Chapter 13

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A/N hey guyys hopefully you guys like it. This chapter is dedicated to @Lexxiechonny for helping me so much... Thanks Lexxie read her story it's awesome.... Now to the story hope you like it.... ~ Maria

For the rest of the week we did go to school, everything the same as always. It's Saturday and I'm to lazy to even go to the bathroom and pee.
My phone binged and that means I got a text.

Pablo: Hey can I ask you something?

Me: Yeah what's up?!

Pablo: I like this girl and I want to take her out on a date but idk how to ask her.

Me: well do u talk to that girl? Or have her for a class??

Pablo: Yeah I talk to her and I have a class with her and we used to hang out.

Me: I would go to her house (if you know where she lives) take her like flowers or something and just ask her to go on a date.

Pablo: thank I got it. R u busy tonight?

Me: Na just maybe going to hang with the guy. Actually no their all grounded. Why?

Pablo: just wondering. Ill text you later my mom is up my ass about cleaning my room.

Me: bye :)

"Fuck today is going to be boring nobody to hang with." I tell myself.

About an hour later someone's at the door. I walk down to answer it and see Pablo with one flower.
"Hey Maria" he says with a smile.

"Pablo I just wanna make sure who's that girl?"

"You of course"

"Sorry I don't date guys with longer hair then me." I say seriously.

"What?! Are you serious my hair isn't even longer than yours. It's a actually like an inch or two shorter!?"

"I'm kidding dude, I will go on a date with you"

"I'll pick you up tonight at 7?"

"Yeah sure" as I finish saying that I notice Vic walking up to the house and waved at me.

"Tonight at 7 what?" Vic asked curiously.

Pablo answers before me "I'm taking her out on a date." Vic looks at me with worry in his eyes. "Ok ill see you later." Pablo says and skates off.

"Maria, please don't go on that date with him." Vic says seriously staring straight in to my eyes.

"Why not? It's not if anything is going to happen." I say trying to make him stop.

"Because Maria, just spend time with us, remember we're your friends?" Besides I really don't have a good feeling about him." We get silent for a couple of seconds, "I just don't want him to hurt my best friend."

"Vic don't worry I'm still going to hang out with you guys. And now I'm sorry but I'm going to see what I could wear for my date." With that said I went into my room and Vic followed me. "Should I wear a dress or jeans and a shirt or tank top?"

"No dress wear jeans and a turtle neck." Vic said father like.

"Vic I know I haven't had a father but your acting like if you were my dad."

"Sorry I just don't want you with him."

"Vic his a nice guy, don't worry okay." He nodded and till 6pm I started getting dressed, I wore some back jeans and I cute shirt (which is a bit to girly for me) and I put on some black flats with little spikes at the tip.
Right and 7 Pablo got here.

Vic answered the door and I went down stairs once they saw me Vic and Pablo's month drops. "I'm guessing I look nice." I say smiling at them.

"Okay umm no later then 10 and if you hurt her I will gladly hurt you." Vic threaded Pablo.

"Vic stop acting like your my father."I simply say be for getting out the door.

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