Chapter 14 ❤

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"So where are you taking me to Pablo?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise you'll like it." He reassured me. About 10 mins later Pablo pulled up to the beach parking lot. He opened up my door and grabbed my hand.

"What are we doing here?"

"This is where we are having our date." He lead me up a to the sand a little closer to the ocean where there was a blanket on the sand and also 4 tiki lights each on ever corner of the blanket with a picnic basket in the middle.

"Awwww this is cute." I say smiling to him.

"Okay let's see what in the picnic basket then." I sat down next to him on the blanket and he pulled out the food.

"Umm Pablo I'm allergic peanut butter" I say looking at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he gives me.

"No your not you liar, I would see you eating one of these before." He said jokingly. I took a bite out of it and so did he. During the date we would talk and joke around after about and hour he got serious. "Hey so I need to ask you a question."

"Shoot it." I say sipping out of my juice box.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Suurrree" I said giggling.

"Are you serious or just joking around to ok if you say no."

"No, no Pablo I would like to be your girlfriend for reals."

"You make me happy Maria."

"You also make me happy Pablo."

"Now Pablo you answer me this question." He nodded his head.
"Can I borrow your jacket I'm really cold now."

He smiles and laughed a little, "of course babe."

After the date he took me back home. Miranda was in the living room drinking tea. "Hey sister how was your date?"

"It was cute." I said smiling.

"Ohh girl tell me what happen." She said patting down the spot next to her for I could sit down.

"Umm okay what are any of the guys here."

"Nope Vic left about 30 mins after you left."

"Okay so he made like a cute picnic at the beach and we just talked and he asked me-" Miranda cuts me off.
"Did you say yes?"


"Awwww my little sister has a boyfriend."

"Shut up I don't want the guys to find out"

~~~~~~~Monday at lunch~~~~

I was talking to the guys when someone puts there hands over my eyes. "Who is it?" I asked with a giggle at the end.

"Someone" by the deepish voice I easily knew it was Pablo. He turned me around and tried kissing me but I quickly stopped him by turning my attention to the guys. So Pablo warped his arms around me waist.
"So are you to like a thing now or something?" Jaime spoke up.

"Umm yeah his my boyfriend now."
I answer his question. Vic looked at me with his eyes showing sadness and worminess.

"Babe you wanna hang out after school." Pablo asked me.


"Maria remember we were going to go blowing today." Vic said.

"Wait when did we say that?" I asked.

"We were just talking about it and you said you would." Vic explained.

"I'm sorry babe ill make it up to you. Okay?"

"Okay baby, later I need to go get some pot from a guy for my friend." Pablo's says leaving.

"Ok" I simple say before he leaves.


"Babe there's only one more week left for school!" Pablo yelled at me excitedly.

"I know Pablo." He took out a joint and lite it up. "You wanna hit?"

"Umm i want to but I don't want Vic to be mad."

"If you want it's right here babe." He said blowing out the smoke.

One little smoke and nothing will happen right? I ask myself. I took the joint and I took a hit. I felt relieved later on we took turns taking a hits.

"Babe I like this feeling." I saying laughing at myself.

"Me too babe."

"Oh I have to get home it's 9 and its getting late babe."

"Aww don't leave baaaabe."

"I have too I'm sorry." I got my skateboard and he did too.

"I'm not letting you go by yourself. Ill skate with you." I nodded my head and he followed me. One I got home we had a little make out session and he left.

"Hey friends why are you here?" I laughed as they all stared at me.

"Maria what's wrong with you?" Vic asked worried.

"Nothing it's just funny." I went straight up to my room and passed out.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now