathroom to get my hair ready, I brush my wavy brown hair that ends at my lower/mid back and just tied it up into a messy bun.

At 7:15 I was ready to leave yelling at Miranda to hurry up. Around 7:20 Vic, Mike, Tony ,and Jaime were waiting out side in the truck. I get in and then Miranda gets in.

When Vic parked his truck we all got out and just started to talk about the stupids things ever. Mike and Tony argued about which was better Star Wars or Harry Potter.. We were all just laughing at them. Then the bell rings to go to class. We all went in separate directions expect for Miranda, Mike, and me..

The 3 of us got into are first class English. I noticed we had a substitute so Mike came and sat next to me and Miranda. We were going to watch a movie so who cares. The period past by fast the movie was actually good, for some reason we were watching Stands and Delivers it was really good..

After 3 periods it was lunch so we all meet up again at are usual place. Jaime comes running towards all of us and yells "People it's Friday we need to fuck shit up".. We all laughed and said at the same time "Jaime relax 3 more classes left.." Silent filled threw us until I said "Soo people what are we going to do??" Miranda spoke up " What if we all sleep over at one of are houses? You know play some games watch movies fuck shit up."
"Nice idea Miranda you are my sister, what do u guys think?"
Vic, Mike, and Tony said at the same time "Sure I'm in.."

We all looked at Jaime he said "Of course I'm in, what house tho?"
I laughed and said "Fuentes you guys choice.." Vic said "My house.." We all shook are heads in agreement..

I started to play around with Vic's hair and Mike grabbed me from behind, carrying me over his shoulder. I screamed and he carried me off to where no one could hear us talk once he put me down I said "why you do that for?"
"Cause I need to ask you something"
" ok ask me"
"Do you think you could hide these for me till after school?? Please"
"Mike you know I hate weed"
"I know, but come on my next class, the teacher makes us dump out everything in our back packs and look for are homework if we don't have it and I don't have it."
"Ugh ok Mike give it to me" he gives it to me and I put it in my bag and he says "Thank you, Maria you are the best." and kisses my cheek..

Once we got back lunch was over and my next class I have Vic with me ,art. Vic stands up and says "shall we go" with the cutest smile ever. He graves my hand and pulls me to our class. The teacher gave us our assignment which was to use paint and throw it on to a paper to make it look/feel like an emotion.

I take out my pencil to write my name on the paper. Vic got my bag and started to look through it. He looks at something and his face expiration changes.
"Maria why do you have that?"
"It's not mine ok, you know I don't do that anymore"
"Then who's is it?"
"It's Mikes he needs me to keep it till end of school", he looks at me relieved it wasn't mine.
Me and him start getting in to the assignment, just splashing paint on a paper, when the teacher tells us to start cleaning up.

Once we finish up the bell rings to go to our next class, Vic walks me to my class and keeps looking at my binder which had pictures of us when we where smaller. He takes my binder out of my hands and points at a picture where it was him when he was 2 years old carrying little old me when I was just a couple of weeks old.
He laughs and says "I member this I was begging your mom that I wanted to hold you or Miranda, she finally let me hold you and she took the picture I was so happy.." I smile at him and walked in to my class room, he gave me my binder back and left to his class.

I sat down in my seat and just waited for Miranda to come in. When she came in she smiled "hey ready for the fun world of history?"
"Nope" was all I said. Once class started I just kept looking at my binder thinking about all the pictures I had. I turned my binder to the back and found a picture that was taking in a photo booth of me and Vic alone, behind some other things I have on my binder.

I take it out and see the pictures on it. Vic and me were playing around you could tell by the smile on our faces. But the last picture that was in the bottom was the one that always gets covered by other stuff. It was me and Vic kissing. Yeah I know me and Vic are best friend or how we call each other infant mates but at that moment we just kissed and well the booth took a picture. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang to go to our last class.

My last class was biology, which I had Tony and Jaime in. Every Friday we usually had a lab to do but this one we just had to finish up are drawings of the organs. We sat in groups of 4 so it was me on the right and Tony next to me, Jaime in front of Tony ,and in front of me this guy named Pablo he was like a rocker pretty awesome his hair was really long and kind of wavy he would always wear black his was really cool to talk to and kind of cute too. That class went by fast just talking to Tony, Jaime ,and Pablo.

After class Jaime, Tony ,and me are always the first once to get to the truck which sucked cause we had to wait for Vic, Mike ,and Miranda. Once they finally got here we all got in the truck. I was the last one to get in ,but when I was about to get in I hear someone say, "Maria you left your binder in class" I turn around and see Pablo with my binder I thanked him and he road of with his skateboard and i got in the truck.

We all agreed to meet up at the Fuentes house hold at 7pm, so Vic dropped all of us at our houses. First he dropped of Jaime, then Tony ,then finally Miranda and me. When he dropped us off we said are good bye and closed the door. As they drove off Mike yelled "Don't forget at 7 girls." I laughed and opened the door to the house. Both me and Miranda just left are bags on the floor.

At 5 I took a shower and got dressed in light blue jeans and a white tank top. I brushed my hair to get all the knots out of it and let it dry naturally. I put on a grey beanie after a couple of minutes. When I looked at the time it was 6:10, I went to Miranda's room and she was taking a shower so I just lay on her bed looking at all the things she had in her room. When she finally got out, she had black shorts on and a red tank top. She grabbed my black Jansport backpack and put in her pajamas and extra clothes, my stuff were already in there. I looked at what time it was and it was around 6:57 grabbed my skateboard and Miranda's skateboard and we left to the Fuentes house hold.. We actually didn't use our boards we walked.(they live close to each other.)

When we got there it was 7:00 we knocked on the door and Mama Fuentes opens it. She looked at us, "Mijas you two look beautiful as always."
"Gracias mama." She let us in and we see all the guys here already in the living room.
"About time you two" Vic said playfully hugging me.

After we all put on are pajamas, we decided what movie to watch, it took us long time to pick what movie, it was already 9 when we picked Edward Scissor hands.. Vic and me where on top of the couch laying down my head on his chest, Jaime was on the love seat laying down ,and Miranda, Tony , and Mike on the ground with blankets.. After the movie was over Jaime and Tony were asleep. So the rest of us just watched tv. Around midnight I could tell Vic fell asleep because his chest rises and lowers very calming.. Not very long after I fell asleep hearing his heartbeat as well, leaving Miranda and Mike awake watching tv..

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