Chapter 17

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~~~~~Vic POV~~~~~
I got off of Maria's bed and walked towards the door, I face her and said, "Fine, let me know when my best friend comes back. I miss her and haven't seen her for over a month." I meant all that I said. I slammed the door of her room and walked down the stairs to go to the front door. I notice Pablo standing there with a smile on his face. "What do you want?"

"Mad cause she wants to be with someone other then you." I wanted to beat the shit out of him just for saying that but if I did I would loose my best friend even more.

"I swear if you hurt her, you better watch yourself. I will kill you with my own hands if I have to. Stop with the drugs there missing with both of you to much."

I was about to walk way but he spoke up. "Don't worry we're gonna try some new stuff tonight. If you know what I mean." As he finished saying that he took out a condom from one of his pocket and a pill from another pocket.
I was about to punch him but instead I pushed him to the ground and left to the front door slamming it harder then I did before.I walked around trying to calm myself down.

~~~Maria's POV~~~
I hear another knock on the door and Pablo walks in. "Hey beautiful." He said with a little giggle at then end, yep he was already high.

"Hey babe." I said trying to forget what Vic just told me. He handed me a little bag with a pill inside. "What's this babe?"

"It's angle dust (PCP). It makes you feel gooooddd." He says but ends up laughing. "Just take it." He said while still laughing.

I got some water and drank the pill down. While the effect was kicking in me and Pablo ended up having a make out session. Next thing I know Pablo is shirtless, so was I he was unbuckling his belt. "No wait." I tell Pablo.

"What wrong babe?" He asked trying not to stop this moment.

"I don't want to do this I'm not ready and were both going be high."

"No we're doing this." He tries to take of my short but I don't let him.

"No Pablo I don't want to!" I yell at him. I felt a sting on my cheek and I instantly put my hand over my check. I realized that Pablo had just slapped me. I try pushing him off of me but it was no use the pills was kicking in and I felt even weaker..

~~~Vic's POV~~~
I stopped walking around and I reached to my house where everyone was at. "Vic do you know where Maria is at?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah she's at your house with Pablo." As soon as i finished that I realized that I left my best friend in danger. Pablo wants to have sex with her. I ran as fast as I can to her house and up the stairs to her room.
"Get the fuck off of her!" I yell at Pablo he looks at me not caring what I had just said.

~~~~Maria's POV~~~~
I hear someone yell at Pablo and push him off I realize it was Vic but the pill took full affect of me. Everything became blurry me.

~~~~Vic's POV~~~~
I push him off of her and he falls to the floor. Maria is on the bed still not moving her cheek is red. I kick him and punch him until someone pulls me off. I looked at my little brother and the guys Tony said, "we followed you when you left running out." Now I understand.

"You better leave or we will call the cops on you." Mike warned Pablo. He nodded and left. I look at Maria she started shaking really bad. I run to her side "Maria please relax."

"Let's take her to the hospital she's having a spaz attack." Tony says.
We all get in a car we slit up in two cars and we go to the hospital. They take her in right away not letting us know what happen.
I wish this was as easy as when she needed help when we were younger.

"Vic!! But I can't!" Maria yelled at me as I try climbing up the tree. "Por favor, ayúdame a subir al árbol Vic." (Please help me climb up the tree Vic)
I go down the tree and help Maria get up the tree with me. We sit on top on a branch and just talk.

"Best friends for ever right Vic?" Maria asked holding up her pinky to me.

"Best friends for ever Maria no matter what happens." I interwind my pinky with hers.

"We have always been best friends ever since you were born and we will always be best friends." I told my best friend.
~~~end of flash back~~~

"Vic don't think of bad times with Maria think of the good things she's going to be okay she's strong remember." My little brother reassured me. I smiled at the thought when I first got to meet and hold Maria."

"Hey Vic you wanna come and meet my daughters?" Christopher (Maria and Miranda's dad) said.

I nodded my head and he took me up to a glass window of a room. He picked me up and he pointed at 2 pretty little babies. "That Maria" he pointed to one baby. "And that ones Miranda." He said pointing to the other one.

"Pwetty" I say to him.

"Your always going to protect them right buddy?" I nodded my head admiring the babies.

~~ 2 weeks later~~
"Can I hold one pwese Chris?" I asked.

"Okay, okay let's see which one looks happy." He picked up the one with a white shirt and pink blanket around her. "Okay buddy sit down and put your hands out." I did as I was told and he place Maria in my arms.

"Smile Vic." Ashley (Miranda Maria's mom)said she took a picture of us.
I grabbed her pinky and said "friends" to baby Maria.

"Vic I know your going to be a great friend to my princesses." Chris said.
I nodded and kept looking at the happy baby in my arms.

"Chris she smiled me." Maria gave me a smile.
~~end of flashback~~

She's always had such a beautiful smile and I loved it even more when she smiled cause of me or for me.

I can't believe I remember all that from when I was like 2 years old. Now I'm here about 15 years later and she's in the hospital again for my fault. She's fighting for her life again because of me. I promised her dad I would always protect her. This is all my fault.

I was siting on the chair with my face in my hands when Miranda walks up to me and asks, "Vic what are you thinking of?" I had to look up at her, her eyes blood red from crying.

"It's. All. My. Fault." I replayed slowly.

A/N hey guyyss hope you like it. and again thank you so much Lexxie for hwlping me with this chapter love you duuudddddeee..thanks for reading comment and vote please.... ~Maria 

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