Chapter 10

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I woke up normally no tears no bad dreams, I open my eyes and I meet Vic's beautiful brown eyes staring straight into mine. "Hey sleepyhead."

"Good morning" a smile crept on my lips.

"So we're going to school today get ready." My smile quickly faded.

"Okay but you better tie my shoes then" I said with no emotion. I quickly got up and took of my shirt off.

"Woe!" Vic said once he saw I had taken off my shirt.

"It's not as if you never seen me like this Vic." And I changed into different clothes a plain black t-shirt and black skinny jeans with my high top vans and of course untangled my hair. I went to the living rooms and see my sister and Mike ready to go.

Vic came out and got the keys "mama were leaving for school" Vic told his mom. She came out and told us goodbye and off went to go pick up Tony and Jaime then to school.

When i step into school i remember that I have a scars/cuts on my wrist and quickly make Vic take off his jacket for I could wear it. My first class was normal like if we never even left also the rest of my classes and now it was lunch. I'm walking to are hang out spot. "Hey look the little slut is still alive! We were ready to go to your funeral and then have an after party." Amber the most fakest of all girls also known as a "popular" yelled at me. I just ignored her and walked away no need to get in a fight.

As I get closer to my friends they all have cookies for some weird reason. "Here have one" Mike told me.

"No thanks I'm okay not really hungry" I said just staring at him.

"Maria come on I didn't see you eat anything this morning." Vic said as if he only wanted me to hear.

"Na I'm okay not very hungry." I quickly changed the subject and the bell to go to class rang. I went to my 5th class and just did my work, after that I went to history then my last class Bio.

"Hey Maria finally your'e back I though you moved or something" Pablo said.

"Hey na I wouldn't move away from San Diego well I'm not ready yet." I said he was the first to actually care I was back.

"What happen? Why were you gone for so long? You know if I may know."

"Umm just family problem but its all good." I smiled at him "thanks for caring."

"Dude no problem were friends" he said. I nodded in agreement. Then Tony and Jaime got here and we just talked about stupid things. The bells rings and I'm about to leave when some one graves me by my wrist. Lucky me he grabbed my left wrist and I try not to yell in pain even if he did grab me gently. I turn and Pablo had a smile on his face, "hey wait we should hang out after school someday if that's alright with you," Pablo said.

"Sure ill give you my number and we could meet up and hang." I quickly wrote down my number on his binder.

"Alright I'll text you later"

I gave him a quick bye and walked with the guys.

~at Vic's house about 3 hours later~

"Time for dinner" mama told me, Vic, Mike, and Miranda. We wash are hands and go to the table. Again I just picked at my food Vic looked at me and with worry in his eyes and I took a small bit out of the meal just make him think I'm actually eating.

After dinner Mike and Miranda had to clean up, me and Vic just went to the living room. "Maria?" Vic said.

"Yeah Vic"

"Follow me" he grabbed my hand and made me follow him. We walked to the nearest park that all of us alway would come to when we were younger. Vic sat on the grass and so did I, "Maria when's the last time you ate a full meal?"

"What do you mean Vic, I just ate one." He looked at me straight in the eyes he didn't buy that one bit.

"Tell me the truth", He begged.

"Okay.." I started to think back to when that was.. " it was the day that my mom took us to Anaheim and she kicked you guys out of the house."

"Maria that's been almost 2 weeks"

"I guess it has been but I'm fine Vic nothing's wrong."

"Don't give me that crap come on you have to eat at least a little before today ends."

"Vic I don't want-" he cuts me off.

"Nope come on let's go." He picks me up and carries me and we go home. Once we get home he makes me a grilled cheese sandwich. "Here eat at least half of it." He put the half of the sandwich in my hands.

I look at the sandwich and then look at him, "I'm not hungry Vic." I keep looking at him, " please don't force me to eat it."

"Please Maria, your dad wouldn't want you to starve yourself."

"Can I at least get a glass of milk please." Vic smiles and gets me a glass of milk. I look at the sandwich and I take one bite of it and Vic smiles even more. I look at him and he gives me a sign to keep eating it I shack my head no. I got the glass of milk and drank it all. "I'm done Vic."

"Come on one more bite and ill let you be." I get the sandwich and take another bite.

"Happy?" He nodded his head. I walk into the living room, "Mike, Miranda? Do any of you two want half of a grilled cheese sandwich?"

Mike nodded his head and I gave him the sandwich. Vic walks in and smiles at me and randomly asked Miranda, "do you when was the last time your sister actually ate a full meal?"

Miranda started thinking, "well I saw the last two dinners we have had she didn't really eat much.... Ummm" she was still thinking "oh my god Maria you haven't ate since that day mom took us back."

"Don't worry about it dude I'm fine he already made me eat a little." I said mentioning over to Vic.

"Ok I just don't want my little sister to start having an eating disorder again." Her saying that reminded me of how I used to to have an eating disorder luckily it didn't get to a bad point.

"I won't ok, either way were twins we look the same maybe I'm the older one." I say all confident.

"Is your name Miranda Elizabeth Rodriguez?" She asked jokingly.

"No but my name is Maria Alexandra Rodriguez"

"Well I was born one minute before you were" she smiled "best minute of my life." We all bursted out laughing.

"No but really I want my sister to be safe." Miranda says hugging me.

"I love you sis." She said while still hugging me.

"I love you too hermana"

A/N it's February 10 and its my baby's birthday his 31 now... Well because it's Vic's birthday I decided I would post a new chapter. Thanks for reading hope u liked it and please comment and vote.... ~ Maria

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