Chapter 22

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I was being shook," wake up, were about to land." I open my eyes and I sit up straight. "Look we're landing." I look at outside the window. "These is a pretty view." I say still kinda sleepy. Once the plane landed we were like the last people out because if you have been on a plane you know how crowded it gets, getting off.

"Here get you backpack." Vic handed me my backpack and got down his. "You got everything that we brought up with us?" I nodded my head. "Oh wait your bear." Vic says, I get my bear that I place on the seat next to where I was sitting. "Okay I got everything now to get out luggage." We got out and got all of our luggages, "Vic how are we going to go to a hotel?" He started thinking.

"Well let's see if they allow us to rent a car. If we can't then its going to be a taxi." We went and they did allowed us to rent a car. We got a got an Chevy Tahoe, "okay now we have a car, next step we need a hotel." We went one to look for a hotel and we found one a couple minutes away from the beach. We go up to the room and we left everything on the floor and went straight on the bed.

"Vic how can you afforded so much your only 17 and you only work when you work with your dad." I ask.

"We have all been saving up for this specific summer cause well next year I graduate so it like my last summer. We all wanted to enjoy and you guys get money to live off of so we are all like pitching in on this vacation." I understood what he said. "Anyways we should do something fun tonight."

"Like what? Go to the beach or something?" I ask.

"Umm I've been wanting to get my nose pierced and so have you so why not that?"

"I'm not ready for that, but you would look cute with a nose piercing." I blushed at the end.

"Will you get anything pierced?" I nodded my head.

"I'll get my 4th hole done in my ears."

"Okay then it's a date a piercing a date." Vic said.

"We should get something to eat its 4 already."

"Where do you want to go eat?"

"To be honest I'm craving McDonald's." he nodded his head and got his keys and we drove of to the nearest McDonalds. We ate and we looked around for a piercing/tattoo shop. "There's one." I pointed to the tattoo shop.

"Ok we'll go there but we need to find a place to park the car." We found a parking spot and we walked to the shop hand in hand. "Hello Welcome to Molly's Tattoos/Piercings." A lady with bright pink hair welcomed us. "I'm Molly how may I help you?"

"We were wondering if we could get piercings." Vic says.

"Yeah actually, I do piercings and I'm free right now. Well you guys want it right now?" Molly asked.

"Yeah that would be great." Vic said excitedly.

" I just need you to sign some papers and where do you want the piercings and pick a the style you want." She handed Vic some papers to sign.

"I want a nose piercing a hoop actually. And she wants to get her 4th hole done on her ear."

"Okay let me just get you the piercings and mean while both of you sign your papers." Molly said while going to the back. We both filled out the papers and we picked out the piercing we wanted.

"Maria should I get a black hoop or a sliver one?" Vic asked me.

"Sliver. Oh Vic you get to pick out my earrings." He nodded and started to look at the earrings.

"I like these ones." Vic said pointing to some cute simple black studs. "I like them too."

"Okay who's going to go first?" Molly asks.

"I will. Unless Vic you want to?"

"No you could go first, wait we need a picture first." While Molly got out the things me and Vic took one last picture before he got his nose hoop and I got my 4th ear piercing. "Okay are you ready Maria?" Molly asked she told me to sit on a chair and she did the dots on my ears where the piercing was going to be at. I was holding Vic's hand and Molly pierced my ears. They handed me a mirror and behold I had some new holes in my ears. "They look nice on you." Vic complemented me.

"Now your turn Vic", I got off the chair I was sitting on and Vic sat on it. Molly did the same to him placing a mark where she was going to pierce Vic's nose. "Is that a good spot?" Molly asked holding up a mirror for Vic.

"Is it Maria?" I nodded my head and then Molly pierced Vic's nose. "Vic you look awesome." I say happily. "Aww I thought you were man enough to get the piercing with out crying Vic." I say with a giggle at the end.

"I'm not crying. It's normal to get your eyes watery when you get your nose pierced. Right Molly?" Vic said.

"Yeah it is actually." Molly responded.

"I know it is Vic. Oh now we need another picture to see how cute we look now." We quickly take a picture and my ears are red , Vic's nose is also kinda red. We payed and thanked Molly, after that we left back to the hotel.

"Vic we should do something else."

"Like what?"

"I have a hell of a plan now. What if I go buy hair dye and you die my hair."

"Umm Miranda is going to be mad at you.." He was thinking, "fuck it she's already going to be mad at you for randomly getting another piercing."

"Let's walk to store that's like a block away, I saw they had dyes." He nodded his head and we left. It was getting really dark so Vic kept holding my hand.

Once we walked into the store there was a lot of color to pick from. "What color are you going to want?" Vic asked.
"I'm not sure. My hair color is the same as yours and I want an unnatural hair color now."

"So manic panic hair dye?" I nodded my head and we started to look at all the different manic panic colors.
"Vic , how but cotton candy pink, or purple haze?" I said while pointing at the two colors.

"Well for cotton candy pink your going to have to bleach your hair to get it a nice color right? Go with purple haze for you won't have to bleach your hair."

"True, okay well I'll get 2 bottles of purple haze please." I tell the lady that was helping us. I payed and we went back to the hotel.

"Ready to dye your hair?" Vic asked me.

"FUCK YES! But I'm going to have to sleep with the dye on cause I'm not going to bleach it so put this on my head when you finish putting all the purple haze on my hair." I said while handing him the shower cap, Vic nodded and started to put the purple on my hair.

Once he finished I looked at Vic and his hands were all purple and a lot of my forehead was purple too. "So your going to sleep with it on?"

"Yeah i will rinse my hair when I wake up."

We ended up falling to sleep around 12 at night together on one bed the other bed in the room was left empty.

A/N hopefully all of you guys like my story... Thanks again Lexxie... So if you guys like my story maybe you will like my other story it's also about Vic but its going to be different go read it if you want thanks for reading. ~Maria

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