Chapter 3

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A/N hello so i hope you guys like my story so far... it would make me amazingly happy if you guys comment. It's my first fanfic so sorry if it sucks but thank you guys for reading it means the world to me... ~Maria

I had on a beautiful white wedding dress, Miranda kept yelling at me "Maria you up you have to walk down now." I stood in front of 2 huge brown doors. Miranda came with a bouquet of flowers she scanned me and said "Maria you look so beautiful" she handed me the flowers and walked out pushing me to come out.

Once I saw all the people the were at least 100+ people. I was walking on the aisle with red rose petals on the ground, as I get near the front there is a guy standing his back towards me he reminded me of Vic. Mike was standing next to the guy ,they both were wearing suits. As the guy next to Mike turns around I notice it really is Vic.

As I get close to him he extends his hand to get my hand. "You look more beautiful then always darling" I could feel myself blushing. Everyone went silent out of no where, they started to gasp and laugh.

I looked back at the people they were just staring at me pointing and laughing. I look down and my arms and wrist they were covered in cuts with blood flowing out of them. The once beautiful white dress was now ruined with my blood on it. Vic looked at me " Your a freak Maria", he started to walk away.

I had tears in my eyes but I ran to catch up to him, "Vic you promised me you would never say that to me.... Your my best friend..." "It was always out if pitty Maria, your ugly a freak and not worth my time, I've always felt pitty towards you, your worthless.
I woke up with tears running down my cheeks, I cheeked the time and it was barely 4:30 am.. " fuck it's Monday" I mumbled. I kept looking at the ceiling trying to fall back to sleep but it was no use.

It was now 4:50am I got up went to the bathroom, I looked at my reflection my eyes were all red from crying still. I just took a shower to pass time. When I got done in the shower I untangled my hair I put a bit of moose and hair spray.

I checked my closet and I picked a dress to wear, I usually don't wear dresses but fuck it lol. It was a back dress that ended above my knees loses from the bottoms. I never wear make up but I put some on today.

It was now 5:30 am I put on my red converse and run down to the kitchen and wrote a note to Miranda.
"Miranda ill meet you up at school don't worry, ill explain later. Love Maria"

I got my bag and skateboard and I left. I skated for 15 mins. I got to an ally and stopped. The brick side wall of a bakery, it has my whole life story with Vic. "Good morning, you came back to finish you beautiful wall, Maria"
"Good morning, Mr.Bake, no I just came to see it, not ready to finish it yet."
"Oh ok, you know this wall is all for you so finish whenever."
"Thank you"

I look at the art I have done, it a mural of me and Vic as little kids growing up together. It translates to childhood into our teen years.(there's even one of him giving me my first kiss) I plan on finishing it when I know what happens to me and Vic in the future, if we grow apart or stay close as friends.

"To bad no one knows about you" I mumbled. It's true the only good art I've ever done no one knows about it.I always come paint spray more to it. I cheek my phone it was barely 6:05am. I got on my skateboard and decide to go get Starbucks, 5 mins. away from here.

As I step into Starbucks someone speaks "good morning" I look up and give them a weak smile. "How may I help you?" Damn this girl is way to cheerful, " hey, umm can I get a venti caramel frapuchnino and a chocolate chip cookie please" I gave her the money and sat down. "Maria" I go and get my stuff. I ate my cookie and half way threw my coffee. Now it was 6:47am good to start going to school. I got to school at 7 but I go straight to a spot were no one is ever at and start hearing music.

~~~~~~ school starts~~~~~~

In English Mike and Miranda try to talk ask me where I was but it was no use because we were taking a test.

~~~~ lunch~~~~

Once I step out if the hell hole that's called class I bump into someone, which makes me fall on my butt.
"Hey, sorry about that..... Maria??"
As he extends his hand to help me up
I notices it's Pablo from science.

"It's alright"
Once I'm up he starts scanning me up and down.
"You like what you see" I say with laughing at the end.
"You look beautiful today... I mean you look always look beautiful but today you look wow.... Breathtaking." He mumbled the last part.
"Haha thanks Pablo" with that said I walk off toward the people I call my friends.

"Hey where were you Maria?" Vic asked with a hint of worry.
"I just skated around, I woke up early"
"If you wanna talk about it, you know am always here"
"Thanks bestie" and I gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
"Wow you look hot today" Tony and Jaime say at the same time, I blushed and said thanks. All of us just talked.


Everything was like every day expect mike got in a fight of course he won.

"Mike why the fuck did you fight him?"
"He punched me first bro"
"Mamas going to be mad dude"
"I'll take Miranda or Maria with me she'll go easier on my like that"

"Yeah come on Vic relax, he just got a detention"

Miranda looked at me and Mike "of course the 2 pot heads"

"I don't do that anymore"I said while we pulled up in front of my house.

"Thanks Vicky wuv you" I said with a laugh. Me and Miranda just run into our house.
"Sister what was your nightmare about?"
"I was marrying Vic"
"That doesn't sound like a nightmare"
"I was in front of the alter an I had cuts on both my arms blood coming out of them."
"Do you know what happen to you and Vic?"
"Actually once he saw that, he said I was just a freak and it was out of pitty."
"Dude you know it was just a dream, relax its not going to happen in real life."
"Yeah I know"

I went outside just to walk around.
A group of "populars" were now walking behind me.

"Look at that stupid emo bitch."
They started to whisper and I couldn't hear what they were saying. I took a turn to another street and they were still behind me.

One of the guys came running towards me.
"Hey beautiful, what you doing all alone?"
"Leave me the fuck alone asshole"
He stopped me by holding my arm but I yanked it away.

"I told you to leave me the fuck alone"
"I would be the best you could ever have you worthless bitch, your fucking trash"
"At least I'm not a fake ass motherfucker"

Some girls came and they started to call me "emo, slut, go kill yourself, your better of died bitch"

They pushed me down and started kicking me. After they were done they left me alone on the ground. I picked my self up and started to walk back home with my head down, letting my tears fall freely, the words they said to me kept repeating in my mind. I went straight up to my room and visited my old friend i haven't seen in a while.

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