Chapter 12

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~~a couple weeks later~~ (middle of May)

Everything has been the same, Vic has been helping me a lot with my eating problem. We have just being having fun and doing what we do best joking around. It's Sunday and the guys are suppose to come over at 2pm which is about 30 minutes from now.

I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom I strip down and take a nice shower. When I'm done I wrap my towel around my body and look for clothes. I end up wearing black jeans and a plain white shirt. I started to hear things being thrown around and falling. Yep the guys are here I look at myself in the mirror.

I walk down stairs "hello my friends!" I yelled at them. The all yell back at me. "What are you guys doing? Where's Miranda?" The all smile.

"Miranda is in the closet." Mike said with a sneaky smile at the end.

"Why would my sister be in the closet? Or should I ask why did you put her in there?" I asked really confused why she was there.

"It was Jaime's idea, she was asleep on the couch so we put her in there." Mike explained. As soon as he finished there was a bang on the door.

"UNLOCK THE FUCKING DOOR ASSHOLES!!!" Miranda screamed and she keeps banging the door. Everyone laughs and you could just tell how pissed Miranda was.

When we all stopped laughing I asked again, "what are you guys doing?"

"Oh yeah umm we are discussing about ditching school tomorrow. We aren't sure if we should or not.." Vic explained. Mike finally opened Miranda the door and she heard what Vic said.

"Oh well I'm in if you guys do want to ditch." I say hoping we do ditch.

"Hey no your not going to ditch no more Maria." My sister says.

"Why shouldn't I Miranda."

"You ditched a lot with Pablo so you need to get your grades up."

"What the fuck my lowest grade is a C and that's on math I suck at that." I say in my defense.

"I don't know why we even have that stupid math with all there weird as problems we aren't going to use it in the real world." Jaime comments.

"Okay ,okay we will just have a vote then, if you don't want to Maria to ditch then raise your hand." Vic says. Miranda raises her hand but no one else dose.

"Don't you guys care about her graduating or not?" Miranda says. Then Tony raises his hand. "Come on Vic don't you want your best friend to graduate?"

"Hey I have faith in her. she is going to graduate." Vic says and I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Okay then Maria gets to ditch school too."

"Wait what days is tomorrow?" I ask, I have a test on May 22.

"It's going to be May 19" I nodded happy I wasn't going to miss a test.

For the rest of the day we were technically just throwing things at each other and they left at night.

The next day around 11 we all meet up at the beach no cars just our skateboards. We all just got here but were already just bored sitting down.
"We should make sand castles duddee!" I say to all my friends.

"Partners??" Jaime asked.

"Yep okay so guys choice your patterns." I said to them. Jaime gets Miranda, Tony gets Vic ,and Mike gets me.

"Now what Vic I got Maria!" Mike yelled at Vic.

"I'm still going to win little brother." Vic laughed.

"Okay let's start."Miranda yelled. We started to build a castle which was an a total fail for all of us. We all just used are hands so they were just really bad ,but hey at least we tried.

After an hour of trying to build one we gave up, we ever tried to make one all of us together but still didn't work. Everyone was splashing in the water Mike scared off some little kids. So I went off to where a couple rocks are and I sat on the biggest one.

I started to think, think about what I wanna do in life if I'm actually ready for it, about school. "Hey?" I turn around and see Vic. I smile at him and I pat the ground for him to sit next to me.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking about the hell hole we call school."

"Don't worry 3 more weeks left and we have summer vacation. Just think positive for 3 more fucking weeks." Vic says smiling at me.

"Vic your almost out of high school. How am I going to make it through the rest of high school with out you?"

"Don't think of that right now lets just enjoy our time together."
For the rest of the day we were at the beach but at 3pm we had to go back home.

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