Chapter 18

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(Still Vic's POV)

One cut for being stupid.

One cut for leaving her side.

One cut for not being there for her.

One cut for being me.

One cut for these stupid thoughts.

One cut for hating myself.

One cut for cutting myself.

One cut for my mistakes.

One cut for-

I was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Vic are you okay you've been in the bathroom for 12 minutes now." Mike yelled at me through the door.

"Ummm yeah I'm okay I'm just untangling my hair." I say as I quickly clean up my mess. I cleaned my wrists and wrapped it up, I got my blade and I put it behind my phone case and got out of the bathroom. I hate how I'm falling back into my old habit but its what I deserve for leaving her in danger.

"Vic you haven't been the same since you know Maria has been in the hospital." Mike says.

"She's my best friend and I let her be in danger it's my fault she's in there again." I say as I long for the feeling of the blade slitting my wrist.

"Vic I know it's been 7days since that but you know she's strong. And it's not your fault." I walk away going to the front door ," where are you going?"

"I'm going to the hospital to see Maria." I quickly reply.

"Vic you've been going there every fucking day and yesterday we had to pull you out of there." I nodded but still went I didn't care what he said.


"Hey beautiful..... please wake up. I need you." I whisper to Maria, I know she can hear me, but se looked so life less, pale her lips dry. She doesn't look like the Maria I know. "I bought a you rose." I put the rose next to her. Hours past and I just talked to Maria and told her about song I'm working on.

"Vic?" I turn around and I see Miranda standing at the door. "Why are you here I told the guys not to let you come."

"Why don't you want me here?" I asked confused.

"It's not good for you to be locked up here in the hospital. I want you to go and have fun, Maria wouldn't want you to be here locked up."

"I can't leave her sight it's my fault she's in here."

"No it's not Vic! She's in here because of that pill she took with Pablo its not your fault, how many times do I have to tell you."

"She took that pill because I left her alone with him. I'm not leaving her alone."

"I'll be here with her Vic don't worry-" I cut her off "no you go out and go with the guys ok"

An hour passed and we talked later Miranda had to leave to go eat. I ate before she came.

I soon realized that it was almost time that they would kick me out.


"Son it's time for you to leave." Maria's nurse told me.

"Please can I stay, i can't leave her."

"You can't be here after 9:30 and its already 9:40.. Please just wait in the waiting room or better yet go home get some rest dear." I nodded my head and went to the waiting room.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now