Chapter 11

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~~~~3 weeks later~~~~

It's Thursday night and like the past days and by days i mean about 2 weeks I've been going off having fun with Pablo. It was 10:24pm so I slowly walk down the stairs make sure Miranda doesn't see me leave. "Maria where the fuck are you going?" I look back and I see my twin sister with her arms crossed in front of her chest fuck she's mad.

"I'm going to go out with Pablo ill be back in like 30mins." She let out a long sign.

"Fuck no you're not sit down now." I do as I'm told and sit down.
"Ok it's been 3 weeks since you were crying and screaming in your sleep... Then we slept a whole week at the Fuentes house to see your okay. Right when we left you started to hang out a lot and I mean a lot with Pablo. 2 weeks later your even sneaking out of the fucking house, you come back with the smell of alcohol and sometimes even of weed." She looked disappointed at me. "You have been ignoring all of us including Vic your best fucking friend. Your lucky I haven't gone and told Vic about you coming back home everyday smelling like that. What the fuck do you go out and do?" I stay quite "answer me Maria!"

"I don't do anything okay I just have a little fun."

"A little fun, you go out every fucking day." She looks at me for a second "stay home tonight please."

I nodded my head. "Okay ill stay" I walk up to my room and just sit there and think of what I've been doing the last 2 weeks. Okay so I've gone out and hanged with Pablo and his friends which are really chill and drink a bit maybe smoke a joint with Pablo. But Miranda's right I've been ignoring my friends including Vic I stopped hanging out with them at lunch and walked out on them when they come over and I've skated to school and home to be with Pablo. "I'm a fuck up." I mumble to myself.

I took of clothes and changed into my pjs. Once I'm ready to go to bed I sit on my bed and left up my short to see my upper thigh. I trace my finger in every cut I have that I made but the one that stands out the most is Vic's name on me. I then look at my wrist it had scars on it and one was extra deep which was very noticeable. I lay in bed and drift off to sleep.

~~~the next day~~~

I woke up I got ready for school and I wait in the living room the front door opens and Vic comes in. "Oh hey your actually here" he said trying to give me a smile I smiled back.

"Hey Maria have you ate something yet?" I quickly nodded my head yes. It was a lie but ill eat at lunch or dinner. "Okay then I guess we're ready Vic."

We got into the truck and see all the guys there. "Maria your actually here" they all said I just gave them a smile.

All my classes went the same as alway lunch did too but Vic kept looking at me as if he was checking up on me. I didn't really talk today.
Last period came around and I was the first to be in class. "Hey Maria" I look back and it's Pablo I gave him a quick wave.

"Hey what happen last night? We had a joint with your name on it" he said while laughing at the end.

"I was kinda busy. Sorry I didn't text or anything." I said while sitting down.

"Na it's alright how about tonight or this weekend."

"Umm I can't I'm kinda going to be busy. Sorry." I said while looking at my binder.

"It ok, when ever you wanna hang just hit me up or well you know where we hang out at."

"Yeah thanks for the offer." I smiled then Jaime and Tony came into the class. Class went on and I just kept joking around kicking Pablo and throwing shit at his hair.

After school I went with Jaime and Tony to wait for everyone else. When we all got in the truck Vic asked a great question "who wants Starbucks?" We all yelled yess and went to Starbucks. When we all got our drinks we went to my house to hang out.

~~an hour later~~
"Let's order pizzaa to eat!" Mike yelled.
"Okay." Miranda got up and orders pizza for everyone.
When the pizza got here everyone ate, i zoned out for a couple of mins.

"Here i got you a piece." Vic handed me a piece of pizza.

"Ummm thanks." I started at the pizza and took small bites out of it not even finishing half of the piece.

"Maria what would you do with Pablo and his friends?" Tony asked out of random.
"Yeah what did you do?" Jaime also asked.

"Umm nothing, we would just hang out you know." Miranda looked at Vic almost as giving him a sign but I shook it off. About 20 minutes later we were all watching tv. "Maria?"

I look at Vic "yeah?"

"What did you really do with Pablo and them?" I look at everyone and they are all starting at us.

"Umm.." I said

"Guys can you stop staring please?" Vic told everyone they took the hint and left the living room and went to the backyard. "Please tell me the truth." Vic said. He look right into my eyes.

"Vic please don't be mad at me." I said while starting to get tears in my eyes cause I knew he wasn't going to like it.

"I won't be mad at you if you tell me the truth." I nodded my head.

"Okay, I would try sneaking out everyday and well first we all just got to know each other and then we started to drink alcohol you know to have f-fun and then.." I looked down at my bare feet.

"And then what?"

"T-then they took out weed. They asked if I wanted and I said no but about 2 days later I finally said yes. So I took a hit at the joint then the rest of the last days only me and Pablo would share the joint and well I got high." I felt tears coming down my face then Vic clean them off with his thumb .

"Why did you go back to weed? I know you didn't just smoke it because they kept asking you." Vic knew me to well.

"I-I keep wish to not feel at all I really wanted that feeling of not getting hurt or being sad or in pain. I don't have that nightmare often I've just got it once this week. But I keep replaying everything that happen in that house. I just can't forget it all the hitting the yelling." By the time I finish saying that Vic is hugging me.

"Maria everything is okay we're going to find a way that we have proof and send frank to jail, okay" i look into his eyes and he smiles. "I love you Maria and i promise to do my best to always have you safe."

"I love you too, i also promise that to you Vic keep you safe."

Vic smiled and look at the plate that he just notice on the coffee table. His smile quickly faded, "Maria you still aren't eating well."

"I know Vic but I'm trying" he nodded his head after we finish talking we went outside with everyone and they were making a fire.

"Maria can I brow your phone?" I handed Vic my phone. "Is it okay if I call Pablo?"

"Umm sure?" I said it sounded more like a question. He called and put it in speaker.

"Hey Maria you're up to blaze it tonight?" He sounded a bit to happy.

"Hey no it's Vic. Maria's friend" Vic said seriously.

"Oh shit, what's up man" Pablo said

"Nothing I wanted to know if when Maria was hanging out with you guys if she would eat much?" Vic asked Pablo he went silent for a minute started to think I guess.

"Umm na not that much she would say she already ate or she just eat a little why man?" Pablo questioned.

"Just wonder thanks later." Vic said.

"Alright Later man." Pablo said ending the call. Vic started at me for a while disappointed of course. "Miranda is it ok if I sleep over tonight."

"Yeah why don't we all just sleep over?" Ever one cheered in agreement. "All of you guys have extra clothes here just call your patents." Miranda said. Ever one took out there phone and called there parents.

We hand an all nighter just talked and played games even truth or dare. We ended up falling asleep around 6 in the morning.

A/N happy Valentines day lol so this is my gift to all of you who take time and read my first story... Well hope you guys like it comment and vote please ~Maria

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