Chapter 24

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"I'm ready to leave!!" I say while I get my phone and look at myself one more time. I fixed my jean shorts from the bottom and looked at my shirt that Vic had recently gave me of his band 'Before Today'. "Me too." Vic says while high fiving me. We all finished we went to Subway for breakfast.

"Oh my god I want to go on that ride first." Miranda said pointing to a princess ride. (A/N I'm sorry I've never been to Disney World I've only been to Disney Land) we got in line and it went pretty fast.

"What ride do you want to get on" Mike asked me while wrapping his arm around me. "Ummm I don't care but I want a piggy back ride. Pwese.."

"Vic get this girl on you back!" Mike said while walking faster. "Mike but I want you." I say following Mike.

"You heard the girl she wants you." Vic said while laughing.. Mike finally gave me a piggy back ride and I felt fucking tall. "I'm a giant!!" I yelled and made some people/kids laugh. Some parents gave giving us weird looks at all of us. We got in line to get on another ride, Mike put me back on the ground.

"I really like your hair.." A blonde girl told me while laughing, she was lying of making fun of me.
"Thanks I guess?" She turn around back to her friends and they all laughed.
"Haha she actually believed you."
"Why would a bunch of emos be in Disney?"
"Look she even cuts her self look at all dose cuts on her wrists. Those scars are gross."
"I bet her and the other one are total sluts and whores look there all with a bunch of guys.

I turn around to them ," if your going to talk shit say it to my fucking face bitch!" I yell at them Vic tried holding me back as I go towards her.

"Well maybe like that you could think before showing dose disgusting things on your arms and thighs. Emos shouldn't even be allowed to come to Disney. Oh maybe that one could his pretty cute." She said while going to closer to Vic.

"Bitch leave him alone don't fucking touch him, his taken." I say getting even more pissed off if possible.

"Are you really taken cutie?" She asked Vic. "Yeah, by the way my girlfriend could kick your ass really bad." Vic said mention me.

"Your going out with these?" She said pointing at me with disgust.
"Just fight her already Brittany!" One of her friends yelled.

"Yeah just fight her Maria!" Mike told me. "okay I will.. But I don't throw the first punch." I said while looking at 'Brittany'.
"Luckily I do." With that said she punched me in the jaw. I punched her back, we ended up on the ground. I was on top of her and she was bleeding, Miranda tried pulling me off of her and so did Vic, but I didn't let go until security got me. They took all of us into some office in the back.

"Ok who started the fight?" The security asked us. I pointed at her and she pointed at me. "Do any of you have proof and how old are you guys?"

"I'm 15" I say honestly. "I'm 18." She said now worried.
"While miss Brittany you got in a fight with a minor and if you threw the first punch you could be sent to jail or get into legal trouble." The security said, Brittany looked even more worried.

Mike came up and said ,"here I have prove that she threw the first punch." He handed the security the camera and they played a video.

"While miss Brittany, I'm sorry to say this but you under arrest. Miss Maria your good to go but if you fight or get in any more trouble today you will be kicked out of here with your friends." I nodded my head and we left out of the office.

"That was so bad ass" Jaime said while hugging me. "Thank you Hi-me.."

"Since when are you two going out?" Tony asked curiously while giving Miranda a piggy back ride.

"Were not." Me and Vic say and laugh. The day went on and we got on a lot of rides.

"What time is it Miranda?" I ask my sister walking next to me. "10:06 why?"
"I'm tired I don't want to walk all the way to the car." I say complaing in the dark.

"Here I'll give you a piggy back ride to the car." Vic said while he got in front of me for I could get on. "Thanks Vic."

"I'm tired too." Miranda says to the guys she looks a Tony and gives him a smile. She gets on Tonys back and we get out of Disney World. "Where's the car Vic?" He pointed the the car that was parked about 3 minutes away. "Maria my nose is itchy." Vic said .

"Scratch it." I simply reply.
"I'm holding your legs with my hands if I let you go you will fall." I laughed and he rubbed his nose up against my arms that where around his neck.

"Okay darling. You could get off of me now." Vic said while letting me go. "Thanks" I say while giving him a kiss on the cheek. Vic got in the drivers seat and I go in the backseat. And drove off to the hotel.

"I'm hungry!" Jaime announced it was now 11:24 at night. "What do you want me to do?? What you want to eat me?" Miranda said. Everyone laughed and she turned red, "no I didn't mean it like that!" She yelled but we all still laughed.

"Ok let's go to Carl's Jr. or McDonalds of we still can. Who volunteers to go buy the food?" Mike says. "Ok then we will all have to vote then. I vote Vic."
"Also vote Vic" Jaime says.
"Me too" Miranda says.
"Sorry Vic!" Tony says.

He gets up and walks to the door. I was laying on the bed. I feel some one dragging me down. "No Vic!" I yell.

"Oh well they voted for me and I vote for you to come." He says carrying me bridal style.

"Are you two on your honey moon?" A guy around his twenties asked.

"No she's 15 I'm 17." Vic told him.

"Oh I'm sorry it's just the way you guys look at each other there's something special between you two." He said.

"Oh well his my best friend and we know each other since I was born." I tell him.

"Maybe that's it." He replied and we all get out of the elevator and Vic carried me to the car. We got the food and went back to the hotel. "That was amazing the way you fucked her up." I laughed at him.
"Why did you say I was taken?"

"Because like that she was going to be even more pissed because how can 'someone like me' get someone like you." I answer him.

"Nice, quick thinker." He says while laughing.

"How many days do we have left till we leave?" I ask.

"Umm 4 more days or 3 actually." I nodded.

"Vic I think my memory is all good now but I don't quite remember how school is like." I say truthfully.

"You don't really want to remember that, you get bullied at lot and well most of us do, but they pick on you more. It just you don't like it and its just hell for all of us." He replied putting his hand on my thigh.

When we got back we all ate our food and didn't fall asleep till 1 in the morning. Yeah we were all tired from being in the hot sun and walking around but we had to many jokes and memories.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now