Chapter 32

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"Fuck my last complete day at school." Vic said.

"Dude have you gotten back a letter from any of the university's you applied for?" I ask.

"Yeah I got one back from San Diego State University, last night actually." He said kinda sad.

"Did they accept you?" Tony asked.

"Yeah they did. I'm planing to go for graphic designing mean while all of you graduate, then we can start trying to get booked for tours or bigger gigs." Vic explains, "and of course Maria and Miranda will be our merch girls.",everyone cheers.

"I can't believe next year were all alone now. Its just going to be Mike, Tony and me." Jaime says with a sad tone. "I won't have my buddies with me no more."

"Don't get me sad Jaime. I don't want to leave non of you and I'm still going to try to stay here." I say confident. "I'm not leaving with out a fight." We arrived to school right on time and went straight to class.

We all walked to lunch, I look at Vic and I feel sadness over flow me." I can't leave San Diego I want things to go back to normal me and Miranda living in the house alone, doing whatever we want." I tell Vic.

"What if we get an apartment by our selfs or I move in with you guys?" Vic try's to help.

"Nope they want a relative or someone the relative trusts and Jenna may be immature but she wouldn't leave us with you." I say giggling and Vic just smiles.

"I know you won't give up easily, you always put up a fight." Vic tells me. We kept walking to our hang out soot were everyone was at already.

"Everyone is going to the graduation right?" Vic asks curiously.

"Yes Vic, trust us you will notice us once they say your name." Miranda says while giggling.

"I've notice when Miranda and Maria giggle it kinda sounds the same. But there voices our different and their both different but same." Jaime said.

"Jaime you get confusing sometimes but you have a point their giggle is similar." Mike agreed. Vic and Tony also agreed.

"Yeah but their laughs are different." Tony said. Mike and Jaime began tickling us to hear us laugh and we got weird stares from people. The bell rang and we all stared at each other.

"Man I'm going to miss this all of us here at lunch." We all said in unison which was pretty creppy.


"Everyone dinner tonight at our house." Mike said after he ended the call with mama Fuentes. We all nodded and in came Jenna looking all happy.

"Some one looks happy!!" I yell at her. "Someones going to get laid!!" Jaime yelled.

"Hey so tonight were going out for dinner, we need to talk about moving." I roll my eyes.

"Jenna I love you, your my tía but not tonight were going to have dinner with Vic's parents." I say as sweetly as possible.

"Oh that ok then, umm how about when you come back from dinner?" I nodded and off she went to her room.
"Thank you so much for dinner mama." I say while hugging her.

"No problem I love having you all here. Sweety, Jaime stop throwing stuff at Tony." Mama said sweetly.

"Come on.." Vic mentioned me to follow him. We went into his room and hanging was his graduation gown. "I can't believe this is all coming to an end." He told me.

"I know it's feels as if it was just yesterday that you were teaching me how to use the skateboard when I was 6. Now your graduating and I'm leaving." I say sad.

"Hey don't be sad, umm we could come up with something." He looked in deep thought. "Dude I got it. What if Jaime's mom or Tony's mom is legally your guardian. I bet Jenna actually trusts them. Like that you guys still get to live by yourself but legally their moms are in charge of you two."

"Vic your fucking smart I could fucking kiss you." I blurt out. He blush and we quickly went to tell everyone else.


"You actually think Jenna would let us?" Miranda asked.

"Dude yes. Tony ,Jaime do you think your moms would like to take us in?" I ask hopeful. They called up there moms to come over to the Fuentes house to talk to them.

"Okay Ms.Perry, Ms. Preciado... I was wondering if you guys could help me and Miranda.." I say. The nodded for I could continue talking.

"We were wondering if maybe you could legally be our guardians like one of you, for we won't have to move to Chicago. We could stay how we are but like you would have to sign papers for us till were 18 that's only for 2 years." Miranda said.

"Will have to think about it." Ms. Preciado said. "We will tell you tomorrow." Ms. Perry said after. After talking to them more they left and took Jaime and Tony with them.

"Wow life.." Mike randomly says while sitting on the ground besides the couch. "I hope they actually are willing to like adopt you." He continues.

Vic nodded "lets go to the beach right now the four of us then maybe tomorrow will see what happens." Vic says. We agreed and went off to the beach in Vic's car with out looking back and caring no more.

We all went running into the water throwing one another into the water me and Miranda had shorts on and we took off our shirts so did Mike and Vic. Mike got me and pushed me under water and he came down with me. We got out and We were all shaking of coldness.

"Vic I'm really cold." I said, we all tried and hugged each other and went to Vic's truck. "Turn up the heater." I demanded. Mike turned it up and we began going home. We got to the Fuentes home and just stayed there. Vic, Miranda, Mike and me all feel asleep on the couch an floor after we changed out of our at clothes and bathed.


"I'll see you guys after the ceremony." Vic said while walking off with his cap and gown. We went to go find a good sit and we all sat and waited. Meanwhile Mike, Miranda, Jaime, Tony, papa and mama Fuentes were all talking. When it finally started we all actually paid attention to the speeches and then they started calling the names for the diplomas.
"Victor Vincent Fuentes." We all cheered and yelled Mike had a blow horn and started messing with it.

After graduation we all met up with Vic and took a group picture and just random pictures. When all that was done we planed to meet up later on and me and Miranda went home.

"Where were you?" Jenna asked.

"Graduation and we came early home to get dressed for Vic's graduation. Then left." Miranda replied.

"Okay well Tony's mom and Jaime's mom came and talked to me. They agreed on Jaime's mom being your guys guardian till your 18. Now it's up to me to say yes or no." She says seriously.

"So?" Me and Miranda say in unison.

"I could tell you guys really don't want to leave. So I'm letting you guys stay but your going to have to visit me and your grandparents once a year they miss you too and a phone call once a month is helpful but they want to see you guys. It's been 3 years since they haven't seen you two." Miranda and me were really happy and we agreed on visiting them, we could even bring the guys with us.

We waited till we all meet up to yell everyone that we were going to stay and of course we were all happy and excited now for next school year.. Well everyone except for me and Vic.

A/N okay so big news this story is coming to an end... Either last chapter will be the next chapter or there's 2 more chapters left... Depends on the things I need to add. Thanks for reading hop you like it's... ~Maria❤

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