Chapter 6

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~Wednesday ~
I've been stuck here for 5 fucking days I can't hand any more of this fucking abuse. I hate this place so much I wish I could just burn it down.. School here was also hell they were worse then in San Diego I got bullied the moment I stepped in to the school. Words keep repeating in my mind ugly, fat, emo, useless, worthless, fake, stupid, whore, slut and much more.

"Maria?" I look up at my sister.

"Yeah Miranda"

"Why don't the guys come didn't you say you left them a note?"

"Yeah I did maybe they haven't seen it yet or something." I tried giving a fake smile to her but I couldn't.

The rooms door flew open. "Ok dinner is ready now go down stair now." Said Frank my step father and walked out.

"I don't wanna eat, you could go by yourself." I said while laying down on my bed.

"You sure?" Miranda asked with a worried look. I nodded and she left the room closing the door.

A couple of minute later the door flew open reviling a very pissed off Frank. "Your sister left with your mom to the store." He began walking closer to me I was backing away from him until I hit the wall. "You know your not that useless I guess you could be useful for something."

"Like what?" I asked scared to even ask "your punching bag asshole."

He laughed and started getting his body closer to mine. "Very funny maybe you could be my little slut." His body was so close to mine I could feel how hard he was getting down there. He slowly moved my hair way from my neck and started to kiss it.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I said crying. He was to strong I couldn't get out of his grip he slowly started touch me. But once he got to my stomach he touched his hardness and said "baby you see how hard you got me." He started to rub it against me(still fully clothes). "Oh wait ill be back I need to get protecting ill be back my little whore."

As soon as he left I went in to the walk in closet in side the bedroom. Luckily it had a lock on it and I locked it I felt so disgusting. But I also started feeling dizzy and passed out.

I slowly started to wake up I got up and started looking around the closet. I found what I was looking for. 1 cut 2 cuts 3 cuts i went on. Before I knew it 15 fresh cuts formed on my wrist.

Cut more you worthless whore. No one cares about you just cut straight down the vain and you won't hear us again, attention whore, cut cut cut. Your fucking bitch cut now!!
The voices in my head scream at me every time louder.

"S-stop, please stop" I yell but they keep screaming at me
Worthless cut now. Cut slut come on just cut attention whore. You know you want to.
"S-stop." I yell even louder but it's no use. The same thing happen over and over again tears running down my cheek i kept screaming for them to stop but they wouldn't.

Finally they stopped the voices stopped .
I felt more worthless then before but then I started to hear something. "Hello Maria."

I looked behind me and I see a girl she looks like me but with red hair and red eyes. "W-who are you?" I said feeling scared. "I'm Marilyn" she said in the happiest tone of voice.

"W-what do you want from me?"

"Oh I'm here to make your life more of a living hell, you know Vic and the guys right?" I nodded. "They're happy both of you left, why else would they not be here yet? They never cared about you, Vic never loved you he felt pitty towards you" I looked down at my blade. "Oh go ahed cut I know it makes you feel better."

"No I won't.. Where's my sister?" I asked her.

"Well she's off to school she dosent care about you look around no one dose. Your better of died. Kill yourself now it'll be easier."

Every word that came out of her mouth made me feel worse by the second. Maybe she was right. I quickly looked around and she was gone. "Marilyn?" I called out her name but no answer. I looked down a my blade wanting to cut. I can't I can't cut no more.

I was crying I couldn't stop I felt as if I was going crazy. All those words keep replying in my mind I imagine everyone saying those things to me surrounding me. I got my blade and started to cut more but this time in my thighs.

~~~~~~ 3 hours later~~~~~~
I heard banging on the door but I didn't care I felt useless. I got my blade and started to carve in VIC on my thigh. I was losing way to much blood by now and I didn't realize how deep I had cut his name into my thigh. I guess it's worth it, it's the only thing ill have of him now.

"Maria!! Open the door please." Vic? No it can't be it's all in my head. "Please Maria open up." No it was him.

"Vic?" I said as loud as my voice let me which was a bit louder then a whisper. I felt tired and dizzy by now.
"Yes, Maria please open up please."

"I- I can't." I started at my thighs blood all over even on my wrist dry blood and fresh blood all over my pale body. I started crying remembering everything. I slowly start feel as if I was getting a panic attack it was getting harder to breath.

"Maria please relax baby please for me." Vic said I could tell by his voice he was about to cry. I hear them kicking the door and soon enough the door was on the floor I see all the guys Jaime, Tony, Mike, even Miranda, and Vic.. All their faces were in shock..

"Maria relax okay I'm here now baby." Vic ran towards me we were both on the ground he had his arm now around my shoulder hugging me. He had some blood of mine on his hands and arms by now. I soon noticed I was having a panic attack I couldn't breath I felt dizzy. Last thing I remember was seeing Vic with tears rolling down his cheek him saying words I couldn't put together. Soon darkness took over.

A/N Okay so I just wanted to say rest in peace to Vic's friend Amber she passed away today 1/18/14 I have no idea who she was but I know she's in a better place now RIP Amber <3 Vic misses you and loves you... (Vic posted it on Instagram).. ~ Maria

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