Chapter 5

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"Shit Miranda you fucken scared me."

"Sorry but you have to wake up it's Friday!"

"Oh yeah whatever ill go to school with bed head ill just change my cloths and shit."

"What ever pretty princess.." Miranda said while walking out of my room.

I got up and changed my clothes not bothering to do anything to the disaster of my hair. I walked down stairs to get some cereal.

As I finished of my cereal I saw the guys pull up in the drive way. "Hey their here." I yelled at Miranda. I walked out and waved at all of them.
"Good morning loves."

"Good morning" they all said at the same time with a little giggle at the end because of my hair. As we left to school we all were silent still kind of sleepy. When we got to school we walked to our hang out spot to kill some time because we got to school early.

We went to class when the bell rang as are usually routine. After the bell to go to lunch rang I picked up my bag and walked to my friends. "Hello.." Vic waved back. "Why is my best friend a loner on this fine afternoon?" I said with a small smile at the end.

"Miranda went to go finish a test, Tony went to a classroom for help with who knows what, Jaime still doesn't get here and Mike well I have no clue." Vic said while poking my stomach.

After a couple of mins all my other friends came back and my sister. "Hey guys so tonight we meet up at the twins house. Ill bring a surprise got it?" Mike said with an overly exited smile.

"What's the surprise?" Vic said curiously. "Don't worry bro all of you will love it.. So you all in??"

"Sure" we all said right as the bell rang.

~~~~~~After School~~~~~~

"Miranda it's already 8 where do u think the guys are at?"

"I bet they will start getting her soon"

A few mins later Tony was the first to come. Then Jaime and finally Mike and Vic. "So Mike what's the surprise?" I asked wanting to find out. He didn't answer anything he started to take out some Jack Daniels out of his backpack.. "Dude your awesome." I said while opening a bottle. He took the bottle away from me and started to drink out of it then passed to me. Vic took it out of my hands and as well took a swing at it.

~~~ 2 hours later~~~~

"Vicccc, your funny" I slur as I play with his hair..

"Okay guys I'm going to do magic" Mike said taking out another whiskey bottle. "This one is called smashed bottle." He got an empty bottle went out side of course all of us following him and smashed the bottle to the ground. We all laughed at him for being so dumb.

Jaime turned on the music and started to dance after a while mike start to dance as well. I looked at Vic he looked cuter then before. "Hey cutie" Vic said snapping me back to reality. "Hey handsome" I said giggling at the end. He grabbed me and started to tickle me, as I feel to the ground it started to hurt to breath so Vic finally stopped and landed on top of me. We kept looking at each other like if time has frozen in this perfect moment.


I looked up and saw that Tony got a picture of Vic and me. Vic got up extend his hand for he could help me up. "Hey you look really amazing.." Vic said while pushing me towards the wall. I looked around and saw that they all went outside to the backyard. I grabbed Vic by his shirt and pulled him towards me. We kissed each other and ended up having a full on make out session. When we stopped to breath we looked at each other and started laughing. I grabbed a jack daniels bottle and drank out of it. Vic took it away from me and finish the rest which wasn't much left.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now