Chapter 29

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"Vic wake up the teacher is going to get pissed.." I whispered to Vic who fell asleep during the movie.

He groan and lifted his head up,"how long till lunch?"

I look at my phone "umm 5 more minutes." He nodded and he began to write something down.

Vic and I began to walk to lunch to go meet up with our friends. "Hey Vic!" Some one yelled out, he turns around and hold my hand to make me stay with him.. "Hey I'm back!!" The bottle blonde bitch yelled.

"Oh hey Anna. How have you been?"

"Good I heard your single and I'm here to take you back." Anna said.

I look at Vic, " I'm sorry I need to leave Miranda is calling me." He kept staring at my eyes begging me not to leave, I gave in and staid there.

"Rude!." Anna said angrily at me, "so baby when are you going to buy us our prom tickets?!"

I look at Vic waiting for what he would say, "we're not going out you dumped me and that was freshmen or sophomore year. I'm over you..."

"I hate to break it to you but I'm going to prom with Vic." I say mimicking her stupid high pitch voice ,Vic notice and giggled. She walked off pissed off, me and Vic continued to walk to our friends.


"Mi-mor get off of me I need to take a piss." Vic said pushing me off. Vic walked off to the restroom and we all just kept talking.

"Dude just leave me alone.." I hear a familiar voice say and I turn to find Anna annoying the fuck out of Vic. Anna forcible kisses Vic, he pushes her of and walks away wiping off his mouth. In the distance you could hear Anna say, "you will regret this Victor Fuentes."

No one payed attention to her we just kept talking about what color hair Miranda should get.

~~~Vic's POV~~~After School~~~

"Victor I'm giving you a last chance to come back to me." Anna said. The guys and the twins were right she was a bitch but I guess I was to into her to pay attention to that. I look at Maria whose holding my hand begging to leave again.

"I don't want to be with you. Maria already told you that I'm going with her to prom." With that said we walk off to the truck where everyone was at to finally go home.

Why would I ever choose Anna over Maria. Anna is such a bitch and Maria is so kind, sweet, beautiful, perfect in my eyes.

~~~~Maria's POV~~~~

"Na Miranda your the one who's going to have kids and be married. I don't really see a guy actually wanting to settle down with me." I say truthfully.

"I kinda picture you and Vic having kids and getting married."

"I don't think so I don't want to interfere with his music career. If me and Vic do get serious then we must have balls cause we both don't want to ruin are friendship. I don't want to have a kid till I know his schedule won't get all over the place. You know." Miranda just nodded in agreement.

~~~a week before prom~~~

"Do you guys wanna go to the beach?" Jaime asked at random.

"But it's Sunday and my mom wants me back by 6 for dinner." Tony said quietly.

"I really don't want to go." I confess.

"Why not?" Vic asks giving me puppy eyes.

"I just don't want to, it's 12 and like idk."

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now