Chapter 9

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All I see is black, I thought I was died until, I hear Vic and Miranda's voices but it just sounds like an echo."How long do you think she's going to be out for?" Miranda says. I try opening my eyes but I can't they feel to heavy "I don't know but I hope she wakes up soon.",Vic said.

I hear a door open and close everything went silent. "Maria please wake up baby I need you here with me I can't lose you." Vic said I could notice by his voice he was either crying or was about to. I try my hardest but I can't open my eyes or move Vic hasn't said anything for a while maybe he gave up on me. I try opening my eyes again.

Everything was so bright I closed eyes again to fix my vision. I look to my right and I see Vic asleep on the chair. I forgot what had happen but everything came back to me Frank hitting me touching me and me ending up in the closet hoping I was died. The door slightly open and it was a nurse she smiled at me, "well hello you finally woke up." She sounded so sweet and nice. She noticed I was looking at Vic and said, "He hasn't left your sight since you've been here, his even slept here. He really loves you."

I blushed and look down "umm how long was I out for?" I asked as polite as I could.

"Two days almost three." She looked at the time and said "it's actually only 4:30am just saying if you were wondering."

"Thank you" I said smiling at here.

"I'll go tell the doctor your awake and we will run some tests on you just to know everything is fine. Ill be back later." She said smiling and leaving. As the door closed Vic opened his eyes. I smiled at him and he stood up and ran to hug me. "Oh my god your awake baby I need to tell the nurse."

"No Vic she came in and saw me she knows already."

"Oh okay. Well I've missed you so much I knew you weren't going to give up like that."

"Vic I don't wanna be here I wanna leave back to San Diego."

"Don't worry we're leaving when you get to leave." He looked at me with a smile then he look serious. He moved the blanket on me a little and lifts up the hospital gown a little exposing my right thigh. I look down and notice what he was looking at. "Why did you do these Maria? You carved my name into your thigh to deep and it made you loose even more blood. Why did you cut?"

"Vic I couldn't take it any more the voices in my head were coming back , i thought you just wanted to forget me and then Marilyn" I stopped my self from specking once I noticed I said her name.

"Who's Marilyn?" He asked "you know I won't ever judge you, you could tell me anything."

"S-she's a girl that came out of no where she looked like me but with bright red hair and red eyes. She kept telling me these things Vic." I was crying by the end and Vic hugged me.

"Shh it's going to be okay if she ever comes back let me know okay?"

"Okay Vic but can this please be a secret. I don't want them to think I'm going crazy and send me to a mental hospital."

"Yes I promise." As we finished talking Mike Miranda Tony and Jaime walked in hugging me and happy to see I'm okay.

We talk a lot and I just started to zone out a lot but then the nurse came in. "Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to tell you guys Maria is free to leave we just need a parent or guardian to sign some papers."

"Umm can I just sign them?" Vic spoke up his the oldest one out of all of us but his only 17.
"Can I see some sort of ID to make sure how old you are." The nurse asked.
Vic took out his drivers license and gave it to her. "I'm sorry Vic but your only 17 it has to be some one 18 years or older. I have to go cheek something ill be back in a min or two."
She left and closed the door.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now