Chapter 16

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I woke up, the sun hitting my face, I looked at the clock and it was already 12:30.. Fuck I slept in way to much, I took a shower and got ready for the day. As I walk down the stairs I find Vic sitting on the couch with Miranda. It's been a week since I hanged out with them and I've been doing the same thing each day hanging with Pablo and his friends and either getting high or getting drunk. I walk down stairs to leave already.

"Maria come over here." Vic said waving me to go.

"May I help you?"

"Let's hang out today?" He said it in a demanding/questioning voice.

"Sure what time though?"

"3pm, for right now you could do what ever you want."

"Ok got it see you later."

"Where are you going?" Miranda asks just to make sure.

"With my boyfriend." With that said I walked out and got my board and went to Pablo's house.


"Hey babe, you came." Pablo said with a smile.

"Of course I did." I retuned the same smile to him.

"Who wants to play 7mins in heaven?" Jordan one of Pablo's close friends asked.

"I am so in." I immediately said. I look at Pablo and he nodded.

We all sat down in a circle and got an empty beer bottle. "I wanna go first!" I say overly existed. I get the bottle and spin it as hard as I could. It spines about 3 times and then Pablo stops it pointing towards him. He gives me a very cute smile and gets up helping me get up too.

"Wow we all know that going to be an hour in heaven for them." Jane another friend of Pablo says. Everyone laughs and me and Pablo enter his room. He slowly pushes me up against the wall and starts kissing me softly.

After a couple minutes things started to get heated up. I push Pablo on to the bed and start kissing him. He takes off his shirt, letting me touch his tan body. My hands were getting tangled in his long hair. We hear the door open and we stop. "Wow shit sorry" Jane says as she walks out I get off of Pablo and call her back in.

"What do you want Jane?" Pablo asked her.

"I was going to tell Maria that she's been getting a lot of phone calls from umm Vic?" She thought about it," yeah Vic, his called you about 6 times , I actually walked in cause I thought you guy were just smoking a joint not actually that." She said point to Pablo because he was still shirtless, then she walked out.

"What dose Vic want?" Pablo asked me.

"Umm I don't know probably just wants to check up on me like always." Pablo shrugs it off.

"So what were we in?" He says in a sexy voice.

"I don't know lover boy but put your shirt back on" I say as I walk out of his room.

"Fuck finally you guys are out. That was more then 7 minutes." Louis Pablo's best friend tells me.

"Relax dude what time is it?" I ask.

He took out his phone to look at the time ," 3:30 why?"

"Just wondering I feel like I forgot to do something." Pablo wrapped his arms around my waist. "Maybe if you forgot it, it wasn't very important."

"You're right babe." I say giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

Pablo walks off and goes to Jane and throws a pillow at her. "Thanks a lot I was about to get laid." Pablo says jokingly. Jane just laughs at him.

The time passed fast and now it was 11:45pm. I look up at Pablo we were laying on his bed almost passed out. "Babe I need to leave its late."

"You sure babe? I like when you sleep over." He says in a child like voice.

"I do to babe but I don't need them to hate you even more." He nodded his head and got up as I did too. "Either way Pablo you look sleepy."

"I am but I'll take you back to your house."

"Alright babe." I say, he gets his car keys and he drives me back home. Lucky me, my sister wasn't awake.

~~~Next morning~~~ (around 10am)

I've been rolling around in my bed since 7 in the morning and I can't fall back to sleep. I quickly got up and look around my room it looks clean. I take a quick shower but change into some clean random shorts and a black tank top. I sit on my bed and my phone rings.

"Hey what's up babe? Your up early." I say giggling at the end.

"Good morning beautiful, are we going to hang out later?"

"Yep of course why you ask?"

"Cause my mom is actually home"

"No problem babe you could come over to my house."

"Alright babe I just wanted to tell you that."

"Okay later."

"Bye beautiful." And I end the call.

About 30 mins later I'm still just sitting on my bed watching tv. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!?" I say loud enough for the person behind the door to hear.

"Hey Maria" Vic says coming towards me sitting on my bed.
"Hey Vic" I smile at him but he looks sad.

"Thanks for forgetting about me." He says sadly.

"What do you mean Vic?" I ask honestly confused.

"Yesterday you said we would hang out and you left me I called you and you didn't return my calls."

"Fuck Vic I'm truly sorry. I forgot fuck I was busy with Pablo and just fuck."

"Make it up to me by hang out with me today?" Vic told me but it sounded more like a question.

"I'm sorry Vic I can't. Pablo is coming over for once." He look at me and he looked very very unhappy.

"Maria I've had it. You forgot about all of us and made time only for Pablo. You blocked me your best friend ,and your own sister. I don't want you to hang out with him anymore." He was not only anger he sounded more hurt out of all.

"You know what Vic, you can't fucking tell me who I can or can't hang out with." I say anger at him.

He gets off my bed and walks towards the door he turn around facing me. "Fine, let me know when my best friend comes back. I miss her and haven't seen her for over a month." He left and slammed the door.

Vic's words were getting to me they hurt me, I was mad at him but they really got to me. About a minute later I heard the front door also get slammed but he slammed it even harder then mine something else got Vic mad but what?

A/N hope you guys liked it. And thanks again Lexxie for helping me out. Love you duuuudddeee.... ~Maria

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