The Celebration of an Ending

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All the seniors woke up early to go to school, we all went to school around 4:30 am to see the sun rise and it was perfect. All the seniors agreed to come so we did it with out teacher permission but we did it. After the sunrise we had the senior breakfast (that was actually planned by the teachers).

"Last time were going to be here as student." Jaime says sad.

"I'm going to do what I've alway wanted to do." I say and grab 2 cups one full of milk and the other of orange juice. Mike, Miranda, Tony and Jaime all just started at me waiting to see what I do. Miranda had a thought of what I was going to due she smiled at me.

I walked up to Britney the bitch who made me feel worse about myself, who made half of my life a living hell. She looks at me and stands up. "What do you want whore?" She asked all confident.

Everyone stared, the room went silent, they all knew we both hated each other."You will regret what you did to me all these years." I get the cups and pour the milk and juice on top of her head. "Rot in hell bitch." I walk away and bunch of people laughed, cheered or ooooohed.

As I reached the table were my friends were at they all attacked me with a hug and Mike showed me the video he took of me pouring the milk at the bitch. "Vic is going to be so proud." Mike says and kisses my check.

After all this shit we went back home and we have to be at the place of the ceremony by 2pm. Mike showed the video to Vic and he was amazed and wished he was there in person to see it.


"Okay before we leave to your guys graduation I need to pass this new song by you. I have everything to it including drums." Vic graved his guitar so did Jaime and Tony and Mike got on his drums.

"Please keep chasing me,

you Southern constellations got me so dizzy.

It's cold but you pretend that you are warm with me.

Before I get you home you're nearly frozen,

but I'll never let you freeze without me.

Oh, no." Vic sang softly but I could tell this song was going to get heavier. I look at Miranda and she kept looking at the guys smiling. I remembered I helped Vic with this part at the airport when we went to Florida.


It's time to take you home,

it feels so early but I promised I would bring you to your door.

Now our lips are numb!

As we walk, sharing warm alcohol

That kiss tastes like summer.

I hope you like the stars I stole for you," Vic looked straight into my eyes while singing that part.

"One hundred million twinkle lights in neon blue.

I'll be the brightest someday!

I'll be the brightest someday!

I'll be the brightest, you'll see!

Don't rain on my parade, it's gonna glow in the dark.

I like it better when you can't keep warm.

Don't ruin a perfect thing, a perfect thing.

The boy on the blue moon dreams of sun.

Now as the rain falls like shattered pieces of glass from the sky,

we bleed like water colors and drunken pastels down the stairways.

And I ask myself, why do I still pray?

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now