Chapter 8

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~~~~~Maria's POV~~~~
White that's all I see as if I was on a cloud, I slowly started to walk around trying to find anything, anything at all.
"Maria?!" I hear my name I'm scared to turn around. But as soon as I turn around I was in shock.

"D-daddy.." I say once he gets closer.

"Yes Maria I've missed you so much baby girl." He said pulling me into a hug. I had tears going down my cheek and he gentle wiped them off.

"Daddy please come back.. I need you and so dose Miranda."

"I'm in a better place baby, I know both of you are my little soldiers ." He said as we walked to what seemed to be a bench.

I talked to him about everything in my life about the things Miranda, Jaime, Tony, Mike, Vic and me do. And about the mural I'm making of me and Vic.

"Maria I know you can't see me down there but I'm always watching over both you and Miranda I love you two more then you could imagine." He looked down and took a deep breath. "You should be going princess, they are starting to worry about you."

"But, Dad this seems like a peaceful place."

"It is. But you have to go back to your sister and friends."

"Daddy but I like it here can't I stay here with you?"

"I'm sorry baby girl, you can't. Don't get me wrong I would love to have you here but you have people that really care about you...", "you know Vic really cares about you."

I look at him and right when he says that I blush and look down. "But dad I wanna be with you."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug and said "it's not your time baby.." He slowly started to walking to a bright white light. "I'll always be with you when you need me. I love you princess." He said.

"i love you too daddy" He waved bye at me and as soon as he did that he was gone my father was gone.

"Daddy please come back." I yelled tears streaming down my face."please daddy don't leave me." But he didn't come back.

A/N btw on the side thats how Maria's dad looks like expect he has brown eyes and is Mexican.(if u can't see it its Drake Christopher from catchingyourclouds)
I'm sorry this is really short I just thought I had to add it in... ~Maria

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