Chapter 33

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Summer passed by fast Jenna left back to Chicago and all of us went to go visit my grandparents. We all still hanged out, Vic would have to help his dad out a lot more so would Mike but not as much or he would go have to be a referee at a soccer game for little kids. (A/N that was actually one of his jobs. He said so himself on the Talking With Soup interview.)

School was school yeah the 'populars' bullied me again but I didn't give a fuck no more I wanted to finally get out of that hell hole. Vic as he said did go to San Diego state, all of us our all getting good grades in school. Okay yes we all got into a fight including Miranda but hey we could sill go to prom.

~~~~ two days before prom~~~~

"so we all got our tickets for prom now?" Jaime reassured. "Including Vic's?"

"Yes Jaime we just need to fill out the paper work for Vic's because he already graduated and is now 19." I replied and I handed Vic the paper work. He filled everything out and gave the papers to Miranda.

I went into the kitchen to grave a water bottle. Vic came up to me, "come." He simple said and mentioned me to follow him. We went up to my room and he looked hurt, worried ,and sad. He looked at me straight into my eyes. "There's a guy going around saying that he had sex with you.. His telling everyone that you wore a little outfit for him and were doing a bunch of shit." Vic sounded anger.

"If that guys name is Brandon, the popular are making him say that his new to school. Either way Vic were not dating you shouldn't care." I say kinda bitchy to him.

Vic started to get closer to me, our body's were really close, our faces nearly an inch apart. "It's been about a year since I've touched your lips." He stared to lean in to kiss me and we did but I pulled apart.

"Vic, you have gotten girlfriends and I bet you have slept with them. I've gotten only 2 boyfriends one moved away we didn't even kiss and then Pablo we kissed, it was getting to the point we were going to have sex but he fucked up our relationship."

"I've gotten like 4." He says.

"Just don't get angry I've only slept with you..... If you do get jealous keep it in like I do." I mumble the last part hoping he didn't hear.


"Prom. Fuck this year went by fast." Miranda says as she puts on her dress.

"I agree with you. But I'm happy we're going to graduate already hey we get to be merch girls." I laugh and so dose she.

"Well I'll be the merch girl and you will kinda help out once you get knocked up by Vic." She laughs.

"Dude shut up! We haven't done anything either way.." I slip in my shoes and the guys arrive. "Let's just enjoy this night, Mike got whiskey." I say excitedly..

At the venue it was amazing, very romantic but at the same time just fun and exciting. We all actually danced around had fun enjoying the night as we are still young. Again at 11:30 they told us to go back home.

When we left Mike handed us a bottle of jack Daniels, me and Vic decided to walk to the hotel room, everyone else left in the car (the hotel room was 15-20 mins. walking.)

Vic passed me the bottle of whiskey and I took a big sip and handed it back to him. I sat on the side walk and looked up at the sky. "I stole one hundred million stars for you." Vic said, I laugh a little letting the alcohol take over me.

"My lips are numb." I said and giggle. Vic pulled me in and kissed me, I push away and keep walking I start recognizing my surroundings.

"Hey Maria look there's a painting on this wall." I look at Vic and I see the bakery and I see my mural Vic gets close to notice it. I go by him and notice the part I did with color pastels were washing off I didn't care it didn't ruin the mural. "Dude the guy looks like me and the girl looks like you." I mentally curse my self. He looks completely at the painting and looks at the corner and my signature is on it.

"You? You did this." Vic says and smiles. I nodded my head and he hugged me, "our past." He knew me so well I didn't have to explain it to him. After a couple more minutes of staring at the mural we went back to walking to the hotel. We kept drinking the whiskey, Vic took the last sip and threw the bottle to the ground, making the bottle shatter to the ground.

The night went by fast and pretty exciting, at the hotel room we got drunk. The rest of the night was pretty much a blank I remember the dance but not much of what happen after prom...

A/N so officially the next chapter will be the last. I tried making the last chapter this chapter with the next one but I figured it would be to long. So I'm cutting it up into two pierces. I'm almost done with the next chapter the latest I'll post up the new chapter is Monday. Okay thanks for reading.. Hope you liked it...~Maria ❤

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